We Buy Some Kitchen Related
Antiques & Vintage Collectibles
deal in Early American Antiques oftentimes referred to as Americana. We like figural cast iron and
from the early American kitchen and home. We specialize in things
of a mechanical nature, or what we refer to as Americana with a purpose.
This includes things like unusual antique eggbeaters, butter churns,
mechanical mixers, apple peelers, can openers, corkscrews, nut crackers,
nutmeg graters, and more.
Antique & Vintage
We buy Antique Corkscrews / Can
Openers / Ice Cream Scoops and other related
Patented and Mechanical Antiques!! The corkscrews pictured on this page are examples of the type,
style, vintage, condition and quality of these devices that we are
primarily interested in buying.
If you have
corkscrews or other types of antique openers that you want to sell, please contact us at AntiqBuyer@gmail.com providing as many details as possible.
I buy & sell many different
varieties of antique and
vintage corkscrews and other wine related memorabilia.
Many are graphic, mechanical, patented and
can still be found. Prices can range from just a few dollars for more
common varieties to mid 5 figures for rare and desirable examples. Vintage corkscrews fit right in with the
main focus of our tool, technology and mechanical related interests.
Americana with a purpose.

We are seeking vintage corkscrews
ranging from early patented American examples
to interesting mechanical corkscrews from other
have sold many interesting antique corkscrews over the years, and
I would like to share with you some pictures and information about some of the nicer or more
interesting examples.
In addition to corkscrews we are also
interested in buying other early pre-1900 patented antique bottle, jar,
and can openers
as well. We have
had and sold some rare and exotic
examples of these as well, and are always on the lookout for more.
If you have an interesting or
unusual corkscrew or patented can
opener for sale contact us by email at
with details
I once got a
nice ivory handled one (pictured above top left corner) which was
made by Michael Price, the renowned California Gold Rush-era cutlery maker.
I found it at a local show here in
California amongst a table full of Beanie Babies. A once in a
lifetime find. Those kind of finds are few and
far between these days. We have not been seeing many other interesting
corkscrews or openers here in California
recently even
though we live in what is now known as a great wine grape growing (viticulture) area.
To see and get a good idea of other antiques that we are interested
in please visit our sister site
where we have other quality and
interesting antiques for sale that are generally focused on mechanical and patented
antiques from the home, shop, farm, and office. Please visit that
site if you have the time.
& Antique Mechanical &
Ice Cream Scoops / Dishers
If you have any ice cream scoops that you want to sell, please contact us at
AntiqBuyer@gmail.com with details and we will get back to
you ASAP.
We have bought and sold a lot of antique ice cream scoops, or ice cream dippers
the years, and we actively seek soda fountain & ice cream related antiques to add to our
antique sales webpage
We use to buy and sell scoops as quick as we could find them to a
few good customers. At some point in this
process we realized that we were continually seeing certain scoops over
and over, and other scoops we had only seen once or twice and never again
after we sold it.
We are interested in a lot
of different mechanical and
patented or technology-related antiques and strange devices of all different sorts, and
ice cream scoops or ice cream dishers
are just one of many categories of collectibles that fit into this definition
of antiques and collectibles that we buy, sell, and deal in.
On this page I will show
you a few scoops we have had over the years and tell you a little about each. The
scoop below is generically know as a slicer, and was introduced
during the Depression as a means to save
the storekeeper a penny here and a penny there in extra ice cream that he
was dishing out unnecessarily. This scoop ensured that the
customer never got more than a leveled-off half scoop for his nickel. The United Slicer ice cream scoop / slicer shown above is a somewhat harder to find
variant than the
look-alike Dover Slicer and sells for a bit more as well.
We are interested in scoops or dishers that have an unusual feature or different shape or size bowl
the norm. The picture below is of two ice cream dippers that
have split-apart bowl features. The one in the front is unmarked other
than a small "Pat Pend" inside the handles. This ice cream
scoop comes in at least two different sizes that I know of.
ice cream scoop in the back is of a more dubious
design, and instead of having one wire scraper inside the bowl to push the ice cream out,
this one has two that start in the middle and both go to the opposite
sides. It too is a pretty difficult to find scoop.
Other vintage ice cream scoops that have a similar feature to this are the Bohlig, and the
Mosteller, both of which have bowls that rotate or split apart, and these are the style or type of ice cream scoops
that are desirable.

next picture is of a group of unusual molds
or scoops. They are ice cream related. I have an ad
for these from an old magazine that shows that there were 6 different
shapes of these made or available, and the Diamond was not one of them so you can stop
looking for it. The first one on the left is the Masonic
symbol of the
square and dividers, as found on a lot of their pieces, and not an A and
W as I originally thought. These molds were produced for use at
social functions for fraternal organizations and the like.
final picture, on the left, is of an antique ice cream scoop that I have never seen before, and is
not in the Smith book that was put out a number
of years ago on this subject. I have never been to one of the Ice Screamers Ice Cream Scoop
Conventions, and would love to go with this in hand to see
if there was interest in it. Who knows, perhaps it is as common as an cyPi or
Kingery, but I doubt it.
Antique Eggbeaters
WWe are
primarily interested in earlier patented eggbeaters from before the turn of the
century. The patented
eggbeater pictured above, known as the
Express is a prime examples of an eggbeater having dashers
or paddles that are very different.
The Express or Flyswatter beater was patented in 1887 and utilized a wire "fly-swatter
dasher or paddle that makes a back-and-forth motion. The Loll
Beater, pictured at the very top of the page, has revolving cast iron "fingers" that do the egg

Another example of an unusual patented antique eggbeater because of its form is the right-angle Holt Lyon eggbeater. This side-handle egg beater
was manufactured in two
different sizes and with variations in the gear wheel and
dasher design over the years. The Holt Lyon Co. manufactured a number of different mixers,
beaters and churns. Some were hand-held and others designed as jar
beaters such as their 1 pt. and 1 qt. cream whips and mayonnaise mixers.
Other good cast iron and early patented eggbeaters include those with names such as:
Monroe's Patent,
Earle's Patent, The Perfection beater, the Washington Egg Beater, the Manhattan, Minard's Liniment, the Belmont, the Advance, the Hub, the Acme, the Dodge
Race Course, and many, many others. All of these beaters are either very
early patents, or eggbeaters with odd and unusual dashers, or early versions that
were in production for just a very short time.
Click this link if you would like to see past sales results
Antique Eggbeaters. Past Sales Results for other types of Antiques
are also linked on the right.
If you have similar antiques you would like to sell,
please contact us at
AntiqBuyer@gmail.com with details.
Antique Mixers & Churns
of the earliest types of churns were syllabub churns used for making a
dessert made from a mixture of milk or cream, wine or cider, sugar, eggs,
nutmeg and cinnamon. These churns were generally designed as a tin
cylinder-shaped container with a plunger style dasher having a perforated
disk of some sort at the end of the handle.
BBack near the turn of the last century was the heyday of what are now
considered collectible churns and mixers. As time passes tastes have
changed somewhat and today electric mixers and churns are gaining in
popularity and value as collectibles. While we look at and
appreciate some of these later kitchen tools, for the most part we limit our interest to earlier
mechanical examples. On the left are 3 more examples, the S & S, a Holt
Lyon on original jar, and a Universal Mayonnaise mixer.
Click this link if you would like to see past sales results
antique Churns
& Mixers we have sold. Past Sales Results for other types of Antiques
are also linked on the right.
If you have similar antiques you would like to sell,
please contact us at
AntiqBuyer@gmail.com with details.
Dazey Butter Churns
Probably the best-known manufacturer or brand of butter
churns are the
Dazey line of butter churns. They came in different
ssizes from 1
qt. to 8 qt. and with a
variations in the way the Dazey logo is marked on the
jar. Another variant is those that have an
embossed flower on the bottom. The 1 quart Dazey #10 is the smallest size in that line---and until the advent of the
internet was considered very
scarce or rare. Now
there are numerous Dazey 1 Quarts on internet auctions every week, and
their values as well as those of many other previously considered rare kitchen
antiques have settled downward considerably.
A Special Note: There have been numerous reproduction Dazey Churns
introduced to the market in several sizes. Dazey never made a Pint
or 1/2 Pint glass butter churn or a salesman sample size glass churn. Those available and offered for sale these days are all reproductions.
It is a shame eBay talks about frauds and fakes, buyer protection, and all
of that and
then fails to do anything to actually limit the sales of such frauds.
SHAME on them and the dealers who offer them as something other than fakes
with a wink & nod!!!
Other Antique Butter Churns
Pictured on the right is the Jewel
beater / mixer which
was marketed as an eggbeater, cake mixer, cream whipper, and churn.
It was manufactured and patented by Juergens Bros. of Minneapolis,
Minnesota near the turn of the last century. This particular beater
as well as many other early churns and beaters were only produced for a few short
years, It went through design changes so that there are variations
that are very hard to find.
Other similar cast iron rotary beaters with glass containers are the Judell, the E-Z Mixer, the Butter-Fly Mixer, the Turn-A-Minit
Churn, the Moller Churn, The Globe, either in glass or the cast iron
version, and others.
The unusual patented cast iron clamp-on
churn pictured here is unlike anything we
had ever seen before, with the
most prominent features being that it is chain-driven and that it
still retains much of its original black japanning and decorative
red pin stripping on the body and wheel. The
patented feature of this churn was for the air passage that the
inventor allowed through the dasher and up through the shaft. This is a feature that
considered important and incorporated into many eggbeater and
churn patent designs from this period.
The wall-mounted swinging pendulum churn
pictured here is another example of an unusual and rare butter churn. This one ranks right up there
with the best of them for being one of the most graphic and interesting in
design. To operate this churn you swing it back and forth along the
half circle gear / hanging bracket, which in turn drives the
internal dasher. When you think of wooden churns you generally
think of the large barrel-style churns that sit in a rocking cradle,
but those are much more frequently found.
you have an antique kitchenware that is early and unusual, please contact us at
AntiqBuyer@gmail.com with as many detail as possible and we will get back to you ASAP.
Vintage &
Antique Electric Toasters
We have an interest in early
electrical technology and devices. We conduct antique
toaster and other electrical antique sales from our sister site www.Patented-Antiques.com.
If you want to see past sales results see
Toaster Past Sales Page
The first US patent for a toaster was granted in 1906, and the first
successfully marketed toaster was General Electric's model D-12
(pictured on the left). This early electric toaster came in several
variations over the years. This toaster was also available with
a decorated base and over the years the heating element and design of
the rack changed a couple of times.
The Red or Blue Willow pattern
toasters are a very popular toaster and
command a premium
over more common toasters. Other
assorted solid color porcelain / ceramic base vintage
electric toasters like the Toastrite Pan Electric Man. Co.
and Porcelier antique toasters are
also desirable and in demand. They do not sell for what they once
did, but still bring good money. These toasters came
in at least 5
different colors or decoration schemes. Porcelier Co. ceramic
toasters came in several models and in a
variety of different decorations and iridescent color
schemes as well.
During the heyday of production
innovative designers / makers offered different designs and today
different styles are referred to by nicknames describing the way in
which they operated---droppers, floppers, tippers, perchers, pinchers,
sliders, swingers, flat beds, pop-ups, etc. Within each of these
designations there are easy to find examples and some very hard to find
Condition is very important to value and
toasters that were stored properly
or still in use in Great Grandma's old time kitchen and still look great today
are usually pretty nice. Rusted out,
burned up, banged up
relics that got thrown in the basement with a dirt floor or out in the
garage where they rusted are not going to be desirable or have much value.
Vintage Electric Toasters represent American innovation at its best, and there are plenty of examples of
great or zany
ideas that
went into the seemingly simple task of making a
piece of toast. On the right is an Edison, or Edicraft Clam-Shell
Toaster. I have seen this toaster in the past sell for as much as
2500.00, but in today's market when offered on eBay they do not break
I kept my last one too long and learned that lesson the hard way.
everyone was scrambling to try and get market position in this world of
new electrical technology, the designers were developing some very innovative and interesting
visual designs. The
different makers
were trying to sway the fickle consumer to
their product line. It was during this era of innovation, that every imaginable idea
was tried to
impress the housewife or husband who had not yet heard about not buying
presents for the wife with plugs on them. Toasters were introduced that had timers,
moving conveyors, automatic pop ups or downs, and a host of other novel
We are active and
serious buyers, sellers and dealers in antique toasters and other early
electrical devices. If you have
something that you want to sell please let us know by
contacting us at AntiqBuyer@gmail.com
To see past sales results for toasters and much more, please
visit the Sales Archives through the links on the right.
To see many other examples of these types of antiques
that I currently have for sale please go to our sister site
at www.Patented-Antiques.com.
Nutmeg Graters
and mechanical nutmeg graters are another category
of antique
& vintage kitchen
tools that we deal in. The one pictured here is very uncommon. Other nutmeg graters that we would be interested in
were patented by Carsley, Sexton, Ames,
Davidson, and others. As with most other collectibles there are some
very common nutmegs that can be found like the MTE, Edger,
and others. 
are interested in patent models of
any nutmeg grater,
or other early kitchen devices. Pictured
here is a patent model of what would otherwise be a relatively
common nutmeg grater. The fact that it is a patent model, meaning that
it is the model that was submitted by the
inventor to the US patent office in the late 1800's as documented
by the patent office tag, makes it a one-of-a-kind example and is what
gives this piece its value and its interest to us. We deal in and
sell patent models of all sorts of antiques, not just of kitchen items.
If you would like to see examples of past
sales results for similar Kitchen antiques
CLICK for Kitchen Archive
or any of the Past Sales archive links on the right.
If you have similar antiques you would like
to sell, please contact us at
AntiqBuyer@gmail.com with details.
Apple Peeler / Parer
Patented and mechanical apple parers, apple peelers and apple slicers
are of interest. Pictured
here is one of
the most graphic and mechanically sophisticated examples manufactured. It is known as the Thompson.
Another example pictured here
is the Lightening, also known as the Quadrant, which is a clamp-on apple parer that also operates on a geared arc. This apple parer / peeler
comes in
several variations, any of which would be of interest.
Other apple peelers, parers and slicers that are considered rare and we can help
you sell are the Sun,
Tripp Bros., the Bergner, Pratt's Patent, the
Buchi, the Star, the Climax, and many others. There are also many common peelers / parers
around that rarely sell for more than $20.00.
Click this link
if you would like to see past sales results
Antique Apple
Peelers and related. Past Sales Results for other types of Antiques
are linked on the right.
If you have similar antiques you would like to sell,
please contact us at
AntiqBuyer@gmail.com with details.
Misc. Antique Kitchen Devices
Two other categories of collectible kitchen antiques that we
deal in are raisin
seeders, like the one pictured here, and cherry pitters. These
were intended to be labor-saving devices, although many were
of dubious merit. It is the wilder ideas that were in production for the
shortest period of time and those that did not go over well with the
buying public that we are most interested in. Common examples are worth little and little in demand.
milkshake mixers and other soda fountain and ice cream related antiques
are also items we actively deal in. The milkshake or malt mixer
pictured here is an early electric one, but what we are most interested in
are mechanical non-electric models such as the Coles Manufacturing Co.
rotary shake maker. There is also another non-electric mechanical version made by the
Enterprise Manufacturing Co. as well as others.
The above are examples of the
caliber, condition and quality of American kitchen antiques that we are primarily interested in
If you have quality antiques that you want to sell, please contact us at
AntiqBuyer@gmail.com providing as many details as possible. Thank you!!
To see other antique
or vintage Americana that we currently have for sale please go to our sister site
at www.Patented-Antiques.com
Thank you!!
Larry & Carole