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Back / Tenon / Dovetail / Miter Saws 
& Misc. Sawyer Tools
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Most prices seen reflect actual sale results from this website.
Prices seen are relatively recent or pieces that have held their value and reflect what I believe to be current values.
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William McNiece 12 Back Saw w/ Split NutsWilliam McNiece 12" Back Saw w/ Split Nuts The overall condition is very nice.  c. 1860's or earlier.  Staining, minor spots of pitting near top of plate. Little or no rust to speak of.  The handle is damage free and very nice.  The 12" blade is straight. 

Fine. . . . .  $50.00           SOLD!!

Shurly and Dietrich 12" Back SawShurly and Dietrich 12" Back Saw This 12 inch back saw is by the well known Canadian saw maker Shurly and Dietrich. The button has a Maple Leaf and calls out Galt Ontario Can. and a patent date of December 27th 1883.

I count 12 TPI. Split nuts. There is a slight wave or ripple along the length of the blade. There are pitted areas on the backside as shown. The handle looks good with some tight cracks that seem solid. Lots of potential here for restoration that will produce a fine user saw.

Good . . . . . . $30.00       SOLD!!

Cincinnati Saw Company 12" No.4 Back SawCincinnati Saw Company 12" No.4 Back Saw I count 14 TPI. Etch is weak and barely visible. Button says Bishop the well known saw maker based in Ohio. Blade has a bit of a wave.

Good . . . . . . $40.00           SOLD!!

Simonds Flooring SawSimonds Flooring Saw  Weak etch. Straight. Different & Nice. 

Good + . . . . . $65.00         SOLD!!

Atkins "Silver Steel" Back Saw 12" 16 TPIAtkins "Silver Steel" Back Saw 12" 16 TPI Straight. Nice handle. Good etch. A nice little back saw.

Good + . . . . . . $55.00        SOLD!!

Sorby Cast Steel Back / Tenon SawSorby 10" Cast Steel Back / Tenon Saw The name is stamped on the top bar. There is a small sliver chip of wood missing on one side. Handle with split screws is pretty nice. It has 14 TPI by my count. The blade is straight.

Good + . . . . . $45.00           SOLD!!

Disston Cast Steel Back Saw 12" 16 TPIDisston Cast Steel Back Saw 12" 16 TPI Straight. Nice handle. Good etch. A nice little back saw.

Good + . . . . . . $75.00         SOLD!!

Disston Cast Steel Back Saw 16" 12 TPIDisston 16" Cast Steel Back Saw / Dovetail Saw 12 TPI Straight. Nice handle.  A good user.

Good + . . . . . . $65.00            SOLD!!

Atkins No. 100 Stair SawAtkins No. 100 Flooring Saw  Nice. Good etch. Near new with lite storage tarnish, not pitted.  Sharp. 

Good + . . . . . . $50.00         SOLD!!

Disston 26" Miter Box Back SawDisston 26" Miter Box Back Saw  Straight. I count 10 TPI. Weak etch. Approx. 4 1/2" tip of tooth to bottom of back.

Good + . . . . . . $45.00        SOLD!!

Atkins 100 18" Floor SawAtkins 100 18" Floor Saw  Weak etch.  18" 10 pt. blade. Sharp

Good + . . . . . . $40.00

Geo Bishop 8 Inch Dove Tail / Back SawGeo Bishop 8 Inch Dove Tail / Back Saw   A nice looking clean little saw.  The handle is nice.  Straight. 

Good +  . . . . .  $55.00       SOLD!!

Woodrough & McParlin Dovetail / Back SawWoodrough & McParlin 12" Dovetail / Back Saw  This is a nice saw by the Ohio maker famous for the Panther saw.   Nice!!

Good  . . . . . $75.00     SOLD!!

C. E. Jennings & Co. New York 16 Cast Steel Backsaw C. E. Jennings & Co. New York 16" Cast Steel Backsaw The overall condition is nice.   Staining, minor spots of pitting.  The fruitwood handle is damage free and very nice.  The 16" 12 TPI blade is straight.  Assume it will need to be sharpened.   

Good + . . . .  $75.00        SOLD!!

Disston  No. 4 Cast Steel Back Saw 14" 12 TPIDisston 14" Cast Steel Back Saw 12 TPI Straight. Nice handle.  A nice back saw.

Good + . . . . . . $75.00    SOLD! 

Richardson 6 Inch Open Handle BacksawRichardson 6" Open Handle Backsaw / Tenon Saw    A pretty rare little saw in great condition.  In addition to the Richardson Newark NJ Extra Warranted Spring Steel info stamp on the bar, the blade etch says "Made Expressly for Chandler & Barber - Dealers in  Hardware & Mechanics Tools, 124 Summer St. Boston."  It is straight.  Very Nice!!

Fine . . . . . $95.00       SOLD!!

Henry Disston & Sons Back SawHenry Disston & Sons Back Saw The overall condition is very nice.  Light barely readable etch.  Little or no rust to speak of.  The fruitwood handle is very nice.  looks like 11 TPI.  The 16" blade is straight. 

Fine . . . . .  $80.00      SOLD!!

Atkins Sheffield Saw Works # 3 Dovetail / Back Saw18" Atkins Sheffield Saw Works # 3 Dovetail / Back Saw  A nice saw.  Straight.  It will be a good user. 

Good + . . . . . $45.00      SOLD!!

Bishop Duplex Combination Dovetail / Back SawBishop 12" Duplex Combination Dovetail / Back Saw  This is a nice saw. 

Good . . . . . $40.00     SOLD!!

Disston Brass Back 12 Inch Back SawDisston Brass Back 12" Back Saw   Straight.  Some pitting on the backside that looks like lines as seen in the last pic. 

Good +. . . . . $85.00      SOLD!!

Henry Disston 12 Inch Back / Tenon SawHenry Disston 12" Back / Tenon Saw This early split screw saw is nice.

Good +  . . . . . . $125.00     SOLD!!

Henry Disston #8 12 Half Back Back SawHenry Disston & Sons #8 12" Half-Back Saw The overall condition is very nice.  The etch is still visible, and it is straight. No pitting or rust to speak of.  The handle is damage free and very nice.

Any Disston Half-Back saw is pretty rare and a very hard to find saw.  This one having a 12" blade makes it doubly so.  
All of the info I found online about Disston Half Back saws says it does not exist in this 12" size and that 14" was the smallest offered.  There was an article in a MWTCA Gristmill a while back by saw collector / researcher Phil Baker that indicated he had one this size and that it is overall smaller in scale than the 14" or others.  Not having one of those, I am not sure about that.  Who wants something few others have?  Opportunity knocks!!!

Fine. . . . .  $650.00     SOLD!!

Goodell Pratt HacksawGoodell Pratt #1 Bench Hack Saw  This unusual bench mounted hacksaw is a nice tool that is well made and a quality product.  It takes 9" blades and is the only size GP offered in the catalog I looked in.    It is complete w/ its vice and in very nice condition. These would be great in the small production shop where repetitive cuts are needed.  No more jumping out of the cut or bouncing around when trying to start one.

Good  +. . . . . $125.00          SOLD

Goodell Pratt Co. No. 1 Miter Box Hack Saw Patented 1899Goodell Pratt Co. No. 1 Miter Box Hack Saw Patented 1899  As nice as one could ask for.  Original paint and complete with the vise.  None nicer.  

Fine  . . . . . $225.00         SOLD!!

Cast Iron Frame Hack Saw w/ American Eagle DecorationCast Iron Frame Hack Saw w/ American Eagle Decoration   Unmarked save stars and the raised Eagle in the casting.  Note the cast out handle.  Unusual and nice!!  

Good + . . . . . $45.00      SOLD!!

Bishop #10 Combination Saw Bishop #10 Combination Saw  This saw is in very nice condition  I am not sure if the wear strips are new or made to be replaced over time.   Nice.

Fine. . . . .$75.00          SOLD!

18th Century Cane Handle Hand Saw18th Century Cane Handle Hand Saw   The collectors tag on this one identifies it as 18th century.   Super.

Good  +. . . . .$250.00           SOLD

Spear & Jackson 12 Inch Back SawSpear & Jackson 12" Back Saw   The blade is straight.  It has been sharpened.  It has split nuts indicating it is early.  The handle is pretty nice noting the tip of the top horn is chipped.    A nice saw that will make for a great user.

Good. . . . .$55.00            SOLD!

18 Inch Back Saw w/ Split Nuts18" Back Saw w/ Split Nuts  The overall condition is nice.   The 18" blade is straight end to end.   It tapers from end to end and is about 4 1/2 at the heel and 3 3/4 at the toe.  I see no etch and you can only make out a few letters of the name on the top bar. (see pic) Looking down the tooth line they are not all at the same height.  It will need to be re-sharpened.  Note the distinctive handle shape with the bottom squared off.  I believe it is factory.  I do not recognize the maker.   Different!!  

Good +. . . . .  $125.00    SOLD!!

Fenton & Marsden 14 Brass Back BackSawFenton & Marsden 14" Brass Back BackSaw  A well made back, Tenon or dovetail saw.  It is straight.  No pitting that will ever be an issue. Split screws. Some minor damage / chip to the handle horn.  Nice.

Good + . . . . . .$95.00      SOLD!!

Spear & Jackson #54 8 Brass Back Dovetail SawSpear & Jackson #52 8" Brass Back Dovetail Saw   The owner took care of his tools and kept this nice little saw in its protective sheath when not being used.  The blade is straight, sharp and ready to go back to work.

Good +. . . . .$50.00        SOLD!!

Tyzack & Turner 10 Brass Back Back SawTyzack & Turner 10" Brass Back Open Handle Back Saw   A nice early little saw w/ split nuts that will perform well w/ a tune-up.

Good . . . .$65.00          SOLD!!

Disston Half Back Tenon / Back SawDisston #9 Back Saw  This is marked Cast Steel.   Beautiful handle.  Slight wave.  Otherwise Nice!!

Good +. . . . .$175.00        SOLD!!

E. C. Atkins #100 Flooring SawE. C. Atkins #100 Flooring Saw  This does not look to have seen much use.    It is a nice saw.  Good etch straight and sharp.

Good +. . . . .$75.00           SOLD!!

Harvey W. Peace 14 Brass Backed #50 Tenon / Back SawHarvey W. Peace 14" Brass Backed #50 Tenon / Back Saw  This is marked Spring Steel & the #50 which I assume is the model #.   Split screws.   Beautiful handle.  Slight wave.  Otherwise Nice!!

Good +. . . . .$125.00         SOLD!!

Moseley & Son  Brass Backed Spring Steel BacksawMoseley & Son  Brass Backed Spring Steel Backsaw  An early brass backed English backsaw by a well known and documented  maker.  It is 8' long with a slight wave.  The open handle is Rosewood and has some handle chips.  It will need to be straightened and sharpened to be a user.

Good . . . . . $60.00           SOLD! 

Groves & Sons 12 Back SawGroves & Sons 12" Back Saw    The medallion says established in 1770.  Doubt it is that early, but it has split nuts and is pretty nice.  A nice saw that will perform well w/ after being tune-upped and sharpened.

Good +. . . . .$95.00       SOLD!!

Wheeler Madden & Clemson 14  Back SawWheeler Madden & Clemson "The Standard 14"  Spring Steel Back Saw   A nice saw by the well known early New York maker Wheeler Madden  & Clemson that will perform well w/ a tune-up.   14 TPI.

Good . . . . .$85.00      SOLD!!

Henry Disston & Sons 12 Brass Back SawHenry Disston & Sons 12" Brass Back Dovetail Saw   A nice looking saw that will perform well w/ a tune-up and sharpening.  14 TPI

Good . . . . .$75.00      SOLD!!

R. Grove & Sons Made For G Musgrove Lincoln 9 Inch Brass Backed Back / Tenon SawR. Grove & Sons Made For G. Musgrove Lincoln Brass Backed Back / Tenon Saw This early open handle back saw is nice noting some minor pitting here and there.  The blade is 9" long and pretty straight.  It has a great stamp.  Different & Nice!

Good +  . . . . . . $50.00     SOLD!!

Henry Disston & Son 16 Inch  No. 77  Mechanics Own No Set Back SawHenry Disston & Son 16"  No. 77  "Mechanics Own" No Set Back Saw The condition of this rare #77 No Set Disston & Son Back Saw is as nice as you will ever find or see.  Let's call it FINE to get that out of the way.  The etch is clear and bold.  There is some staining as seen.  There is no rust or pitting to speak of.  It is straight.   The handle is damage free and very nice.  Note that it is a Disston & Son, which would mean it was one of the earliest versions of this saw. 

I read these saws were filed differently from normal backsaws, and this one sure fits that description.    I spoke to several saw-savy people and heard several different opinions. I have provided a number of photos so you can decide for yourself.   Bottom line is that this is such a rare saw I do not think most would know what is or isn't "right" or original.  I do not.  That is why I have provided all the pics.  As with the rare # 8 half back I have listed above, the real question here is, w
ho wants something few others have?  Opportunity knocks!!!

Fine. . . . .  $600.00    SOLD!!

Disston Dome Nut 12 Inch BacksawEarly Disston Dome Nut 12" Backsaw  This unusual early Disston backsaw is pretty nice.  The blade is straight and has a lot of depth left.  There is some minor pitting that can be worked around if it is to be put back into use.  The teeth look ok and there are no broken ones, but it will need to be sharpened.

The brass back in addition to the Disston & Eagle logo is stamped spring steel / extra temper as well as the Phila. Pa location below the Federal Eagle.  The fruitwood handle is solid with just minor slivers / chips off the horns.  The threaded stud for the large dome nut where one would expect to see a stamped medallion is broken off and the dome nut on the back side is missing. 

A note about  the style of high dome nuts this saw has.  Cresson, an early Philadelphia PA saw maker used this style nut before Disston bought them out around 1860. According to the Disstonian Institute, a website about Disston Saws and their history,  Disston used this style nut on their handsaws in the 1860's - 1870's.  I found no reference or illustrations there about their use on back saws.   Given that the brass back is marked simply Disston and that this logo predates the use of the Disston and Son logo introduced in about 1865,  I believe we can safely date this saw as being from the Civil War era of 1860 - 1865.  An early and rare example of a finely made backsaw!!

Good . . . . .$350.00           SOLD!!

Disston Tall Nut Back SawDisston Cone / Dome / Tall Nut Back Saw   Although the brass back is marked Orton Jewett & Busby, I do not think they were the maker, just the seller or distributer.  I believe this to be an early Disston tall cone nut back saw.  There is some minor pitting, but it is straight, and will make a fine user after a tune-up..   

Good +  . . . . .$250.00         SOLD!!

Early Brass Backed Split Screw Henry Disston Back SawEarly Brass Backed Split Screw Henry Disston 12" Back Saw   The blade is straight.   It has split nuts indicating it is early.  The handle is apple or other fruitwood and fine.  A super condition early back saw for use or the collection.

Fine . . . . .$250.00     SOLD!!

Sorby Open Handle 10 Brass Back Back SawSorby Open Handle 10" Brass Back Backsaw  This is in nice condition. It is straight and feels sharp.  Nice handle.

Fine. . . . .  $125.00               SOLD!

Jackson Cast Steel 14 Inch BacksawJackson Cast Steel 14 Inch Backsaw  Straight & Nice!!

Fine . . . . . $55.00           SOLD!!

Robert Sorby Brass Back Dovetail / Back Saw14" Robert Sorby Brass Back Dovetail / Back Saw    Missing one split nut from backside.  Otherwise nice  It will be a good user.

Good  . . . . . $60.00       SOLD!!

Open Handle Robert Sorby Brass Back Dovetail / Back Saw 10" Open Handle Robert Sorby Brass Back Dovetail / Back SawNice.  It will be a good user.

Good  . . . . . $60.00          SOLD!!

antique sawMystery Hand Saw w/ 2 Levels & Square  An odd take off on an old idea.  Functions like a Disston 43 or 43, looks like a MF buck Rogers design with the space age metal handle.  No markings or maker I see.  1 bad bubble.  Never seen it before.  Nail it to the wall and marvel.   

Good - . . . . .  $20.00    SOLD!!

Civil War Era Amputation SawCivil War Era Amputation Saw w/ Ebony Handle  Pre Sterilization with pistol grip ebony handle. Straight.   Unmarked.    Different & Nice. 

Good + . . . . . $150.00     SOLD!!

Ulmia 12 InchSpannsagen Turning SawUlmia 12" Fret or Turning Saw   This small turning saw has a 12" blade.  It appears to be virtually unused.  Nice. 

Good + . . . . . $40.00     SOLD!!

Patented January 9th 1906  Back SawPatented January 9th 1906 12" Combination Back Saw  The overall condition is very nice.   The 12" blade is straight. The top and bottom are filed differently.  The etch is there, but weak.  I think it is a Bishop. 

Good +. . . . .  $45.00     SOLD!!

Disston Stair SawDisston 6" Stair Saw Nice. Clear Disston stamp.  Near new. 

Fine . . . . . . $55.00           SOLD!!

Davis Level & Tool Co Springfield Mass HacksawDavis Level & Tool Co Springfield Mass Hacksaw  Although unmarked I believe this saw was also made by Davis. It has a great open cast iron handle, and the same style blade locks as the marked saw above.    

Good + . . . . .  $75.00         SOLD!!

Davis Level & Tool Co Springfield Mass HacksawDavis Level & Tool Co Springfield Mass Hacksaw  A well made quality piece by Davis Level & Tool Co. best known for their lines of levels & inclinometers. Davis made several different versions of hacksaws with this being a very hard to find piece.  At first look, the brass sleeve looks like a repair but it is marked, and part of the adjustment for length.  Note the positive stops at he ends as well. 

Good + . . . . .  $40.00       SOLD!!

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Larry & Carole Meeker