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4 Antique
Electric Lighting Fixtures Arc Lamps & Nernst Glower I
am offering these 4 antique lighting fixtures as a lot.
3 are electric carbon arc lamps and the smallest is a Westinghouse
Nernst Glower.
I know little about them and will not be able to answer questions about the
fine points concerning, workability, completeness, etc. We can discuss price,
delivery, and shipping, but little else about them.
As can be seen
two have globes. On the right is a Helios, to the left are two General Electric Thomson models,
one with globe one without. The smallest one is marked with only patent dates on the
inside and not the Nernst or Westinghouse name.
Good . . . . . $2350.00
Collection of Bank Vault
/ Safe Time Locks This sale is for the Collection of
Bank Vault Time Locks pictured. Includes everything shown in the first pic.
5 different cased units w/ multiple (2 - 4) clock work mechanisms, and 4 individual units. See the many individual pics for maker names, patent info,
and additional details.
Also included is the coffee table research book on these unusual devices, American Genius by David & John Enroll.
These bank vault time locks are all from one watch and clock collectors estate. I have not run or tested any.
Vault Time Locks were developed to try and thwart the real problem of bank robberies and trying to
stay a step ahead of, or thwart the ever changing criminals approach to their "job".
There is a very informative site online with a lot of good information and background on
these devices. That address would be Mark Frank, the owner collector
of that site has a quite impressive collection of these devices on display there.
As to pricing of this collection. I have little knowledge of vault time locks or their relative values. Some look better than others, or earlier, or more interesting to my
untrained eye, but I have little info or knowledge to base prices on them individually. For the time being I am going to offer them
all as a collection. If somebody wants just one we can discuss that.
To give you an idea of my thoughts, it is going to be something along the lines of the first, and I assume best,
is going to be approx. 1/2 of the total price. After that one is gone, the same general math will apply to the remainder until a few are gone.
The idea being do not assume I am assigning the same value to all 5 of the larger multiple movement examples should you
want to buy just one of them. If interested in the single movements, I will price them individually in the $100 - $200 range.
Good + . . . . . $4750.00 / Lot
Oiler / Oil Can Collection
Here is an interesting collection
of approx 30 oilers. Almost every one of these
has a subtle difference should you think you are seeing repeats. There
are at least 3 different ones made for specific bicycles, a couple
marked Comptometer for use w/ that adding machine, a couple with decals for film projectors,
and so forth. These and other similar small oilers were given with the
purchase of an assortment of everyday devices that were sold back when.
can find ones marked with fishing reel manufactures names, roller
skate makers, (there is one of these here), sewing machines and a host
of others. Other highlights here are the glass Gem at the top in the
middle. The bottom of the glass is marked that it was made by the P.
and Co. the company that made the famous eggbeater that is so hard to
find. The small blue plastic one is also a rarity and it is the only one in this small
size that I have ever owned. It is an eagle and they made these in
green, yellow, and other colors as well. There is also the Sterling Silver Tiffany one
in the back that was actually sold as a vermouth dispenser for those
drinking Martinis and who longed to actually be looked upon as a blue
collar working
sort, instead of just lubing up their system with another drink.
Good + . . . . .SOLD!
Anvil Collection
is a small collection of miniature anvils. Nice examples seem to
have pretty much disappeared from the real world marketplace over the
last few years. Included here are some very nice and graphic
examples of miniature blacksmith anvils not often found. I can remember
being able to find these things almost anywhere you went shopping, but
now all you see are the new re-pops of the Deere or other new ones that
A few random notes about
these. Top left is from Panama and marked 1912 to commemorate that
important event in their history. Another is marked "Cal Poly". The
second row left one has a lot of writing and looks like it would accept
a hammer handle. Never saw that one before! The center one is marked
"England". Some are unmarked but have great form. Front left is iron
and marked heavily on both sides, and the other one in front is a
Hoosier Stove advertising piece. All in all a nice representation.
Good + . . . .SOLD!
Note: The above anvils
were sold on eBay one at a time when I got no offers for the collection. The prices realized were as
expected. The Hay Budden went for just under $200, a few bought
$100 or so, a couple
brought $50.00-75.00 and the rest sold for under $20.00 each.
I do still want more and welcome your offers for new, but old, and
different examples.
Corkscrew Collection
is a collection / pile of corkscrews that I have acquired over the past
few years. Do not be misled, I put the good ones that I recognize
near the top. There may be a few sleepers in the middle, but I
doubt it. I hate
seeing my stuff in boxes where I can not find it or see it. All
in all there are about 40 or so different ones here, and most of the
other good ones are at the edges near the front.
Good + . . . .SOLD!
Can Opener Collection I have sought these little marvels for a number of years, and should
have been looking for antique corkscrews at the same time, but that came later.
I have built up and sold parts of this collection a few times over the years,
and basically just concentrate now on the earliest and most elaborate or unusual
combination ones. These usually date from well before1900, and are made of
cast iron as opposed to sheet or formed steel. (There is one steel one in here
that I have never seen before---the heart shaped one.) They are fun to
find and can still be found, although not with the regularity of a few years
ago. The "100 year rule" is coming into play with this category of collectible
and it will not be much longer before the supply of these earlier mechanical
ones is gone completely and you are left mostly with the newer advertising or
wooden handle variety that typically are 30 to 50 years newer than most of those
pictured here. The one in the back and the one closest to it on the right
( "The Champion" ) are my favorites, but all are unusual and very hard to find
these days.
Good + . . . . SOLD!
Pot Lifter / Multi-Tool Collection
Here is an interesting collection of early tools
that could be found in the kitchen of yesteryear. We have been buying
such things for many years, and they are genuinely hard to come by after you
get the first one or two more common varieties. These are another example
of the 100 year rule of collectibles in action, as we use to see them out and
about, and now have not added a new one to this collection in several years.
The last came with a collection of trivets we bought a while back. I do
not expect to ever find one in a shop or at a show anymore. They just
do not come out at the garage sale for those dealers to buy so they can offer
them up in their wares. They are one of the most graphic and yet simple
of all the types of tools found in the early kitchen. I love the way today
we are offered devices for the kitchen that will do a host of jobs, i.e. radios
with can openers, coffee grinders, knife sharpeners etc all rolled up into one
package, and all designed to last no more than a couple of years if actually
used. Well that was not the intent or purpose when these devices were
introduced, they were built to last and they have. It was truly a matter
of space and convenience that these were developed and offered to the lady of
the house back then. People simply did not have 500 sq ft kitchens and
60 ft. of upper and lower cabinets to store all their possessions. There
was one cabinet and 1 stack of drawers and a limited amount of space available
in that top drawer in most kitchens from that era. Some of these have
so many intended uses that you can lose count trying to figure it out.
Devices such as these made sense, sometimes, and even if they didn't, today
they sure make for a great collectible to hang on one of those empty spaces
in that oversize kitchen you have.
Good + . . . . SOLD!
Ice Shave Collection Here is an
interesting collection of pretty unusual ice shaves that we have gathered over
the last few years. We use to buy these for their being part of Kitchen
collecting, and then we met a couple of collectors who specialized in buying
them and we fed them to them until we parted ways because we stopped doing shows
in the east. Over the years we have sort of lost contact with the first
two, and the third guy from this neck of the woods doesn't like to pay much,
so they started to pile up in a box in the basement. We kind of shied
away from the standard versions that we typically saw and just bought those
we had not seen before, and here is the result of that effort over the last
few years. For the uninitiated, or for those that care, the two in the
front with flip tops are pretty unusual. The nickel plated enterprise
is different from the norm as well. In the back row is an obscure one
from CA, and a Griswold which has more meaning and a following in the cookware
/ cast iron world, and is pretty unusual. We have had a few other good
lookers and as time passes we will add more if we find them, but for now this
is it and the price is for the package.
Good + . . . . . SOLD!
Ice Cream Scoop / Disher Collection
This collection was begun when we began to expand our horizons and the
overwhelming desire / sickness, that leads one to buy had begun to firmly take
hold. Tools and eggbeaters that we had not seen before were becoming
harder and harder to find, and so a logical step was to start buying a popular
collectible that had a bit of info published about it, and so we began a new
quest. We initially bought and then sold these interesting
soda fountain type devices, and have watched the market go up and down over
the years, but the interest in these neat and fun-to-find collectible never
seems to fade. We do not seem to be able to find them like we use to,
but have been able to add one or two new and different ones to the pile every
year or so. Because of the costs of the remodel we are doing, and
the lack of display space even though we are doing the remodel to create more
space for display, we are now prepared to let this collection go. The
split-apart is not often seen, and nor are the Masonic forms / molds at
the outside corners. So all in all there is a nice start here that will
put you at the top of your collecting class, or a few good additions to the collection if you have been at it for a
while. We are selling this collection one by one or at a special price
for the package.
Good + . . . .
Fuel Lamp
Fillers This form
filler was also used with chafing dishes, but they seem to be worth more
when called lamp fillers. Lamp fillers use to be
plentiful and reasonably cheap. Then other people began to collect them.
Demand rose and so did prices. Then after a few years of inflated
results on eBay the demand
fell off and so did prices. These were sold on the way down for
about what was paid for them, A lesson learned and that should be
acknowledged by all collectors. Nothing goes up all the time for
ever. A lesson American homeowners, and antique collectors and
dealers have learner over and over in the past.
Good + . . . . . SOLD!
Collection of Early Light Bulbs I started this collection about 25 years too late
and probably sold them 25 years too soon. It is almost
electrifying when you walk up on one you know is early.
Good + . . . . . SOLD!
Collection of
Antique Desk & Hotel Bells
This collection was begun in the 60's to fulfill the need to buy when the
collector could not find any irons to ad to the collection. In the
end they were going to Wal-Mart and buying them brand new.
Just a fraction of the over 1000 bells are shown.
Good + . . . . . SOLD!
Collection of
Antique Lemon Squeezers This collection
of Lemon Squeezers is just a small sample of the many mechanical and
patented lemon squeezers that were produced over the years.
Their values have gone up and down with
the market for things like Barware, or Old West collectibles, or General
Store etc. Going up when each of those were "Hot", and going
down when demand faded. Very refreshing.
Good + . . . . . SOLD!
Amozoc Iron Collection Amozoc irons
from Mexico and were the work of skilled artists and metal engravers. The work is
reminiscent of engraving found on guns, spurs, belt buckles, chap decoration,
and other cowboy / Western items from the same time period. It is thought that they were made by
artists and engravers as a means to keep busy in-between larger commission
work, sold or given as gifts, or made as examples of the level of quality of an
individual's work. Some are marked with the artist's name or initials, and others with
names of loved ones, children, or wives. Some are very detailed and well
done, some a bit cruder. Be sure to look at all the individual pictures to
see the level of detail on some, including the work that went into
fashioning the handles. And note the variety of sizes, indicated by
the ruler in each picture. An amazing collection!!
Very Good . . . . . . $2000.00 / all 20 irons
Steel / Iron Primitive Trivets
A varied selection of early trivets from a couple of the collections we
are handling. I want to sell these as a collection rather than
individually. They are very
graphic, and each one is different from the next in some way. These
are very early and each one is smithy- or craftsman-made. Some have
rivets, some have initials punched into the design, some are solid and some
are a strap make-up. Quite a collection and one that would be near
impossible to assemble again.
Click for Pic
Click for Pic
Click for Pic
Click for Pic
Click for Pic
Click for Pic
Good . . . . . . As a Collection . . . . $375.00
. . . . . or pick and chose at $35.00 / each
Antique & Collectible
Vintage Hog Oilers
Price $9,500 SOLD!!!
This is a collection of 29 vintage hog oilers and
is being offered as a collection. 28 are shown in the pics below. There
are some very rare and hard to find examples of antique and vintage hog oilers as
well as some more common versions of these unusual farm devices from a forgotten
I am assuming if you are looking at them that you
know what they are, how they were used, and what they are worth. I am not
sure, but assume the phrase slippery as a pig is related in more ways than one.
The owner does not wish to sell individual oilers.
The price is for all of them, but the value is concentrated in about 10. The
others are being included at no additional cost, and have little to no value assigned
to them in the price. You can take them or leave them.
There is some overlap in the pictures but you should
be able to pick out 28 different ones. They were all restored at one time,
but have been sitting outside for about 10 years now. These are located in
central CA and delivery can be arranged by pick-up, freight or otherwise.
This climate does not have hard freezes and there are none that are cracked or otherwise
damaged that I can see.
SOLD!!! Price $ SOLD!!!
Click the Pics to ENLARGE

SOLD!!! Click the Pics to ENLARGE
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Larry & Carole Meeker