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Blasting / Dynamite / Cap Tins / Lamps & Misc.

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Patented 1897 Miner's "Dinner Pail and Lantern"Patented 1897 Miner's "Dinner Pail and Lantern"  This rare and unusual miner's lunch pail with lantern was granted a patent on April 20th 1897. The # is 581,O58.  It is stamped with the patent date on one side. The Patentees names were Harry E. Bryan and William T Harriman. They hailed from Cadiz Ohio. I had a bit of trouble making he patent come up, but it finally did after adding an A to the number. It is very similar with a few minor differences from the drawings.

In Pohs book Miner's Flame Lights Pohs mentions just how rare these miner's lighted lunch pails are and shows a couple other versions, but just the patent illustration for this one.

The cosmetic condition of most of it is fine. It does have one apology, that being the bottom of the lantern's fuel reservoir is rusted out and there are numerous holes there. There is some minor rust in other spots, but nothing serious. There are no major dents or dings. The glass lens is nice. The lantern wick works as it should. Note how the large food container w/ tray slides out from the bottom.

Over the years I have had a couple other versions of this idea. One was a patent model, and the other was a round version that I owned twice over a span of 20 some years. Both of those can be seen in the past sales archives on our sister website of recorded past sales. Here is the link to that page

Opportunity is knocking.

Good + . . . . . $495.00       SOLD!!

New York Blasting Supply Co. No. 2 Dynamite Plunger Blasting BoxNew York Blasting Supply Co. No. 2 Dynamite Plunger Blasting Box  This New York Blasting Supply Co. No. 2 - 25 cap blasting machine is smaller than most blasting boxes found. It measures 13-1/2" tall x 4-1/2" wide x 6-1/4" deep. The overall condition is good, and the plunger works and the machine "growls" as it should when the plunger is operated.

Good + . . . . . $600.00         SOLD!!

DuPont # 10 Dynamite Blasting BoxDuPont # 10 Dynamite Blasting Box This small dynamite blasting box looks to be in nice overall condition noting a chip in the box at one corner.  It has 3 different tags attached to the wooden box.  The mechanism seems to work, but yhas not been tested.

Good +  . . . . .  $400.00        SOLD!!

Dynamite Blasting Machine3 New York Blasting Machine Co. #2 Blasting Boxs These are a small blasting box and measures approx. 5 x 7 x12.   The one on the right and left in the pics above are #2s, and the middle one is slightly bigger and is a #3.   The name plate on the front is in good condition.   The condition is very good on all and they seems operational, but I could not get anyone to hold onto the ends when I pushed on the plunger.

Good + . . . . .$395.00 / Each                     SOLD!

Knight Foundry - Sutter Creek Cal Mortar & PestleKnight Foundry - Sutter Creek Cal Mortar & Pestle  An unusually large handled mortar & pestle marked in the casting around the base Knight Foundry - Sutter Creek Cal.  This rare find is from Sutter Creek California a small gold rush town along Hwy 49 in the heart of the 1850’s Gold Rush area.  This large mortar & pestle is the real deal!!  Not to be confused with the small repop ones that were issued by Knight Foundry to help keep the museum there up and running. 

The mortar is made of cast iron and was manufactured in Sutter Creek California at the Knight Foundry (California Historical Landmark #884) which was founded in 1873 to supply heavy equipment to the gold mines. Sutter Creek is located about 40 miles from Coloma the original site of the ’49 Gold Rush at Sutter’s Mill. Knight Foundry is still there and is open for tours.

Both Mortar & Pestle are in good condition showing normal wear, some light rust and no chips or cracks. The mortar measures approx 10” tall, and 8 1/4” dia. at the top. The pestle measures 11 ½” long. The mortar and pestle combined weigh approximately 45 pounds.

A genuine piece of California history with Gold Rush Era association.  A perfect fit for the advanced collection.

Good + . . . . . $195.00 

Gold Medal Dynamite Fuse Crimper / PlierGold Medal #1 Blasting Cap / Dynamite Fuse Crimper / Plier  Fine condition. This set is cast and not the cheaper, more common stamped version.  They were made by the Metallic Cap Manufacturing Works which was located in Livermore CA. and went out of business after a few explosive mishaps at the plant.

Fine . . . . . $75.00   SOLD!!

Schollhorn / US Blasting Cap / Dynamite Fuse Crimper / Plier / ToolSchollhorn / U. S.  Blasting Cap / Dynamite Fuse Crimper / Plier / Tool  For getting your stick of dynamite ready to go.  Fine condition.

Fine . . . . . $25.00   SOLD!!

Wells Fargo Reciept BookWells Fargo Order Receipt Books These two order receipt books date from just before the turn of the century.  One of them is full of revenue stamps, while the other just has the listings and locations in the order takers handwriting.  There are locations given from all over the Motherlode and these give an interesting glimpse into the feel of the area during the end of the rush for riches here in the Motherlode.

Good + . . . . .$195.00            SOLD!

DuPont Blaster's HandbookDuPont Sesquicentennial Edition Blaster Handbook  In case you need a refresher or even beginners guide to using the machine above, or other aspects.  I did not see a chapter on fertilizer and diesel, you will need to look elsewhere for that recipe.

Good +. . . . .$45.00          SOLD!

Studabaker WagonStudebaker Wheelbarrow  The story of how John Studebaker at the age of 19 came to Placerville, California looking for gold and instead began a business making wheelbarrows can be found on numerous sites on the internet and elsewhere.  Finding an original Studebaker wheelbarrow is a different matter altogether, and even finding pictures of original ones can be difficult. 

Well here is one in the flesh, and a once in a lifetime opportunity to own it.   This wheelbarrow is not to be confused with later mass produced examples, this one dates from the 1850's and its construction details with through mortises and tennons attest to that.  I do not have any actual documentation, but when compared to Studebaker's early work and other wheelbarrows you can see in a couple of museums online this one is a pretty good match.  Overall it is in fine condition noting one of the removable side boards is not complete.  It is sitting up on a shelf where additional pictures were hard to take, but if interested I will get it down and take better ones for you.  This can be described in three simple words, and it deserves to be in a museum---whether that is run by the State or in your private barn does not matter.  Rare ----- Rare ----- Rare

Click for Pic         Click for Pic        Click for Pic

Good+ . . . . . .$4000.00          SOLD!

Nobel Blasting Cap TinNobel Blasting Cap Tin   Blasting cap tins use to be found all over.  I use to find them even here in Ca where gold was discovered in the 1840's, and all things mining or blasting related have been sucked from the market for 150 + years.  Today, you hardly ever see them.  Below is a nice little selection to help with the dry times. 

Fine . . . . .$95.00               SOLD!

Hercules Blasting Cap TinHercules Blasting Cap Tin   A nice looking Hercules 25 count #6 round blasting cap tin.. 

Good +. . . . .$55.00            SOLD!

#100 JustRite Carbide Lamp Box#100 JustRite Carbide Lamp Box  These are hard to find.   One side has a sliver off of it.

Good. . . . .$35.00          SOLD!!          

Dallas Mineral Company Spanish Dip Compass w/ Paperwork A Gold / Silver 
	& Mineral Prospector's Outfit Dallas Mineral Company Spanish Dip Compass w/ Paperwork A Gold / Silver & Mineral Prospector's Outfit    This rare and unusual instrument was intended to make the lucky buyer / user rich and famous in his quest to find Gold, Silver, and other hidden treasure.  That was back when gold was something like $30.00 an ounce, just think of the potential today with gold hovering close to $2000.00.

As can be seen in the accompanying handbill and other paperwork included this type of device could be purchased in at least three different grades.  The Dallas Mineral Company was so sure of the value they even offered to sell it on terms.  From all the assorted papers here it seems the buyer was doing due diligence before plunking down his hard earned cash.  In that regard there is a receipt for $150.00 that I am not sure what it represents.  Included are testimonials and literature from other similar devices here as well..   As can be seen the buyer opted for the top of the line model called "The Spanish Magnetic Dip Needle" in the handbill. If I am reading the literature correctly in addition to the base price you also had to agree to cut the Dallas Mineral Company in on any of the riches you discovered using their device.   P.T. Barnum was probably a backer or officer of the company  .In that vein the original buyer also obtained a copy of the seminal work titled Jacobs Rod which contains complete instructions on how to proceed in this type of endeavor using similar devices but without that special vial of nuggets this model has.

It looks to be a simple dip compass, with a "special" vial of magical gold colored nuggets to help power the needle in the quest for riches hiding just below the surface.  In use you would use it kind of like a dowsing rod, or divining stick, holding the compass out or down while hanging onto the thin wooden handles, and when the needle pointed down, that was a sign to start digging I suppose..  The overall condition is great noting that one of the springy wooden splint handles has cracked and been glued / repaired. 

This is really a great piece of mining lore.

Excellent  . . . . .$395.00         SOLD!

M. Attwood / Lietz Miners Clinometer / CompassM. Attwood / A. Lietz Miners Clinometer / Compass   Mr. Attwood's invention appears in the 1899 A. Lietz Co. of San Francisco catalog billed as their #87 Attwood Clinometer.  It still appears in the 1911 catalog.   It is referred to in an 1896 J. C. Sala Catalog so the idea for it had been around for a while before Lietz offered their modified design.  I could not find a patent for it using Google.   The 1911 catalog and the entry can be viewed in Google books with a search for M. Attwood Clinometer. 

This particular instrument comes directly from the family of the owner Roy Wethered who was born in 1883 and was a miner and involved in various mining operations of that time period.  A Google search of his name brings up numerous references and biographical info. 

This combination mining tool / inclinometer / Clinometer / compass and more measures 6 3/8 x 3 x 7/16".  The condition is very nice showing just minor losses to the original black finish.  The level vials are good, and the sighting feature works as it should.  It also has its original leather case that is nice as well..  It is made of an Aluminum alloy and includes an inclinometer and compass as well as two levels and a sighting arrangement allowing it to be used as a hand level / grade level.  The catalog description lists out all the mining jobs it could be used for including rough surveys.  The cost back then was $15.00    A very nice piece of mining related memorabilia that is very hard to find!

Fine . . . . . .$495.00         SOLD!

Vintage Carbide Light / LampMajestic Carbide Carriage Lamp It looks to be in nice overall condition. 

Good   . . . . .  $55.00         SOLD!!

C. M. Hall The Liberty Model Carbide Bicycle LampC. M. Hall " The Liberty Model" Bicycle Lamp The maker of this nickel plated bicycle lamp hailed from Kenoshaw Wis.  They made a number of different model carbide fired lights for bikes, carriages and the like.  It looks to be in nice overall condition. 

Good +  . . . . .  $50.00      SOLD!!

Vintage Carbide Light / LampSolar Carbide Lamp Dirty, but looks to be in nice overall condition. 

Good   . . . . .  $45.00     SOLD!!

Aladdin Model A Kerosene Pressure Lantern / LampAladdin Model A Kerosene Pressure Lantern / Lamp   The Aladdin Model A Kerosene Pressure Lantern is a rare, early and unusual lantern / lamp. The overall condition is very nice. It stands approx. 14" tall, and is 6 1/2" dia.

This rare Aladdin kerosene gas pressure lantern was made by The Mantle Lamp company of America, Chicago Ill. It is typically referred to as the Model A Aladdin. There are a few references to them on the internet, but not much info. I did see one picture of a polished brass example on a site that said it was from Larry Pennell's collection who is a well known collector of Coleman lamps.  Another reference was for a different brass one from a sale over a year ago that was still archived by eBay. AU.  In that ad it was claimed that no more than several hundred Model A lanterns were made and that only 20 or so are known to still exist.

The original nickel plating is nearly flawless. The mica windows look good overall but there is one damaged area. The sliding door in it is in good condition. The top is marked "The Mantle Lamp Company of America Inc., Chicago USA. Model A Aladdin Kerosene Lantern, Patents Applied For". It was hard to photograph because of the glare. The red valve knob has the number 748 on it. The nickel plated body / font has no major dents or dings to speak of. The top has a few minor dents / dings. There is another small dent in the top vent area. Note there is small sliding door near the top that I assume is for lighting it. It functions. The top removes by sliding two lock tabs to the side. They work. This lantern has not been tested or run. A super piece for the advanced collection, and a rarity in this finish, in this nice condition.   Opportunity knocks.   Please check out all the pictures to see how nice this is!

Good + . . . . . $695.00      SOLD!!

Vintage Carbide Light / LampWWII German Railroad Carbide Lamp The body is marked with Geman symbols from WWII.  It has been repainted at some point.  It looks to be in nice overall condition. 

Good   . . . . .  $95.00      SOLD!!

Hercules #1 Blasting Cap Plier / CrimperHercules #1 Blasting Cap Plier / Crimper  Looks to be in nice overall condition. 

Good +  . . . . .  $45.00       SOLD!!

California #1 Blasting Cap Plier / CrimperCalifornia #1 Blasting Cap Plier / Crimper  Nickel losses, minor pitting on one side, and could use a cleaning. 

Good +  . . . . .  $35.00       SOLD!!

Gold Medal Blasting Cap Plier / CrimperGold Medal Blasting Cap Plier / Crimper  Nickel losses and could u se a cleaning, but looks to be in nice overall condition.  This set was made by the Metallic Cap Manufacturing Works which was located in Livermore CA. and went out of buiness after a few mishaps at the plant.

Good +  . . . . .  $65.00       SOLD!!

20th Century Bicycle Lantern Carriage Lamp in Original Box   This lantern is like NOS.  The box shows some wear & tear from being shuffled about on the shelf, but the light is mint.  Check out the pictures of the box, it is really quite unusual.

Good . . . . .  SOLD!

Dupont #2 Dynamite Crimping / Fuse Cutting Pliers These are clearly marked Dupont #2 on the chromed body and are in overall excellent condition.  It appears you are getting a cutter, a crimper, and a reamer and screwdriver , plus a hole in the handle I do not know the purpose of.   They are Nice!

Good + . . . . .$55.00            SOLD!

CXL Mining / Dynamite Crimpers / Pliers & MoreThese are marked CXL on the brass body and are in overall excellent condition.  It appears you are getting a cutter, a splitter, a crimper, and a reamer.  Only the cutting blade and the spring are of steel, thus cutting down on the chance of an errant spark and unwanted detonation.  They are Nice!

Good + . . . . .$45.00            SOLD!

Dupont #1 Dynamite Crimping Pliers  These are clearly marked Dupont #1 on the chromed body and are in overall excellent condition.  It appears you are getting a large crimper,  plus a hole in the handle I do not know the purpose of.   They are Nice!

Good + . . . . .$95.00           SOLD!

Craig Patent "Globe" Hydraulic Monitor / Gold Mining Water Cannon  This Craig Patent monitor is clearly marked on the cast iron housing with the name and patent info.  It is an early version and these were the monitor of choice for many years until better designs were brought to market.  This one seems complete and has both a 4" & 6" nozzle. It was difficult to photograph so please look at all the pics to get an idea of what is included. 

A Google search for Hydraulic mining will keep you busy all day with all the information that is available. One site I found managed by the Central Pacific Railroad had numerous photographs and other image types showing these and their use. Here is the link to that site   Below is a short info quote from another site I found.

 Subject: Re: CA-HISTORY-HYDRAULIC-MINING-D Digest V01 #7 Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2001 17:37:05 EDT   In all the literature and newspapers I have read on the Craigs only initials are used to identify them. R.R. Craig, which could very well be Randolph R. and J. Craig, who is probably Joe. Could the literature possibly be mistaken and instead of brothers they were a father and son team? According to newspaper articles, R.R. was the inventor. The Globe Monitor was invented in Nevada City and was first manufactured by the Nevada Foundry (later Miner's Foundry). In 1870 the Craigs moved it to Marysville, probably because the Nevada Foundry was also manufacturing nozzles for competing inventors. However, they used Nevada City as their headquarters for some time. At a later date they joined forces with Hoskins. The Globe Monitor was the first satisfactory monitor on the market and dominated the market until finally being surpassed by Hoskins. The first monitors purchased by the North Bloomfield Gravel Mining Co., for example, in place of primitive nozzles, were two Craig Globe Monitors. The best article on the Craig Globe Monitor can be found in the Mining & Scientific Press, Oct. 1. 1870.

Hydraulic mining was introduced in California in the 1850's ad continued until it was outlawed in 1884.   Its effects on the environment were enormous. I imagine that if regulations were not in place today that some would still advocate its use.  Today in Eldorado County dredging has been outlawed because of the environmental impact it has.  The main reason being the amount of old mercury it can reintroduce into the environment.  That would be mercury left over from the last batch of miners who left it behind after using it to help in their quest for riches.  I wonder if those who want dredging to be allowed again would also advocate the return of hydralic mining as one of their rights, or where they draw their lines? 

This is being stored in the North Bay area, and although it can be shipped, pick-up is preferable, or it can be delivered by appointment for a reasonable fee.  

Good . . . . .   SOLD!!

ALGOL Miner's Candlestick / Mine LightALGOL c. 1860s Placer County CA Miner's Candlestick / Mine Light Info on the ALGOL mine, a 19th century copper and gold mine in Placer County comes up with a Google Search. Note the castellated thimble and thumb lever.  The stick goes from square to round at the tip, and the loop hadle has a bit of a highgrade feature w/ theinside of the loop handle having a slight hollow to it.  An unusual piece.

Good + . . . . . $295.00          SOLD!!

Dated & Marked Miners Candlestickc. 1890 Dated & Marked Miners Candlestick This candle stick is dated 1890 and has stamped initials J. G. W. on the castellated thimble / candle holder. The hook is broken off. There is a near identical stick in the new book on candlesticks that has a stamping that looks to be by the same hand.  It has a Michigan style very tight hook a style that was designed to fit miners caps with its tight radius.

Good - . . . . . $125.00            SOLD!!

Koehler #209 Approved Miners Safety Lamp   This form or style of lamp is commonly known as the Davey lamp, and is named after the inventor.  The idea was that because the flame was behind the interior screen or mesh, and behind the glass, it would not ignite flammable gases in an enclosed area like a mine.  I have seen this version out and about before, so we can assume it is one of the later and more readily available ones.  It appears to be made out of aluminum and is in excellent condition.  The striker is operational and the glass is good.

Good + . . . . . SOLD!

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Larry & Carole Meeker