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California History Books
have had these early History of California books for what seems like forever. 30 - 40 years anyway.
Each of the 5 books are in pretty good condition.
They are all originals and not reprints.
The largest, the History of Sacramento County by Thompson & West (not shown in group pic) was professionally rebound and is
pretty nice as well.
Book sellers ask some pretty healthy prices for this material. My
prices, individually, are somewhat less, as in over 50% off of those prices,
and will be discounted another 30% further if bought as a lot.
From the left.
# 1 - Frost's Pictorial History of California - John Frost - 1852
# 2 - History of Humboldt County California - Leigh Irvine - 1915
# 3 - History of Placer County California - Thompson & West - 1882
# 4 - History of Sacramento County California - J. Davis - 1890
# 5 - History of Sacramento County California - Thompson & West - 1880
LOT - - - - Good +. . . . . . $1250.00
Blue Brown Swirl Slag Glass Tea Kettle / Tea Pot Inkwell Bottle The Teapot style Inkwell seen in the above group pic
looks like brown glass in low light and when held to a light or with bright light shown on
it, becomes blue w/ light swirls. Very nice overall condition. Good + . . . . . $375.00 SOLD!!
Antique Inkwells & 2 Old Ink Bottles Very nice overall condition.
As a collection, or individually. The Blue / Brown Swirl Slag Glass Teapot
style inkwell is also listed by itself below. It appears the blue
clover leaf Carter is kind of a hard to find thing as well.
Good + . . . . . $625.00 the Lot
Antique Cane
/ Walking Stick w/ Monogramed & Hallmarked Silver Head
The handle / head is marked with overlaid monogram initials E C . There are also
stamped hallmarks SF 90 and something more I can not read where the head meets the shaft.
The entire cane and handle is shaped a bit like a golf
putter, or the head looks a bit like a shoe horn, but it is neither of those, and the head shape might just be a design
to better fit ones hand.
I am not sure what kind of wood the shaft is. Bamboo perhaps. It is tight to the head. The overall condition is good noting the
small ding to the end of the head / handle. Different & nice!!
Good . . . . . . $60.00
Silver Mason's Trowel Antique Commemorative Presentation The
inscription reads Presented to Mrs. Arthur Symonds on the Occasion of her
Laying the Foundation Stone of the Mottram S Room Stockport September 17
Google knows nothing about it, and I may have something
misspelled as the inscription, although clear and not worn, is very hard to
read. It has a great look noting a small chip at the end of the
celluloid or mother of pearl handle. There are hallmarks on the
backside. Good . . . . . . $40.00
Piece Figural Cast Iron Spittoon /
Cuspidor This
is a very early cast iron figural spittoon. The green finished figural leaf form cast iron top is removable, and is cast in
such a way that the top can fit only when oriented in just the right
way. Note how the leaf pattern extends from the top piece down
the feet of the lower half. It is finished in a dark green
japanning that is in super condition except for right near the center
hole where it was subjected to somewhat caustic but natural wear. Also note
the cast-in hook one of the legs has as if to attach it to the floor
to keep it from sliding about on the poor shots
that missed.
I believe that this was made for a well-to-do individual's
study or office rather than a public or commercial establishment where
most spittoons originate from or were typically found. It has been
suggested by an expert that it is a "Ladies" spittoon. Perhaps
owned by Annie Oakley, Lola
Montez, or the like The large
gate mark on the base and casting attributes indicate an age from the
mid 1800's or before. A wonderful and rare piece of cast iron and Americana!
Fine . . . . . 495.00
Holmes, Booth & Haydens
No. 755 Daguerreotype Camera Lens Holmes, Booth & Haydens is a well known
maker of camera lens dating from pre Civil War Daguerreotype era. There is a website online (
that has a registry of known lens. They also have a history of the company there. Holmes, Booth & Haydens
were also makers of other brass products like oil lamp burners, silverware, and the like.
This Daguerreotype Camera lens dates from the 1850s. It is complete and in nice overall condition.
Lens are good, the knob adjusts the length properly, The 4 hole mounting collar is original and good.
The lens cap is present. The engraving on the side is clear and bold. The lens measures
approx. 6 1/2" tall and is approx. 3 1/2" dia. It was cleaned / polished years ago by a
previous owner and has now begun to age back to a mellower patina.
Good + . . . . . . $1450.00
Antique "L. Lehman & Co." Stoneware Crock / Jar
with Cobalt Grapevine Decoration An
unusual 1 1/2 gallon size stoneware cylindrical crock or jar with cobalt
decoration depicting a cluster of grapes on a grapevine. Marked "L.
Lehman & Co. West 12th Street, NY 1 1/2", dating it from 1858-1863.
This piece is fresh to the market---I bought it out of a garage in the
Hudson Valley of NY about 30 years ago and it's been in my house on display
ever since. Condition is very good with no cracks or significant
chips. Very Good . . . . . . $495.00
Bufflehead / Broadbill Duck Decoy Another decoy from my personal collection.
Great squatty and bulbous body shape
with turned up broad bill. This interesting duck decoy easures about 10 1/2
inches long and is marked with the initials "NS". This decoy looks like it was a worker. Good. . . . . . $295.00 SOLD!!
Iron Trivet Tree / Stove Pipe Trivet / Stove Shelf / Mitten Warmer
This unusual Stove Shelf / Mitten Warmer was Patented May 8 1883. It fits on
6" stove pipe and is in fine condition. The plates are a cut-out design with
stars and other geometric shapes. The fold out and lock in place or can be hung
down when not being used.
Call them what you will, a Trivet Tree, Stove Pipe Trivet, Cast Iron Mitten
Warmer, Stove Shelf or other, these pieces of antique cast iron are a wonderful
pieces of cast iron design and function and Americana at its best.
the years we have has numerous different variations on the theme. Probably over
a dozen different designs. With its folding plate design this is by far one of
the best of them. There is a patent date of May 8 1883 on the main collar. Use
it or display it, a great piece. Good + . . . . . .
$395.00 SOLD!!
Iron Trivet Tree / Stove Pipe Trivet / Stove Shelf / Mitten Warmer Call
them what you will, be it Trivet Tree, Stove Pipe Trivet, Cast Iron
Mitten Warmer, Stove Shelf or other, these pieces of antique cast iron are a wonderful design, functional and
true piece of Americana.
Over the years we have
has numerous different variations on the theme of these. Probably over a dozen
different designs. This one uses a wedge locking system to attach to a
6" stovepipe. It is approx. 18" square. It has Pat Apl'd For cast into the top. There is a
crack that runs through several of the squares. It is till solid and
there is no movement when you stress the corners. It is still suitable
for use with light duty or loads. I would not think about putting post of soup
or stew on it to keep warm. Use it or display it, a great piece. \
Good - . . . . . . $95.00
Cast Iron Automatic Anchor for Decoys, Canoe, Kayak, or ?
I have had, and could find a similar example of this cast iron folding anchor on the internet marked in
the casting "Automatic Anchor". This one has "AJON" in raised letters
in the casting. Not sure what that stands for and could not find
There is one on Worthpoint called off as a Salesman Sample Anchor for
small boats, canoes, or kayaks. That might be right.
Seems like a bit of overkill for a decoy anchor,
and not the best of ideas, but I remember having to go out and chase down drifters when using the
more typical over the head style mushroom anchors one typically sees. This design would
also tend to chew up the paint, not to mention open up at inappropriate times just
hanging loose. Nobody ever said all ideas were good though, so - - - -.
The other explanation I found said they were pocket anchors for small boats like
canoes, kayaks, and the like. Not quite sure how that would work out
either. Thinking back to the Jack London story of the duck hunter and
his dog where he did not tie up his sneakbox good enough and it drifted off
when the tide came in. It was not a happy ending after that. Funny how a
story you read over 50 years ago still sticks with you. Different &
Interesting. Fine . . . . . $110.00
Art Deco Era Slip Shade Chandelier
7 Bulb Ceiling Light Fixture This Art
Deco Era Slip
Shade Ceiling Light Fixture is in great original condition. It has 5 Ribbed
Glass Frosted Shades & 5 Silver / Gold Ribbed Metal Panels around the 8"
circular center frosted shade. It is approx. 15" across at the metal panels
and a bit larger glass edge to glass edge. It is a non magnetic cast metal
in original silver and gold finish.
This fixture is all original
and in fine condition. It needs no work to be done to it. The wiring is
original and in fine condition. NO damage or breaks in the glass. No
damage to the metal fixture / frame or bulb sockets. It may have hung in a
room, given it was dusty, but it was in an unused one given the condition. Fine . . . . . . $695.00 SOLD!!
Mazda Lamp / Light Bulb 2 Sided Display
Overall Very Nice!! Reverse painted glass. 2 sided. Great
graphics. The inside light was working, but the cord needs to be replaced
as it is bare where it goes in the body. Bulb sockets missing.
Glass faces very nice. An interesting and
unusual 2 sided Electric related advertising display! Good + . . . . . $795.00
1920's Henley
Roll About Scooter / Childs Wagon The
original condition of this hard to find toy is incredible. Fully 90% or
more of the paint and finish remains. It is hard to imagine the kid this was
given to did not immediately take it out and trash it.
It comes with
a few pages of reprinted literature explaining how to set it up, different ways
to use it, ie. as a wagon, and different grades or models that they offered.
You could get it with or without the ball bearing wheels this one has, and also with rubber
tires, or steel rims as this one has. It has some sort of articulated
joints that allow the entire platform to lean into turns. Quite advanced.
There is also a cut out ad from an
antique publication touting a much lesser condition example being offered at the
Indy Ad show for 4K or so. Opportunity knocking here. An incredible
piece. Different & Nice!Fine . . . . . . $495.00
Collection of Antique
"Nut-People" Carvings Your worst
nightmare, or your new best friends---These amazing pieces of art were
intricately carved from pits or nuts by an unknown artist, and have great facial features and
expressions. A great example of outsider art!
Very Good . . . . . . $99.95 for the collection
Burl Plant Stand Coffee Table
Accent Table This Redwood Burl Table is approx. 7' long and 2' wide
at the center. Less at the ends. It stands approx. 14" tall.
It has a great shape and form. The base is fashioned out of a piece of
burled root. It is very stable. This burl table has the potential to be a highlight of
your decor. We have had it under a window for over 20 years as a plant stand
I think it will look better
in your house or on your patio than on my back patio with plants on it. We moved this past year, and
it no longer fits in the house. It has been on the back patio for a few months (not
rained on yet). A very nice piece. Good . . . . . . $350.00 SOLD!!
Era Liberty Ship Hatch Cover Coffee Table These
hatch cover tables are a great piece of Americana with a nautical or
maritime touch and make
for great coffee tables, bar tables or other. It is approx. 5'
long and 2.5' wide. It stands approx. 14" tall. The legs were made out of
another hatch cover and set at angles as seen. This was recently refinished
after 40 years in our old house.
have had this hatch cover almost 50 years. I had a flat tire one
day back when and while I was changing the tire happened to look down the hillside and
saw it in someone's backyard. Being young and brash I knocked on the door
and asked if they wanted to sell it. They said sure. My buddy and I installed the legs at coffee
table height and I have had it ever since. That is known as a
spiritual flat tire in the trade. Something good coming out of
something bad.
I think it will look better
in your house than on my back patio with plants on it. We moved this past year, and
it no longer fits in the house. Opportunity Good + . . . . . . $595.00
Braun Mortar & Pestle
A small unusual mortar & pestle.
Braun was based in Los Angeles CA and were well known makers of medical and mining
related goods. They are probably best known for their line of
analytical scales. This is marked in the casting around the base “Los Angles Cal.
2 p.t. Med. By F.W. Braun”.
This mortar and pestle would be appropriate for ore crushing
prior to assaying, culinary uses and for apothecary uses. The mortar
measures approximately 4 ¾” tall x 3 ½” diameter and weighs about 5 lbs. The pestle measures
9 ¾” in length and about 1 ¼” in diameter at the grinding end.
Overall condition is excellent with no chips or cracks. Add it to the
Good + . . . . . $275.00
Antique Cast Iron Toilet Paper Holders
These are marked differently from each other and are from different manufactures, but are obviously from
the same mold. The one on the right is complete and ready to go. The other needs a bit
of restoration but has the added interesting feature of a match strike and cigar
holder that attaches to the top so the fellow who sat on the pot / throne for a time could enjoy his
other favorite pastime while he was killing time. Interesting!
Good . . . . . . $175.00 / Pair
Large Flat
Iron Building Cast Iron Kenton Still Bank At just
over 8" tall this is the largest version of this classic cast iron still bank that was produced
of the iconic New York City Flatiron Building.
It is by far the hardest to find of all the different sizes of this iconic
building that were produced. Kenton was the maker, and they were only made for
a few years back in the teens / twenties. It is in very nice condition noting that the
trap, or door, on the bottom is missing. A good one!!
Good + . . . . . . $795.00
Dillon Co. Flat Iron Plug Tobacco Cutter
The Scotten Dillon Flat Iron Tobacco Cutter is
one of the most graphic and desirable of all iron-related antiques. It
is a great figural cast iron tobacco cutter cast in the form of a
spade-shaped flatiron, and advertising their Flat Iron brand of plug or
"chew" tobacco. The condition of this example is second to none.
The paint is completely original and exceptionally nice. It is
undoubtedly the finest one we have ever had the pleasure of selling!
Highly recommend! Excellent . . . . . .$1250.00
Form and Condition Early New York Hanging Balance Scale
This is the nicest and earliest scale we ever owned. It carries the name of Dunbar and Hudson
which was a hardware distributor in New York during the early part of
the 19th Century. This piece is very early---the pans are marked with a date of 1832, and the
location of Albany, New York as well. Note the fine condition of the
original finish, and the fine details of the hooks, the beehive finial, and the
finely turned pointer. It is really a nice piece, and I
have it hanging right in front of me as reminder that everything is in balance
in the long run. I wish. There is also a box of weights that
comes with this that may or may not be original to the piece. They range in
weight from a few ounces to several pounds. A wonderful and rare piece of Americana!
Good + . . . . .$1450.00 SOLD!
Cast Iron Buggy Rein Holder Patented on
Apr. 6, 1875 this figural rein holder is one of the most graphic of these devices
ever manufactured. The idea was that this device was attached to the side
of the buggy, and when you came to a stop or were otherwise occupied you could slip
the reins into the spring loaded slot with the desired tension on them to give the
horse the impression you were still paying attention. It has a great look
and is a super piece of cast iron!
Good + . . . . .$95.00 SOLD!
"The Equity"
A. P. W. Paper Co.
Cast Iron Toilet Paper Holder
Albany NY The idea was Patented on SEPT. 26 1893. It is 6 1/2" wide and 4 3/8" deep from the wall.
Original gold paint finish.
Live like a Trump. Fine . . . . . . $65.00
Cast Iron Sinkbox Decoys
These are flat bottomed cast iron decoys that look
like canvas back ducks. They would be set on the outside of what
was called a sinkbox / boat for ballast when duck hunting. The
boat, and its "platform" would float just below the surface of the water
and the hunters would be in a box in the center where just his upper
body would be visable with decoys like this surrounding him. This
was during the period of commercial hunting in places like the
Chesapeake Bay and other areas of the east coast near the turn of the
century. The condition is super, and each weighs approx 20
lbs .
Good + . . . . .$1250.00 SOLD!
Tobacco Cutter This example is nice. Tobacco cutters are
something from the distant past, and as its use and popularity diminish,
products associated with it will either gain popularity, or go into the
distant memory banks of obscurity.
Good + . . . . .$95.00 SOLD!
Dillon Flat Iron Tobacco Cutter
This is a very rare and desirable example of a
tobacco cutter that has a lot of cross-over appeal to flat iron
collectors. Hence the high price and high demand. These can be found
w/ or w/o the tail under the handle. Most of those found without the
tail under the handle are considered to be broken, but some say they made them both
This one is in super nice original condition.
Good + . . . . .$1250.00 SOLD!
1863 John Gill Hedgehog Style Cast Iron Cribbage Board
This is a superb piece of cast iron
and without a doubt the most highly regarded and most sought after of all cribbage
boards, and is in super condition to boot. I have had a few different versions
of this style cribbage board over the years, including one in boxwood in natural
finish, another boxwood one painted to look like the black cast iron ones, one with
a different label on the bottom, and I also have another cast iron version with
a slightly different paint scheme, and have seen another with a different trim feature
around the perimeter. This is the nicest, and none of the others lasted
long when I put them out so do not ponder too long. In case you are not familiar
with the design, the interior is filled with felt, and the pins, when they are pulled
up, stay up through the friction. If the guy you have been playing with has
trouble keeping track or has a problem placing his pegs properly, this one will
solve those problems, and so rattle him that you should be able to beat him, maybe
even skunk him as he wonders what he is going to do next.
Good + . . . . .$750.00 SOLD!
John Gill Hedgehog Style
Patented 1863 Cast Iron Cribbage Board This is a superb piece of
19th Century Patented Cast Iron. Game playing was an important part of
American 19th century life, and Mr. Gill patented and produced a fine
piece to help people wile away their time. Genuine Americana with a
purpose! This cribbage board is in super original condition showing just
minimal wear to the paint and decorations. Most of the label on the bottom
is still legible as well.
The Gill Patent Cribbage Boards that can be found are without a doubt the most highly regarded and most sought after of
all patented American cribbage boards ever made. I have had a few different
versions of this style cribbage board over the years, including one in boxwood in
natural finish, another boxwood one painted to look like the black cast iron ones,
one with a different label on the bottom, and I also have had another cast iron version
with a slightly different paint scheme. I have also seen another with a different trim
feature around the perimeter. They are very hard to find though, and
especially in this nice condition.
In case you are
not familiar with the design, the interior is filled with felt or cotton, and the pins, when
they are pulled up stay up through the friction. All pins work here as
they should. The pins are laid out so
there should be little problem keeping track of the score, and if the guy
you have been playing with has a problem placing his pegs properly,
this one will solve those problems.
Excellent . . . .$950.00
Cast Iron Door Stop This doorstop shows considerable wear and losses
to the finish, but it is a real one, and has a nice look none the less
Good . . . . .$125.00 SOLD!
Cast Iron Book Press You see book presses all the time in many different sizes, but there are
a few that stand out as being a bit different. There are a few
with figural uprights which are pretty rare, and those with different
finishes like this example. You will see 100 or more ones in
typical black finish before you see another in red or blue, and this one
is in nice condition to boot.
Good . . . . .$125.00 SOLD!
Michigan Candy Store Cash
This small candy
store size brass cash register was made by the main competitor to National
cash register company and dates from near the turn of the century.
Fifty cents is the largest amount this one rings up and this style and size
register was made for candy stores.
There is a small chip in the drawer in the bottom left
corner as can be seen. There is no top Marquee. The nickel is in
great condition, and this will display very nicely. There is info on
the company and their registers that can be found running a Google search.
Good . . . . .$795.00 SOLD!
Hammered Copper Book Ends
These are pretty nice
Good . . . . .$125.00 SOLD!
Heinz Hammered Copper W/ Sterling Bird Book Ends
These are nicerGood . . . . .$225.00
Heinz Hammered Copper / Sterling
Birds Book Ends
These are nicer still and marked
Good . . . . . $225.00 SOLD!
Hammered Copper Book Ends
These are nice. Good . . . . .$55.00
19th c. Doggy Doorknobs This fabulous
pair of figural
doggy doorknobs look to be 19th century and from the Victorian era.
They came from an estate located on Cape Cod. They have a great form, look
and feel. They resemble black
forest animal carvings but are in fact molded gutta percha or some other early
similar composition material from that era. They are near perfect in condition,
with the one on the right showing
just ever so much more wear than the other. Kind of like the wearing down
of the highlights on a coin, just the smoothing if you will, of some of the
detail. I am calling them dogs as opposed to bears, wolves or some other
animal because they have what looks to be a collar on them .
Fine . . . . . .$795.00 SOLD!
Fireplace / Lighting Trammel
This looks to be 18 - 19th century. It has etched decoration on the main
body, but I see no names or date. I have seen this size trammel offered as
lighting trammels as opposed to a miniature fireplace trammel. It is about
14" long in the closed position. It is hand forged and has some nice
detail work.
Good . . . . . .$195.00
Wood Duck Cast Iron Sprinkler
Condition! Condition! Surely one of the
finest condition of these antique water sprinklers that has survived the years.
Actually, this one is so nice that I doubt it ever even saw the end of a garden
hose. It illustrates a prime lesson in a most important aspect of antique
collecting, a lesson that is sometimes hard to learn, and seemingly impossible
to explain to people as they are offering you something that looks as though a
truck ran over it. Condition is singularly the most important aspect
to developing and maintaining a desirable collection at any level and in nearly
every category of antiques. We love the condition of this piece
Good + . . . . .$1000.00 SOLD!
Cast Iron Turtle Water Sprinkler
This super piece of figural cast iron has a
great look and feel to it with original patina. Unusual lawn sprinklers are
a favorite with the figural crowd as well as the cast iron and the more focused
and specific sprinkler collectors. These unusual pieces come in a variety
of forms and in the coming weeks we will be adding a few more animal related examples
as well as some other interesting mechanical ones.
Good + . . . . .$450.00 SOLD!
Cast Iron W. D. Allen Red Arrow Figural
Water Sprinkler This is a hard to find example from
a large and well known maker of these things. The overall condition
is nice.
Excellent . . . . . $175.00 SOLD!
Iron Figural Alligator Water Sprinkler This sprinkler is in
nice original condition and retains nearly all of its original finish. There
is one more in this series that I know of, that being the flat duck that is the
same basic design and size and is being reproduced and offered for sale these days.
I have been told this is a repop as well but do not believe it. The
tops that are found on them can differ, and they offered both the harp style and
the three armed style but this was either a aftermarket or off the shelf decision
at the time of purchase. Other interesting figural sprinklers are the Wood
Duck in the upright position, and the Frog sitting on the World or a ball, and some
even rarer models like the mermaid that are seldom seen. All examples are
becoming very hard to find these days, and I doubt you will ever see one in this
condition again.
Good + . . . . .$295.00 SOLD!
Turtle Cast Iron Sprinkler
These cast iron figural water sprinklers are usually found all worn out
and with no finish left, or you now see reproductions, but this one is
legit, and in like new condition. A rare find!!
Good + . . . . .$395.00 SOLD!
Alligator Cast Iron Sprinkler
We love figural cast iron, and these early and
exquisite pieces from near the turn of the century are amongst our favorites.
This cast iron figural sprinkler has a wonderful rich patina and will display very
well in almost any setting, be it the garden, near the pool, entry, or anywhere
else that strikes your fancy.
Good + . . . . .$295.00
Cast Squirrel Sprinkler
interesting and rare sprinkler is made of lead or some similar heavy non-magnetic
metal as a magnet does not stick---perhaps it is gold.....but I think not.
The original condition is super including the original gold wash finish. Overall
he stands just about 8" tall, and there is no damage, cracking, chipping or other
problems common to alloy or white metal pieces. He is definitely quality-constructed,
very realistic looking, and a super figural piece. Hook him up at the rear
and a fine watering pattern comes out of the series of holes in the top of his head.
Use him or display him, he will be a welcome addition to almost any decor.
Good + . . . . .$395.00
Blake Patent
Figural Alligator Nut Cracker The Blake Nut Cracker
is by the same fellow who held the first patent in America for a corkscrew.
He made at least two different versions of his nutcracker, and the plain Jane non-figural
version was well received and is considered quite common, as you can find one if
not more at just about every antique show that you go to. That is not the
case with this, his figural alligator version, which must have been produced in
very limited quantities as this is only the third one I have seen in many years
of looking. The condition of this example is excellent, and is has a nice
even / smooth patina that only comes with 100+ years of careful storage and use.
Good + . . . . .$295.00
P. Green 1891 X" Cast Brass Miniature Anvil Paperweight
This commemorates or honors a fellow named C. P. Green and is dated 1891 w/ an X
below that. I did not try to research the who, why, what or other.
It is old and legit. I guarantee that!!
Good + . . . . . $95.00
Benton" Miniature Advertising Anvil / Salesman Sample / Paperweight
This miniature anvil has writing on both sides. One side says C. H. Benton
Hardware Co. Fon Dulac Wis. On the other side it says Heavy & Shelf
Hardware Woodstock Iron. There is a pic and mention of another at an
anvil / blacksmith site. After that there are a couple mentions of the
company, and then nothing. It is old and legit. I guarantee
Good + . . . . . $125.00
/ 1876 Miniature Centennial Commemorative Anvil Paperweight
This miniature anvil has 1876 on one side and 1776 on the other.
That would make it a 100 year commemorative of the American Revolution
and the Declaration of Independence. It is nickel over brass. It is in super condition
with near perfect nickel. It is old and legit. I guarantee
Good + . . . . . $100.00
F. M.
Russell Omaha Gas & Electric Fixtures Miniature Advertising Anvil / Salesman Sample / Paperweight
This is a rare & early miniature anvil. The company was formed in
the 1870's and they supplied electric and gas fixtures to the growing
city. This miniature anvil is in super condition. It is old and legit. I guarantee
Good + . . . . . $125.00
Brass Miniature Advertising Anvil / Salesman Sample / Paperweight This
unusual miniature anvil with an ancient Roman Soldier wearing a helmet cast into the side
is in super condition. It is old and legit. I guarantee
Good + . . . . . $125.00
Wagner Cast
Iron Miniature Advertising Anvil / Salesman Sample / Paperweight This
unusual miniature cast iron anvil is stamped with info on both sides. It
is from an Iron Works that was located in NY from the 1870's to 1885 or so.
There is a website with the company history that is pretty easy to find,
but I could find no other examples of this anvil. It is old and legit. I guarantee
Good + . . . . . $150.00
"Cristobal Colon / Sunk July 3rd 1898" Miniature
Cast Brass Commemorative Advertising Anvil / Paperweight
This unusual miniature cast brass anvil is stamped with info and a date
on one side. The top line indicates it is made from brass from the
wreckage of the Cristobal Colon. Running "Cristobal Colon /
Sunk July 3rd 1898" in Google turned up lots of interesting info about
this Spanish ship and how it performed in the Spanish American War in
1898. It is an interesting read, a highlight being the Captain
decided to steam out of the harbor into the path of the American fleet
with his largest guns being wooden dummies. It is old and legit. I guarantee
it!! A nice piece!! Good + . . . . . $100.00
Bradley's Top Props / New Haven Slat Irons" Miniature
Cast Iron Advertising Anvil / Paperweight
This unusual miniature anvil is stamped with info on both sides. The
black paint is original. I
believe the products referred to are parts for Horse drawn Carriages / Buggies. I
found scant info on that, but did find some. I could find no info
on or other examples of this unusual anvil though. It is old and legit. I guarantee
it!! A nice piece!! Good + . . . . . $100.00
Miniature Anvils The Brass one
is a semi hollow casting. It has good age, and looks good. The
jewelers anvil on the stand is marked Brookstone. Clean & Nice!!
Good + . . . . . $30.00 / pr.
Metal Co. "Nickel Genuine" Babbitt Ingot Nice condition. 3.1 lbs or so.
Says it is Genuine Nickel. I guess a different or specific type of
Babbitt bearing metal.
The catalog of theirs I have indicates they made / sold all sorts of metals. Good + . . . . . $55.00
Metal Babbitt Metal Ingot Nice
condition. Approx. 6 1/4 lbs.
Same form as the small advertising levels by Starrett I have listed on the level
Good + . . . . . $65.00
Metal Co. Collection
The Frictionless Metal Co was based in Richmond VA and made Babbitt
bearing metal
for use in large machinery prior to widespread availability of ball
What I am offering here is a collection Frictionless Metal Co. pieces
assembled over the years by a collector of levels. One of the products
Frictionless Metal Co put out were small decorated advertising levels
produced for them by Starrett. They are considered hard to find. They
are on the left below 2 examples of the product they made, Babbitt
ingots. Those levels alone generally sell for 50 -100.
Buying one level probably lead to the start of this
collection which includes two Babbitt ingots, 2 of the levels, 2
blotters, numerous used letter envelopes with advertising graphics, a
1901 large poster calendar, and the very rare good luck horseshoe advertising
clock seen in the last pics. The clock is not working. Check all the
International Harvester Baby Red Dump Truck This is a
very nice example of this cast iron toy that dates from the early 20's -
30's. They came in several sizes with this one being just about 11"
long overall. The condition is all original and pretty nice given the
age. The International Harvester Decals on both doors are nice. The
blue Arcade sticker is original and nice as well. There are no breaks or cracks, just normal light wear and losses
to the paint. The dump feature works, and the string just needs to be hooked
back up. The wheels are original and you can still read the
writing on rubber on them. Others I have seen have all steel wheels. Very Nice!!
Good + . . . . . . $495.00
Century of Progress Chicago Worlds Fair Greyhound Tour Bus This is a
very nice example of this cast iron toy that dates from the early 30's.
They came in a number of different lengths with this being just about 14"
long overall. The condition is all original and pretty nice given the
age. There are no breaks or cracks, just normal light wear and losses
to the paint. The wheels are original and you can still read the
writing on some of them. The seats are set up so that the fairgoers
could sit facing outward to see all the sights as the bus toured the
fairgrounds. The top is marked with all he info including the 1933
date. Very Nice!! Good + . . . . . . $395.00
Hagen Concave Face Sand Wedge Wood Shaft Golf Club The
design golf club was patented and the number is 1695598. There was a great
write-up for the design in a Sothby's catalog where the one offered sold for
2K. It was unused. This one is not.
Here is that catalog entry.
"It was designed to help golfers escape from bunkers and other troubles. Although most
think that Gene Sarazen created the wedge, Ed MacClain, who spent a lot of time in the bunkers at Houston Country Club,
created this concave design. The new club helped Horton Smith, also known as "the Joplin Ghost" to shoot 278 to win the
Savannah Open by one stroke over Bobby Jones in February 1930. Smith gave his friend one of the new sticks which Jones found handy
later that summer when he was stuck in the greenside bunker on the par-5 16th hole at Hoylake. Swinging MacClain's wedge, Jones
blasted the ball out to within four inches of the cup for the birdie that scored the 1930 British Open and the Grand Slam.
The Walter Hagen Golf Company began to manufacture and sell the new "sand wedge." On January 9, 1931, the USGA struck down the club, as
"repeated tests proved conclusively that from grass a ball could strike the club face at two different points in the same stroke."
nice wood shaft golf club for the
collection, display or use.
Good . . . . . . $225.00
Spalding Seely
Patent Wood Shaft Golf Club The
patent is from May 14, 1912. It covers the design for attaching
the head to the shaft with long metal fingers or splines to help strengthen and
reinforce the area where wood shaft meets metal head. The back is marked with all
the important info. It is a driving iron. It has a dot face. The
original shaft is marked A. G.
Spalding & Bros. Gold Medal. The grip is original and has a small tear as
shown. The Seely Patent Hickory Shaft Golf Club is an unusual wood shaft
golf club every
collection needs.
Good + . . . . . . $250.00
5 Piece Matched Set of Willie Dunn Wood Shaft
Golf Clubs
An incredible grouping / set
of original C. 1890s Willie Dunn by Crawford McGregor & Canby Co. wood shaft clubs in fantastic
little used condition. Original finish, and original sheepskin grips on all. Never
been fiddled with. About as nice as one could ask for anad rare to boot.
Each wood shaft is marked Crawford McGregor & Canby Co.
of Dayton Ohio. The heads of the 2 different wood drivers are stamped Willie Dunn
New York. The backs of the irons are stamped with his name and NY as well. There
are numerous Bios and discussions about the Dunn family in relation to Golf to
be found online.
I am not
going to go on and on about these, those who have a genuine interest know what
they are looking at, and I am going to let the numerous pics tell the
rest of the story. The first few are group shots, then multiples of the individual
clubs. Look them over and get back to me. Fine . . . . . . $1450.00
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