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Winchester Woodworking Planes
#3063 1" Dado/Rabbeting Plane Sargent made this plane for Winchester during their short
lived foray into the consumer tool market back before the onset of the great depression.
Through a series of marketing missteps and because of the worsening economy during
this period, Winchester who was in partnership with Simmons Hardware, had to give
up on their plans to dominate this portion of the consumer market. This plane
is in like new condition, with the exception of the cutter, which the previous owner
has modified on the top to serve as a moulding cutter of some sort. By doing
this he has lost about 1/4 of height to the top of the cutter and has made the top
of the cutter round. The original working end appears to have never been sharpened.
The japanning is well over 97% and the nickers are as new. You will not be
disappointed, it is the nicest one I have ever seen.
Good . . . . .$ 295.00 SOLD
Winchester #3201 (#78) Rabbit
Plane As is the case with most Winchester
tools and planes, this one has seen considerable use. It has approx. 50% of
the japanning, and a rich even patina. There are no casting problems but there
are some bangs and dings as is to be expected. This plane was made by Sargent
and I believe has the proper fence and rod. I could not find the wing nut
for the depth stop in the box where I got this, and so had to replace it with another.
Metal bodied planes marked Winchester are always a challenge to find, and this one
is no exception.
Good . . . . .$ 145.00 SOLD
Arms Co. No. 3075 Scraper Plane
Winchester Repeating Arms Co foray into the tool market was quick and eventful.
They came close to going bankrupt over it.
Winchester did
not actually make their line of tools but rather contracted out their orders
to other tool makers like Stanley, Ohio Tool, Sargent, and others and then relied on
their name recognition, reputation and slogans like "Good As The Gun" to succeed.
That was not enough and Winchester pretty quickly got out of the tool and
hardware business. Nice!!
Good + . . . . . $40.00
Winchester 3041 Transitional Smooth Plane
This is a Sargent made plane marked Winchester. When Winchester
entered the tool market they contracted out to different tool makers like
Stanley, Sargent, and Ohio Tool to make their tools and then branded them with the Winchester name. Same strategy as Simmons
Hardware used with Keen Kutter and their tool line. It was a great
success for Simmons and a disaster for Winchester.
Winchester planes are typically all beat and used up.
This example is pretty nice. Proper Winchester marked cutter, good wood body that is pretty
thick. Good handle and knob. Throat area is OK, etc. No issues to mention.Good + . . . . . $50.00
3092 Block Plane
Used but OK. Different, and Unusual.
Good . . . . . . . $25.00
3091 Block Plane
(Stanley # 103) This Winchester block plane is in used but sound condition. Good cutter
w/ great Winchester stamp. Nice throat A hard to find size adjustable block plane
by the most famous gun maker the world has ever known.
Good + . . . . . $ 30.00
Winchester #3080 Scraper Plane
Sargent made this plane
for Winchester during their short lived foray into the consumer tool market back
before the onset of the great depression. Through a series of marketing missteps
and because of the worsening economy during this period, Winchester who was in partnership
with Simmons Hardware, had to give up on their plans to dominate this portion of
the consumer market. During various periods they had either Stanley, Sargent,
or Ohio making tools for them, and then relying on their reputation
and marketing to allow them to sell these products with their name and logo on them.
This plane has been repainted and the sides lapped, but it still looks good.
The cutter is stained and pitted, but it is original, and with a loop you can make
out the Winchester name in script on it across the middle. All Winchester
planes are hard to find, and especially so the scrapers.
Good . . . . .$ 150.00 SOLD
Winchester #3058 Spoke Shave
There are some Winchester tools
you see pretty regularly, but their spoke shaves are not one of them. I believe
this was made by Stanley, probably back in the 20's when Winchester had their line
of hardware stores around the country. It was short-lived, and most legitimate
Winchester tools are pretty hard to find these days.
Good . . . . .$ 75.00 SOLD
Winchester #3 Size #3004 Corrugated Smooth Plane by Sargent Winchester
entered the tool market under the assumption that with their reputation that
they could and would succeed in this new non gun venture. It almost
bankrupted them and they dropped the entire idea, reorganized the company, and
returned their focus to guns which they made and knew.
Winchester did not actually make their lines of
planes and other tools. They farmed it out to companies like Stanley, Sargent
and others. Stanley made planes were designated as W3 or whatever the
size was. They were a Bedrock design. Sargent made Winchester
planes were marked with a 4 digit number beginning with a 3 as this one is
marked behind the frog. Their planes were actually well received and sold pretty
well. They are usually found well used and are seldom found in this nice condition.
The logo or ditty Winchester used to market their line or tools was "As
Good as the Gun"
The condition of this 3 size corrugated bottom
plane is like new. A super piece!
Fine . . . . . .$ 125.00 SOLD!!
Winchester #
W 9 1/2 Block Plane This is a very nice
example of a hard to find Winchester block plane. It was made for them by either Ohio Tool co.
or Sargent. Winchester did not actually make their line of
planes and other tools, they farmed it out to companies like Stanley, Sargent,
Ohio Tool Co. and others. The lateral is marked with the W 91/2 and I
believe it is by Ohio because of the round handy features on the side but it
might be a Sargent product. It is in very nice condition with a full length properly marked cutter.
It will make a fine addition
to the Winchester tool or gun collection! Good as the gun!! Different
and nice!!
Good + . . . . . . $ 45.00 SOLD!
# 3011 (5 1/2) Extra Large Jack Plane This
plane was made by Sargent for Winchester. It is in beautiful original
condition. All Proper, and all very nice!! As the famous Winchester
Repeating Firearms Co logo went, "As Good As the Gun". Fine . . . . . $125.00 SOLD!!
W5 Jack Plane
(Stanley Bedrock 605) This Winchester jack plane is in used but sound condition.
It was made by Stanley and based on a Bedrock plane design with the same milled frog mating
design. It dates from the 20's or a bit before. Replaced cutter.
Wood OK. Nice throat. Minor pitting and a couple stray scratches.
Overall nice. A plane offered by the most famous gun maker the world has ever known.
Good . . . . . $60.00 SOLD!!
Union / Ohio Woodworking Planes
Union Tool Co # 41 & 42 Swing Arm Tongue & Groove Planes The
larger 41 is minty nice and the smaller size 42 has dull nickel and is also very
nice. The equivalent to Stanley's no. 48 / 47 T & G planes.
Nice.41 - - - - Good . . . . . $75.00
42 - - - - Good . . . . . $60.00
Tool Co. 01 Smooth Plane The Ohio
# 01 is a far
rarer plane than the popular Stanley # 1 version of these small planes. These rare planes do not come
to market very often.
Ohio # 01 smooth plane is in fine overall
condition. The World
Logo cutter is long and nice. There is no rust
or pitting to speak of. The original japanning is
about 95% with minor losses near the handle. The solid back lever cap has no pitting or rust and is very nice.
The throat is good. The dark rosewood handle and knob are
nice. The collector applied a coat of clear lacquer as was his custom, and
a practice more generally accepted back when he did it in the 80's. It
will clean off. A super nice example
of a rare plane that will be the highlight of any
plane or tool collection. Fine . . . . . $2250.00 SOLD!!
# 2 Smooth Plane This is a hard to find
version of a Union #2. The bed is marked behind the frog unlike most
seen. The Mahogany handle
and low front knob are nice. The lateral is stamped Pat Apl'd
For. The cutter is full length and looks to be thicker / heavier
than the norm. The original japanning is about 90% or better. The throat is proper and has not been opened. A pretty nice example.
Fine. . . . . $245.00 SOLD!!
Tool Co. 05 1/2 Plane This plane has been lightly cleaned, and has a nice dark
even patina. There is no rust or
pitting to speak of. There is at least 80% of the of the japanning if not more.
Good Wood. The proper cutter is nice, long, and tapered. Good throat. No
damage or issues. Overall it is a very nice plane and good enough for the collection, or will be a fine user. Nice!!
Good + . . . . . . . $50.00 SOLD!!
Tool Co. X-5A Large Jack Plane Union Tool Co was another CT based tool maker who went
up against Stanley trying to compete with the king. They offered a line
similar to Stanley's along with a few different ideas in an attempt to get some
market share. They were around for a while but in the end were
bought out by Stanley. Their line of vertical post X planes was one of
those attempts at offering a different product. They are interesting, but not one of the greatest designs
compared to say Stanley's Bed Rock line. Not rare, except for the # 1 size
they made, but not common either.
This example is the size of a 5 1/2 and is in overall nice condition noting the top of the handle has gone missing.
It is one of the harder sizes to find. Nice.
Good + . . . . . . $ 65.00
Tool Co. # 4 1/4 Smooth Plane w/ Adjustable Front
This Union Tool Co. plane, marked # 4 1/4 was one of Union Tool Co.'s more unusual design planes.
At first glance it looks like a typical size #4 plane, but this version has an adjustable front piece like a 9 1/2
block plane or first model #10 rabbit plane. It is so unusual that
no mention of, or examples can be found using a Google search.
plane is in overall nice condition noting a small chip in the throat. Nice.
Good + . . . . . . $ 295.00 SOLD!!
Union 9 1/2 Block Plane
This Union Tool Co. Block Plane is in fine original
condition. Approx. 90% of the original japanning, and no pitting, or
other condition issues. It has a nice properly marked cutter. A
pretty rare piece in the scheme of things. Note it has excelsior style side
rails. It also has a patented front adjuster different from Stanley or
other designs. Nice!!
Fine . . . . . . $35.00
411 (Stanley 113) Compass / Circular Plane Nice!!
The Union 411 is a
compass plane clone about identical to the Stanley 113 from UNION Tool Co.
The Union Tool Co. was a CT based tool & plane manufacturing company Stanley bought out
around the 1920s to get rid of the competition. Union also made a version marked 311, but called their unmarked model, like this, the 411.
Nice overall condition.
Minor losses to the nickel and japanning. No major issues, a nice plane that will be a good user.Good + . . . . . $125.00
Birmingham "B Plane" 9 1/2 Block Plane w/ Excelsior Body
This "B Plane" 9 1/2 size Block Plane is in fine original
condition. Approx. 90% of the original japanning, and no pitting, or
other condition issues. It has a nice properly marked cutter. It was
made by the Birmingham Plane co of CT a main competitor of Stanley back near
the end of the 19th century. A
pretty rare piece in the scheme of things. Note it has excelsior style side
rails. Nice!!
Fine . . . . . . $50.00
#22 Transitional Smooth Plane This is a nice looking plane with good wood and
a nice sole. The paint is original and good. A tough plane to find.
Good + . . . . .$45.00
Tool Co. # X-8 Jointer Plane The Union Tool
Co. competed with Stanley as best they could until they were bought out by them
in the 20's. They made a line of planes very similar to the standard
Stanley line and also produced this line known as the X series with a vertical post adjuster.
This design did away with an adjustable frog, and the blade was
adjusted by the lever and brass nuts on the post behind the frog. The condition is
like new and these are a popular collectible and pretty hard to find. Different and
very nice!
Fine . . . . . .$145.00 SOLD!!
Tool Co. #44 Beading Plane Rare & Excellent
are the first two things that come to mind when describing this unusual Union 44
beading plane. The
nickel plating is well over 95% and shows just minor wear on the sole inside the
bead. The # 44 is cast into the side, and Union in the handle, but they
were not marked on the frame or elsewhere with the size. Ads from the era
indicate it was made in 3 sizes, 1/4, 3/8 & 1/2 and this is a 1/2". There
is a pic of one and a write-up on page 259 Vol. 1 of Roger Smiths work on
American patented planes.
Union Tool Co. use to compete with
Stanley Rule & Level Co. and offered many planes that were nearly identical. In
a few instances they designed and produced planes a bit different than the
Stanley version or offered something entirely different that Stanley did not.
Union introduced this pane shortly after the turn of the century and very few
have ever been found or come to market. Stanley bought out Union in the
1920's getting rid of the unwanted competition and they dropped or eliminated
this design.
I have seen auction results as high as 2,400.00 and only
recall seeing one other at a tool meet for close to that amount. A rare and desirable plane!!
Fine . . . . .$895.00 SOLD!
X 3 C Smooth Plane This is a nice looking plane with good wood and
a nice sole.
Good + . . . . .$95.00 SOLD
X #4 3/8 Smooth Plane
This was the Union Tool Co. contribution to the
rare and unusual plane / cutter adjusting idea in an attempt to corner
some of the plane sales market Stanley was gathering up. The patent for this
idea was issued in 1903 and consists of a vertical post w/ 2 locking nuts to adjust
the cutters depth of cut. These planes were offered in sizes from the #0 (#1) through
the #8 size, with the smallest, largest, and odd-ball #'s being the hardest to find.
This # 4 3/8 is closest in size to a Stanley # 4
1/2, the oversize smooth plane Stanley offered. This oversize smooth
plane is in very nice original condition with 90% of the original paint or more
remaining. There is ever so light pitting on the sides and it was cleaned
years ago. The cap iron is marked 4 3/8ths. There is patent info in the base.
The Rosewood handle had green paint on it which I removed. I am not sure if
it is original to the plane or not. A very nice, and hard to find plane.
Good + . . . . .$495.00 SOLD
Tool Co. # 02 Smooth Plane This
Ohio #2 size plane has been cleaned and had a coat of protective lacquer
applied. It looks pretty good. The previous collector did that
to most all tools he had. He bought and catalogued over 15,000 tools
before he died in the 90s. Good + . . . . . $250.00
Ohio 04 Smooth Plane
Look close at the rear of the frog on this plane. This plane has
a frog adjuster that Ohio tried to introduce to their line just after the
turn of the century. My understanding is that Stanley immediately sued
and won even though this style adjuster is a bit different design from
Stanley's. The tabs are actually cast as part of the base, kind
of like Sargent Shaw's patent planes. In any case, it is a pretty rare
variation not seen very often. Note that there is a small chip out of
the side rail on the front. It also has the wrong cutter in it. Nice.
Good . . . . . .$95.00
X #4 Smooth Plane Union Tool Co. competed with Stanley as best they could until they
were bought out by Stanley in the 20's. In addition to the line of planes
that mimicked Stanley's they also introduced some ideas of their own into the
market. One of those was their X series of bench planes. The #4 size
is in nice condition, and all proper. The collector applied his
signature coat of gloss lacquer to protect it. A nice plane!!
Good + . . . . . .$75.00 SOLD!!
Millers Falls Tool Co. Woodworking Planes
Falls # 209 Smooth Plane Millers
Falls Tool Co. introduced this unusual finish smooth plane in 1938 to
commemorate their 70th anniversary. It is highlighted on the cover of that
catalog. Millers Falls is well known for their innovative designs and
attempts to carve out some market share from the king of the pack, Stanley by
introducing new and different designs for their line of tools. A few years
after this they introduced and offered what has become known as the "Buck
Rodgers" line of planes and tools that also have a very unusual look to them.
In general Millers Falls produced a very nice product, and went a step further when they
introduced this model with its clear Red "Permaloid" plastic handles, and
Chromium finish on the exposed metal parts. It does stand out, and has a
look above the others. The previous owner did etch his name
very lightly into the side rail. You can hardly see it. Other than
that it is near mint and looks to have never been used. Nice!!
Fine . . . . . $375.00 SOLD!
Falls # 85 Duplex Rabbit / Dado Plane
This is
Millers Falls version of the Stanley #78. I had to install a new lever cap
as the original broke. That involved a bit of file work to get the slot in
the cap to work.. The owner just put it up on the shelf and moved on.
It looks to have seen little use.
Good + . . . . .$ 95.00 SOLD!!
(Millers Falls) Duplex Rabbet Plane Very
nice and as good as Stanley's popular 78 Rabbet plane in every regard.
Fine . . . . . $45.00
Millers Falls # 17 Block Plane Very Nice!!! 90% or better of the original japanning.
Millers Falls put out a quality product that rivaled Stanley products in their hey-day. This 7" block plane plane is identical to the popular
Stanley 15 block plane and has seen little to no use.
Good + . . . . . $35.00 SOLD!!
Falls #07 B Skew Block Plane The 07
plane was Millers
Falls answer to the Stanley #140 skew block plane. The adjuster is a
different design and that is probably the B reference stamped on the side The condition is as
nice as one could ask for. Nice!! Fine . . . . . $90.00
Falls 07 B Skew Rabbet Block Plane (Stanley No. 140) The
removable side plate has some areas of pitting. The plane body and sole are
pretty nice. Well over 80% original japanning
and good long cutter. Proper good cutter. Side plate screws are
original and proper. A good user.Good . . . . . $90.00
Falls # 07 Rabbit Block Plane (Stanley # 140) in Original
Box The japanning on this 07 / 140 block plane is near flawless
and the sole is bright and shiny. The throat is nice as well. The box
is nice. You will not be disappointed.
A tough plane to find in the box and in this condition.
Good. . . . . . . .$195.00 SOLD
Falls #07 Skew Block Plane / Original Box This
plane was Millers
Falls answer to the Stanley #140 skew block plane. They are a fine tool
and work well with the angled cutter for end grain work or cleaning out rabbits
with the removable side plate. The box has been taped, but the plane is
all original and near mint! SUPER!! Fine
. . . . .$ 175.00 SOLD!!
Falls #07 Skew Block Plane Same as the 140
with a similar adjuster to the Stanley. Nice!! Fine . . . . . $60.00
Millers Falls 709 Buck Rogers
Smooth Plane 10 3/8" long - 2 1/2" wide.
Nickel loss to the cap. Overall very nice! Good + . . . . . $145.00
Millers Falls 714 Buck Rogers
Jack Plane Overall very nice! Good + . . . . . $145.00
Falls No. 900 Smooth Plane One of their
later efforts after the Buck Rodgers era. Nice. Fine. . . . . $35.00
Falls No. 77 Router w/
Aux. Depth Stop Collar & 3 Cutters The cutters
Wood is nice. An auxiliary collar for depth stop is included.Good . . . . . $125.00
Falls #209 Smooth Plane The designers at
MF were way ahead of their time design wise offering novel designs trying to steal some of the market share
from Stanley. One idea was their Buck Rogers line of planes and tools and this premium upclass model
plane that they finished in Chrome w/ Lucite handles.
They did not make many, and few survived in this condition. Different.
Good + . . . . .$495.00
Falls No. 14 B Jack Plane This Millers Falls jack plane has seen little use and spent most of its life
sitting on a shelf. There is little sign of it being used. No issues, no apologies. A nice plane. Fine . . . . . $50.00 SOLD!!
Falls #67 Router Plane This one only has one cutter. It is nice enough for the shelf, or
will make a good user.
Good+ . . . . . . $45.00 SOLD!
No. 3732 BB (Stanley # 65) Low Angle Block Plane This 65 looks pretty good and will
make for a good user. It has lost most of the nickel from the cap,
but is otherwise pretty nice.
Good . . . . . $50.00
Millers Falls No. 88 Jointer Plane Fence Gauge
Upgraded model w/ wood knob. Cam locks to fit on the side rail of metal bodied jointer planes, or could be screwed to
wooden bodied or transitional planes. Nice! Good + . . . . . $65.00
Other Woodworking Planes
name and patent date info is cast into the body. It has a nice carved
handle. The cutter is marked and OK. This design planes was
originally known as the Buckeye and hailed from Ohio. The second run
were contracted for by Norvell Shapleigh Hardware. Good . . . . . . $75.00
s S / Siegley (# 26) Transitional Jack Plane A
really nice condition transitional plane offered by Siegley a well known but
obscure maker. It was made by Stanley for Siegley around the turn of the
century. 2" wide cutter makes it the size of a Stanley 26. Cutter
is marked S s S and stands for Siegley - Steel -
Stanley. Those found with a t in the middle indicate a tapered cutter. It
is the only marking on the plane. You could not ask for a nicer condition example.
It is near mint.Fine . . . . . . $75.00
Shapleigh Hardware Co. Diamond Edge / DE-7 22" Jointer
Plane This 22" jointer plane is
marked DE-7 on the bed and has a properly marked long cutter. The hard
rubber handle is also marked with the name and other info. 80% or
better of the original japanning. No structural issues. A good user. Nice!!
Good + . . . . . $75.00 SOLD!!
Stearns Jointer Plane Fence Nice. Most
of the original finishes remain. Handy accessory when truing edges
on doors and the like. Will fit on metal or wooden planes. Fine . . . . . $45.00
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