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Mitre Jack This is a very large miter jack It
shows just minimal wear on the working face. It is close to 30" long
and each angled face is close to 9" tall It looks like a previous owner
has removed a prior owners name on the ends.
A nice piece. Good . . . . . $75.00
Small Miter Jack This is a very small miter jack. It
shows just minimal wear on the working face. It is a well made tool
with steel threaded adjusters. It is just 12" long overall
and each angled face is about 6" tall.
. A nice piece.
Good + . . . . . $90.00
19th Century Mitre Jack I bought this
woodworking miter jack back in
the 80's at an old couples house here in CA who invited us over. The collector
bought it from me, and it was on display in their store for the next 25 years or
so. It is nicely made of
glued up stock, and not beat up or damaged. The screw works well..
They were used to hold work and for cleaning cut angles with a plane. A nice piece.
Good + . . . . .$90.00 SOLD!
of 5 Brass Blow Torches A graphic
reminder of how times and methods of work have changed. There are
a couple different interesting ones here. Sold individually or by
the lot.Good + . . . . . $160.00 / Lot
"Zenith" Rosewood
Handle Multi Tool Most every outfit made them and
marketed them as the do all, all you need drawer tool. Some were nice and pretty substantial, some were pretty cheaply done. Most are
unmarked. This one is marked with the Zenith Tool Co. logo on the end of the cap and is one of the nicer ones. Nice!!Good + . . . . . $35.00
Handle Multi Tool w/ 6 Tools Most every outfit made them and
marketed them as the do all, all you need drawer tool. Some were nice
and pretty substantial, some were pretty cheaply done. This is one of
the nicer ones. Nice!!Good + . . . . . $30.00 SOLD!!
Eddy Patent Tool Holder / Screwdriver
The patent
rare & unusual screwdriver was granted on November 26, 1895. That date is on the blade. The #
is 550259 but I could
not get it to come up. I saw a copy of the patenr on another site, but that was it.
A cute little tool I have never seen before.
The brass collar twists
off so the screwdriver blade can fall back into the cast iron handle for
storage. It is a bit over 3" long when retracted. It is a wonder the
brass collar never got lost or that the thin cast iron handle was never broken. Nice. Good + . . . . . $125.00
/ Boat Builders Caulking Irons 20 or so
total. Various makers, sizes, and forms. All look to be in good usable
condition. Sold individually or as a lot. 1 set of rings included.Good + . . . . . $350.00 Lot
Good + . . . . . $25.00 Each Pick & Choose
Billings Multi Blade Screw Driver It has 4 blades. It has the ability to retract
the blades
into the sleeve to make it more compact. There are 2 patent dates. The
blades are OK and as shown.
Nice. Good + . . . . . $20.00 SOLD!!
# 131 Cast Iron Level Sights in Box
Look like Stanley # 1 Level Sights for metal levels. Marked
Starrett on back. You do not
see these often.Fine . . . . . $50.00
Century Miners Gold Scale in Green & Orange Tin Case
This is a Gold Rush Era Balance miners scale in green Á orange metal case w/ some weights. This is the real deal
and not some new knockoff / fake India / Pakistan thing. It is operational. I see no maker info
anywhere on the case or the scale.
Good + . . . . . . . $75.00
Handle Screw Driver Light rust
that will clean. No damage. Nice!!
Good + . . . . . . 25.00
Makers / Gunsmiths Floats Different
trades used this form of woodworking tool. They were used to clean out
and shape plane throats and different areas of gun stocks like for the
barrel and action. The bottom four are a matched set and the top one
is a mix-match. Good . . . . . .$80.00 / LOT
"Rex" Food Masticator
by Ed Wusthof Soligen Nice original condition.
They still offer these today for 80 pounds. Aimed at folks who have a
Dentist phobia and few molars left or others that have problems chewing
their food. Good + . . . . . . $25.00
219 Micrometer on Articulated Micrometer Stand
An unusual micrometer on an even more unusual design
articulated stand. The Starrett version of a micrometer stand is # 206.
This is simply marked on the stand "Made by H. R.
Simpson", the Machinist / makers name I assume.
Note that the # 219 Starrett micrometer has a blade like anvil. That
number must have been retired as there are no examples using a Google
search. Current day Starrett blade micrometers retail for approx.
$600. I read somewhere that this type of micrometer and stand are used
by ammunition reloaders. The ratchet feature works
fine and stops at 0. Different. Add it to the
collection.Good + . . . . . $75.00
Patent Direct Read Micrometer This
unusual micrometer was made by the Central Tool Co, of Auburn RI. Its
claim to fame is the window where the hundredths and thousandths numbers
come up automatically as you turn the thimble. The numbers do change,
but i am not sure that it is calibrated or correct. Jaques held several
patents for machinist tools and micrometers. See pic for dates.
Different & Nice!!Good + . . . . . $50.00 SOLD!!
1877 Combination Screwdriver & Wrench
A neat little combination tool patented on March 13 1877 by Willis
Gold of Philadelphia PA. I read it was manufactured by Disston.
They use to be part of a sewing machine tool kit. Nice! Good + . . . . . $27.50
Cast Iron Hand Vise - Patent Applied For The inside of the handle
is marked Patent Applied For.
This small hand vise is all cast iron and damage free.
It is a very hard to find and unusual vise in very nice condition.
The jaws are 1" wide, and the serrations are in good condition. It opens
to a bit over 1" and is approx. 5" long overall. Fine . . . . . . 165.00
# 235 Composite Vee-Vice - Combo Vise / V Block In original box w/
instructions. A quality made Sheffield / England Machinist combination vise / V block complete with block and clamp.
Very nice.Good + . . . . . $55.00
Brown & Sharpe - 0 to 6 Inch Micrometer Set in Box This
6 piece outside micrometer set is complete and pretty nice. 0 to 6 Inch
Range, 0.0001 Inch Graduation. They have a friction thimble and carbide
tipped face. The enamel finish is near perfect on each. 4
smaller sizes have a spindle lock. Includes 1 to 5 inch standards and
original wood case that has some finish loss. Like new!!Fine . . . . $395.00
Brown & Sharpe
Calibration Gage / Gauge Block Set in Box This
set is complete and very nice. .050 to 4 Inch
Range w/ certificate. Like new!!Fine . . . . $295.00
Randall & Stickney Indicator /
This R & S Watchmakers Bench Top Dial Micrometer was patented Aug.
21, 1883 and made by Randal and Stickney of Waltham, Mass. It is in excellent condition.
It The dial reads in thousandths
of an inch. These types of micrometers were mostly used by
factory workers as inspection tools for mass produced parts. The table can be adjusted up or down so items could be checked by setting the dial on zero with a control piece and allowing
the variance to be read on the test pieces. It is made of cast iron with nickel plated parts. It has the original
paint with gold pin striping and label. Part of the label decal is missing.
It measures about 7-3/4 inches tall and has a 4-1/4 inch base. It weighs about 4 lbs. It has serial number
10,851 stamped on the bottom.. Nice!! Fine . . . . $75.00 SOLD!!
# 901 Planer Gage Little
used. Nice
overall condition noting the owner put his name below the maker mark. Fine . . . . . $50.00
Screwdriver / Drill Countertop Display
If condition were
to win prizes, this piece would get the Gold Medal. It is so pristine and
bright that it is breathtaking. Pieces of this caliber and quality appear
rarely and disappear just as quickly. This opportunity will not repeat itself
anytime soon so.
Good . . . . . .$1250.00
Speed Indicator Not all speed indicators
were created equal. This is a rare and unusual model that is seldom
found. Do not confuse this with the typical Starrett or other
common models you see all the time. Those in the know know, and
those who do not overprice their common ones.
Good . . . . . .$395.00
and Sporborg Pistol Grip Speed Indicator This is one of the rarest and most
desirable speed indicators that was produced during the later part of the 19th
century, and the condition of this one is superb. No collection of these
interesting and graphic devices can be considered complete without the full
set of these in the middle. This example has a serial #of 866 stamped into the
bottom of the grip, and the Gutta-Percha grips are flawless as is the patent
info and inventors name that is engraved into them. The 4 Patent dates
range from 1889 thru 1894. On the other side is the inventors name Harvey
Hubbell. The nickel plating is 98% + and there will be no disappointments
with any aspect of the condition of this piece, truly a top shelf piece.
Display it proudly!!
Good . . . . .$450.00 SOLD
Goodell Pratt #340 Clapboard / Siding
is a tool you use to see from time to time. They are also a tool that everyone
use to ask what is that. I imagine if you handed one to a Vinyl siding guy
today he would not have a clue. For making a perfect cut up next to the window
trim or corner boards. Today they run that piece over the siding. I have never seen either Goodell Pratt's or Stanley's version in
the box before. A rare example.
Fine . . . . .$195.00
Millers Falls #88 Jointer Fence
This is in like new condition. .
Fine . . . . . .$50.00
The Winsted Edge Tool Works
/ T. H. Witherby Chisels, Gouges, and
Drawing Knives Tool Catalog It is
not a reprint. This is an ORIGINAL. It says it is # 4, and in the back
are supplements dated 1905. It seems they made Witherby chisels, gouges, and slicks, or marketed them. Info I read
on the history or explanation was unclear. It covers a full line of woodworking tools
w/ great illustrations. A rare catalog and reference. Good + . . . . . $125.00
Primitive Shovel & Fork
The shovel is carved
from 1 piece of wood. It is American, or at least was bought as such back
in the 70's.
I am not sure of the intended purpose of the fork. Probably
to lift some light material like hay into the wagon. It is in very nice condition
and not a form you find or see very often.
Shovel . . . Good+ . . . . .$250.00 SOLD!
Fork . . . . . . . Good+ . . . . .$150.00
Cast Iron File / Tool Handles
These are handy little things. I use them on my workbench. Nice!.
Good + . . . . .$20.00 / Each
& Bradley #83 Cast Iron Implement / Tractor Seat
The reference I have on these lists this as a #10 on the rarity scale.
There is a hairline through the center bolt hole but that ends at the first
slots you see. A rare seat in pretty nice condition.
Good . . . . .$450.00 SOLD!
Electric Tool Kit This is a
nice little set that i would imagine dates from the 20's or 30's
from the markings on the Stanley screwdriver that is included. I
imagine that this was a repairman's kit for radios, or telephones
that Western Electric was selling servicing at this time. . It is
not all beat up and it looks to all be here.
Good +. . . . . .$150.00 SOLD!
Sales Company Razor Blade Stropper / Sharpener
This stropper is by the same maker as the very common Kriss Cross that has the
same basic action, but is a enclosed table top model. This is the very
rare and unusual hand held version. It measures just under 9" long, and
the disc is about 4" Dia. Rare!!!
Fine . . . . . .$450.00
Genco Razor Blade Stropper / Sharpener
This one looks like a camera. Hold the strap on one end, and pull
the handle on the other to make the leather strop inside go back and forth.
The blade holder inside swivels back and forth as well. Now you just need to
figure out how to get the blade in and out through the small opening in the
side. Good luck with that too.
Fine . . . . . . $50.00 SOLD!!
in One Salesman Sample Advertising Oil Can
I have never seen this one before. Check the other pics to see the
embossed writing all around the Perimeter. Nice!
Good + . . . . .$60.00 SOLD!!
Patented Gem
Oil Bottle by P D & Co.
RARE & unusual "GEM" Handy Oiler / Oil Bottle. The bottom is marked with the company name,
P D & Co, or Payne Diehl & Co., patent date of 1880, and location Phila Pa. The front of the glass bottle is marked GEM. This is the same outfit that made the rare and collectible P. D. & Co. Egg Beater
with the slinky like affair on the bottom. One of the rarest and hard to find of all oilers / oil cans / bottles
out there.
The condition is fine. The pics tell the story. Different & Nice!!
Good + . . . . . $100.00 SOLD!!
9" # 85 D Divider Set
5 legs. Nice!Fine. . . . . $95.00
D. Wilkinson 1887 Patent Quick Adjust Dividers
The condition is very nice. Lift the spring loaded curved steel bar to
allow the leg to quickly rough adjust,
then fine adjust with the thumbscrew. A neat design.
The patent info is clearly
stamped into the brass body as can be seen in the pics. The patent # is
364561 and the patent and a few other references to this early and unusual
tool comes up easily using Google. A fine addition to the early
Machinist tool collection.Good + . . . . .$150.00 SOLD!
No. 85 Extension Dividers w/ 4 Sets of Legs This nice looking
set is stamped with the 1885 patent date and the Starrett name. There
are 4 matched pairs of legs, and one extra. Nice!!
Good +. . . . . $150.00
Cranial / Phrenology Calipers w/ Metric Rule by Gilliland - Oakland
California This medical instrument looks to be late 19th / early 20th century. It is well made and
in fine condition. The increments are metric, and the name / location are stamped on one leg. I could not make anything relevant come
up Goggling the Gilliland name along with medical, caliper, or other words. A rare thing in very nice condition.Fine . . . . . .$275.00
Hooked Rug Fabric Slitter / Cutter The
handle has a repair. Beyond that it looks to be little used and in
excellent condition. Cuts 5 approx. 1/8" strips at a time from
rags wool or other fabric. Note the oiler port under the table.
That is for the ball bearing roller an overkill feature sure to never
wear out.Good + . . . . . $45.00
Torch I do not see any marks or names. I
think it is German. It looks like the turbo charged model compared to
the typical ones found. Good + . . . . . 40.00
Sawyer Tool
Co. Patented 1897 Thread Pitch Gauge
Sawyer Tool Co. was originally based in Fitchburg Mass. The design was
granted a patent on September 21 1897. It is referred to as the Arrow or
Spear Point. Sizes run from 4 to 60. This early machinist thread pitch gage is
in very nice condition. Perfect for the collection or use.
Good + . . . . . . $45.00 SOLD!!
Race Knife
/ Timber Scribe Used by lumbermen to mark the ends of cut logs
in the field and by Surveyors or Foresters to mark standing trees for
different reasons. Good . . . . . . $45.00 SOLD!!
FASO Water Hone
- German Wasserabziehstein Whetstone
- Razor / Knife Sharpening / Finishing Stone
in Original Box This Faso brand water
hone is
near mint in its original box. I see no signs of use. It is a dark blue
grey color. No chips or cracks. Large stone is 9 3/4 x 2" x
3/4". Tag on end of box says Engert which I believe was the German
retailer. Label inside box is original.
About as nice as one could ask for.Fine . . . . . $295.00 SOLD!!
#85 Rosewood Panel Gauge
Unmarked as most were.
Good +
. . . . . .$80.00 SOLD!!
Panel Gauges / Gages I believe the
rear one is a Stanley 85 1/2. The stem is a very light colored, but a heavy and
hard wood, I think it is Rosewood, but it is so light colored I am not sure.
The head is marked with Trauts patent for the "gib", the brass stem
protector between the head and stem. Note also that it has a rotating wheel
marker and not a point which could be re-installed. Nice, and
The second gauge is nothing special.
Good . . . . . $60.00 SOLD!!
Good . . . . . $10.00
Wm. Marples
& Sons Brass Stem Ebony Oval Head Marking & Mortise Gauge / Gage
This Marples marking gage
is in good used / useable condition. Faintly marked. Put it back to work. Good + . . . . . $50.00
Brown & Barry Patented Marking / Mortise Gauge
The Brown & Berry 5 stem marking gauge is one of the rarest
and most unique of all patented mortise& marking gauges. The inventors must
have had a lot going on in their minds or business to have come up with an idea
for a marking gauge with 5 moveable stems. I imagine many potential users
could not handle the concept.
Overall the condition is very nice.
It had a light coat of protective finish applied 20 some years ago, but that will
come off. Super rare, and few known!!!
Good + . . . . .$895.00
Patented Marking and Mortise Gauge
This is a rare twist lock patent marking gauge. The white residue
comes of easily with any solvent. The head has an oval
shape hole that locks to the round bar with a twist.; A neat idea.
Good +. . . . . . .$75.00
Apl'd For Marking and Mortise Gauge
This is a rare patented marking / mortise gauge with several fences and
moving bars. The condition is super.
Excellent . . . . . . .$195.00
Stanley # 77 Rosewood Marking Gauges
Both nice, and both complete.
One is a sweetheart and one is earlier.
Left . . . # 77 Stanley Gauge . . . . . .$40.00 SOLD!
Right . . . # 77 Stanley Gauge . . . . . .$50.00 SOLD!
Tool Co. 1868 Brodhead Patent Twist Lock Marking Gauge
I am not sure what to make of these. They are unmarked. Well made new versions, or
unused old stock? Fine . . . . . $25.00 each SOLD!!
Pratt Double Stem Marking Gauge Nice overall condition after a good
cleaning. The roller cutters are nice, and all increments are clear. A good user. Nice!!Good . . . . . $40.00
Pratt No. 222 - 3 Stem Marking / Mortise Gauge
The overall condition is
very nice. All three roller cutters are good. Increment marking are
clear. A very nice and different piece!!Good . . . . . $80.00
Stanley # 92 Butt Gage / Marking Gauge
Rosewood Head and Brass Stem. Good cutters. Shoe is missing. This is nice. Good . . . . . $35.00
Unusual Butt Gage / Marking
Gauge This is different. It is
unmarked as to date, patent or maker. More functions than I can count.
I have never seen it before. Add it to the collection.
Good . . . . . $45.00
No. 298 Key Seat Rule Clamps Mint in the box. Fine . . . . . 35.00
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Larry & Carole Meeker