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Wheeler & Wilson No. 8 Sewing Machine c. 1876 Display Model / Salesman Sample / Patent Model
This is the real deal. This genuine miniature Salesman sample sewing machine is very graphic and looks great.
I have been at this going on 40 years now and use to specialize in toy and child size sewing machines, as well as patent models of
sewing machines. In all that time I have never seen or heard of another example of this special little sewing machine.
The machine looks like a dressed up exact miniature copy of the Wheeler & Wilson No.8 sewing machine that was first
introduced in 1876. One would think if it was a typical salesman sample or display model
for retail shops that others would be known. None are.
I do not use the term rare
often, but this tiny salesman sample Wheeler & Wilson # 8 sewing machine fits the bill.
After having discussed it with a few other knowledgeable folks I will tell you what I think. Given the size, with no dimension
much over 12", it could be a patent model. The patent could be for something like the
wood folding table extensions on two sides of the top, an unusual feature in its own right.
Or it could be for something having to do with the treadle base. Either are
possibilities, but do not explain the
sewing machine, and its details, or lack of them.
Another possibility is that it is a patent model of the sewing machine itself. That it is a one of kind, as patent models were,
and no others are out and about would help that argument. Also, it is very close to the right size with no dimension
much over 12". One could make arguments for or against that idea, but that does not seem
quite right given the construction details of the machine, and other factors.
One would also think if it was a typical salesman sample it
would be larger and designed to actually work. Meaning that while the table
folds as it should, and the treadle works as it should, and the
moving parts of the machine move and it seems to be working when
operated, the fact is that there are no moving parts under the machine involved with the
needle, or provisions for actually making a stitch. Speaking of the mechanism, it works and is a bit sticky. It operates OK when
off the base being held and using ones thumb to help move the "drum",
but when trying to operate it from the flywheel it tends to hang up in one spot.
If one pushes through that spot the flywheel can begin to free spin,
(there is no keyway, or lock for it to the shaft), just the nut holding it on.
The small nut holding it tight is almost stripped if not so. While made to work,
and all the associated parts do move as they should, the actual operation is spotty at best.
I believe it is a limited production promotional / sample / display model
made by Wheeler & Wilson of the "New" No. 8 Wheeler & Wilson sewing machine, to be displayed or
exhibited at events like the 1876 Centennial Expos, Worlds Fairs, or Trade Shows during the centennial celebrations. The
No. 8 Wheeler & Wilson was introduced in 1876 and that time frame would fit
this idea. That would also explain the relative scarcity of no others known. Wheeler and Wilson would only need one,
two or a few, for events like that. I should note it carries a brass
inscribed Wheeler & Wilson logo plaque inset in the base plate.(see pics)
Another aspect or consideration is the
construction of the machine and choice of materials and finish.
The body has an unusual silver plated like finish. The main cross arm is
decorated and polished brass. These cosmetic embellishments would lend weight to the Expo display
idea. Such fine finish attributes would certainly grab one's attention as the
crowds strolled by the Wheeler & Wilson display booth.
This miniature sewing machine is a wonderful and historically important piece.
An opportunity not likely to repeat itself.Good + . . . . . $00
Electric Wire Conduit Salesman Sample
After electricity was introduced for the everyday homeowner a way needed to
be found to safely get it and its wires to different rooms. The Wiremold Co. is still offering
versions of their product for remodels today. This set looks to date from the
1920s - 30s or so.
Neat!! Fine. . . . . $75.00
1898 Salesman Sample Door Hinge A different idea that was no doubt way to expensive
to compete in the marketplace of cheap hinges. Instead of having to punch the pins up to get a door out of the opening here you would swing the
top ball down and a cam would lift the door for you. Simple, elegant and
no doubt way to expensive to produce.Good + . . . . . $18.00
Cast Iron Automatic Anchor Salesman Sample Anchor for Canoe, Kayak, Boat, or Decoy
Anchor or ?
I have had, and could find a similar example of this cast iron folding anchor on the internet marked in
the casting "Automatic Anchor". This one has "AJON" in raised letters
in the casting. Not sure what that stands for and could not find
There is one on Worthpoint called off as a Salesman
Sample Anchor for small boats, canoes, or kayaks. That might be right.
Seems like a bit of overkill for a decoy anchor,
and not the best of ideas, but I remember having to go out and chase down drifters when using the
more typical over the head style mushroom anchors one typically sees. This design would
also tend to chew up the paint, not to mention open up at inappropriate times just
hanging loose. Nobody ever said all ideas were good though, so - - - -.
The other explanation I found said they were pocket anchors for small boats like
canoes, kayaks, and the like. Not quite sure how that would work out
either. Thinking back to the Jack London story of the duck hunter and
his dog where he did not tie up his sneakbox good enough and it drifted off
when the tide came in. It was not a happy ending after that. Funny how a
story you read over 50 years ago still sticks with you. Different &
Interesting. Fine . . . . . $110.00
Sample General Electric Fluorescent Light Display
This is a bit different than typically seen. I am guessing it dates from the
50's - 60's. All the bulbs light although it had to think
about a couple before coming on full strength. I do not
remember seeing most of these colors ever offered. The pics
show each lit up, but the camera does not do the colors justice,
they are vibrant. The only thing similar I could find on
Google was Salesman Samples for Neon color tubes. Different!!
Fine . . . . . $395.00
Fishing Pole / Fishing Line Alarm
This is a very interesting example of Yankee inventiveness This unusual gizmo device
is in super original condition, complete, and is fully operational.
It is not exactly an antique trap, but is designed to set the hook of
the fishing pole / line after the fish takes the bait. It is not exactly antique fishing tackle either, but I imagine would be
of interest to that collecting crowd as well. It is also not a gun, but is designed to fire a cap, or charge to alert or wake the napping or otherwise
busy fisherman who was not paying attention when the fish were biting and this thing was tripped.
It displays very nicely,
has a great look and gizmo appeal and should make a welcome addition to most any collection focused on those categories or others. From the look of it, and the
construction details, I would estimate it as being from near the turn of the
century give or take 20 years or so.
I am not sure
if it is a model of,
salesman sample of, or the actual device. It is unmarked as to maker, patent, or other info.
It should have been, as it is a really well designed and well executed piece. I spent a couple hours looking for a patent for it, and saw many other patents for
other vintage and antique automatic fishing poles and fishing line alarms but I
could not find this exact one. In fact, this version is somewhat more complicated and
well designed than many of those. All told it stands about 22" tall
with the base which is removable. The top portion is about 14" from
end to end.
On one hand it is kind of crude and simplistic looking, but
it is really well engineered and made so that it sets up quickly, effortlessly, and
it operates flawlessly. The picture on the left shows just the head with the line
trigger set, and the alarm / gun / trigger at the bottom cocked and ready to
go. In use, the fishing rod tip would be clamped along the top rail and locked into
place with threaded thumb screw. To set the line trigger you lift the top left arm and it
self sets with the vertical spring loaded trigger. The line would be looped over the arms on the right
in such a way that when the fish hit the line it would activate the trigger, snapping the line taught and hooking the fish. At the same time
the cocked trigger below would be tripped setting off the cap or percussion
charge alerting the napping or otherwise busy fisherman that something important was happening.
On the right is a pic of the entire unit with double prong base for setting
into the bank of the pond, river or lake.
Where or when are you going to find another!!
Good + . . . . . . $175.00
I. Case Traction Steam Engine Model w/ Water Tender
I do not know what scale this is, but the engine measures approx. 18"
long x 8" across at the widest, and 10" tall to the top of the
smoke stack. The water tender is 12" long w/o the tongue x 8" wide and 6"
tall. The detail that went into this model is pretty incredible especially the steam engine parts,
levers and such. On the tender there is a tool box w/ padlock near the
front. Underneath there is a grease bucket hanging from the frame.
It does need a bit of restoration work but is in overall good condition as it
sits. There is one broken solder joint on a rod, and one arm coming
off a lever is unattached and I do not see where it would go. The steering
is chain driven and that works well. All sorts of gearing and it all seems
to work. Also note that there is a clutch or brake on the inside of the
high drive wheel. Very nice!!Good . . . . . $2450.00
Sample American Optical Cosmetan Infared Absorption Demonstrator
This unusual and interesting device demonstrates the superior qualities of
American Optical Cosmetan Lens for use in Sunglasses. The whole idea
and premise is well described on the instruction sheet on the lid. It
operates as intended. Different!!
Fine . . . . . $45.00
Sample of 1867 Musselman Patent Combination Cheese / Wine Press
/ Sausage Stuffer / Wash Wringer
This salesman sample is a bit larger than
the normal patent model at 14" long but could well be the original
patent model, or a second copy of the
patent model submitted to the US Patent Office as it is a very close match
to the actual patent. The patent was granted
on May 21st 1867 and can be viewed on Google Patents under the number
Ah, the life and dreams of a winemaker.
This great looking salesman sample has an original brass tag
with the inventor's name C. C. Musselman of Somerset, PA. , its description, and patent date info on it. I
have shown several views of that tag in the pictures as it is a bit hard to
make out given the size and stylized script. This detailed
model represents
Mr. Musselman's idea of how to make the most of your time with his labor saving device
so that you would have more time to enjoy the fruits of your labors.
Mr. Musselman tried to cover all the possible bases with this machine and
even mentions it being suitable for wringing out wet clothes in one of the
vats or containers. It almost looks French in design and form, but the
tag says otherwise. It certainly looks like it was wine-making related
with its fruit press look, and the crank actuated lever arm used to press the
material in the vats. It looks like something that
today should be in a
California vineyards collection as a piece of winemaking history or as a
special piece of decor for a well-appointed
tasting room.
The overall condition is super and the look is fantastic
with the contrasting light fruitwood base and ebony feet and barrels. There is a small cosmetic crack
in one upright, and a small break in the top of the upright that is holding
the pulley. They are insignificant.
This is
a super piece of Americana and the overall condition is
excellent!! Not just nice, Great!!
Excellent . . . . . . $395.00
SOLD!! Note: This is an undervalued ebay
Sample Tool Handles
What we have here is actually two different sets of salesman sample
tool handles all stored in one roll for convenience. The one set consists of
the 4 slightly larger ones seen in the pic. 3 on the left, and one in the
roll. They look like ones for a single bit axe, a pick and 2 different
grades for a double bit felling axe. They are stamped differently from the
other 12.
The second set consists of sample size
tool handles for axes, pics, mauls, etc. as well as handles for hammers, sledges and the like. There are
12 in this set, and it appears that there were different grades here as well as you
see the same class handle with 2 different labels. One is a Daniel Boone,
and others are marked Perfection and Triumph. A very nice set!!
Good +. . . . . . . $150.00 SOLD!!
Salesman Sample Tankless Water Heater
This salesman sample Humphrey Water Heater is another example of no new
ideas. I remember when tankless water heaters were introduced as "new"
technology not too many years ago. The Humphrey Co. of Kalamazoo, MI started
operations in the 1890's and this looks to date from that era or just after.
It looks more substantial and as efficient as the one I bought and
installed in our last house. We just need $1.00 / gal. propane again to
make this idea a winner.
I found an auction result for the same style
heater in
its box for over $2K. This one is in very nice original condition and the
collector made a
nice little display stand for it. The condition is really exceptional.
Very nice!! Fine . . . . . . .
Sample Folding Shelving Unit /
Oak Table This is a interesting salesman sample of a folding oak table / set of
shelves. It could be a patent model as well, as it is unmarked.
I have seen numerous full size examples of this style table with
slightly different designs for the base and mechanism. It looks to
date from the 1880's to about the turn of the century. There
was a larger version that sold through Cowen's auction house several
years ago that sold for upwards of 3K. This is an opportunity to
get one reasonable and with no extra costs involved. It measures
approx 6" wide when in the up position, and 12" or so folded out as a table.
In looking at the pictures note the way some of the leaves have a rounded front and others do not.
Also that one end as a table is rounded and the other is not. Were
these differences to show the different styles that could be ordered? Different and
Fine . . . . . . . $795.00 SOLD!
Salesman Sample Chicken Coop / Chicken Carrier
I was told this is a salesman sample chicken brooder. It might be that,
or just a vintage Chicken carrier as I have seen ads for them that look
similar. It certainly is fashioned after
or made to look like a chicken coop or larger building. It looks like it
would date from the 60's or before, but there is no info on the piece itself to
confirm that. I could find no
reference or similar ones to this in the searches I ran looking for it. You would
have a time trying to get a chicken in the one door in the front if that is what
it really is. There are no other openings that are larger. The bottom slides up and down inside
but that would not help you load the waiting chicken if that is a clue.
Is Hibbard the maker and part of the Hibbard, Spence & Bartlett hardware store
outfit that operated in the Chicago area back when? I do not know, and do not have a catalog
to leaf through right at hand. Different and interesting!!
Very Good +. . . . . . . $195.00
Model of Heat Exchanger for Wood Stove
There is no tag, but there is little doubt that this is a patent model. A
couple hours of research would probably turn up the # and description at
Google Patent Search. It is a great design with all the tubes to allow
the otherwise wasted heat to be better used. It even has a damper provision
built into it. Both the top and bottom come off to facilitate cleaning
the interior should creosote build up occur. I wish that something similar was available for my
woodstove as it has trouble keeping up with the job, and this looks like it
would keep a lot of that heat in the house that otherwise just goes up and
out the chimney. Kind of neat looking little device!!
Good +. . . . . . $195.00
A Model of a Overshot Waterwheel
& Mill This is a very nicely
done representation or model of a overshot waterwheel or as the
label says it is sometimes called a Pitchback Wheel. The card that is
at the bottom left says that this was done by a Edwin F. Bristol in 1881 when
he was 80 some years old. It was donated by his wife, but it is not clear
to whom. In any case it , like many other gifts to museums and historical
societies was de-accessioned and this example ended up here in California in
my museum. It is well done and in pretty good condition, but there is
some evidence that there has been some modification to the outside corners.
Perhaps there was a shed roof or the like at some point. We will
never know. Also included with this wheel I have a 2 story
representation of a grain mill / grinding wheel arrangement set up in an open
framed barn type area, the idea being that the waterwheel drove this thing,
and thus showed the audience how it was done back then in upstate New Hampshire.
I got them together and I will sell them together or separate.
Good . . . . . $1295.00 SOLD
Clipper Fanning Mill Seed / Grain Cleaner
This is a wonderful condition example complete with outrigger and screens.
They came is sizes from this small table top size to ones that were so
large they needed horses to pull them around. Oftentimes called
salesman samples they were in fact a full size user type thing.
Good . . . . . $895.00
Sample Tool Handles Besides salesman samples
of the washing machines and farm implements that we have managed to
gather and collect and which are a major part of the collections we have, we are also always on the
lookout for other interesting examples of vintage salesman samples of
products or consumer goods that were produced early in the last century or
before. In general, salesman samples were
produced for a few different reasons, there were those of very large
products for use by traveling salesman who would travel
town to town and state to state attempting to peddle their wares to
not only the general public but also to the stores and shops in any given
location. Salesman Sample Stoves, washers and the farm
implement models are good examples of this type of salesman sample.
But there were also many other salesman samples of smaller
products that were made, both for the traveling salesman, and for use as
displays in stores or shop. These tool handles on the left are a
good example of this type of salesman sample that could be carried around by
the salesman, but probably just offered to the hardware stores and the
buyers for such places rather than the general public. I have seen
several of these over the years with different labels on them, but would
bet they were all put out by the same company and then marketed with the
different labels in different regions or locals. These are in near
mint condition, and each one measures between 6-9" or so. There
are handles for a host of tools including different grades for different
axes and mauls, picks, hammers, etc.
Good . . . . . $175.00 SOLD

Sample or Display of Machinery Oilers Another type
of salesman sample is the miniature or store display that was probably
not carried around by a traveling salesman at all, but was rather
displayed or hung up in the shop or store as an enticement for all that
came through. The patented machinery Oilers on the right are probably
an example of this type of vintage sample. This display was meant to
be mounted near the counter to impress those who saw it. It is a
neat piece as each oiler is slightly different, and the Patentee had
his name and other information embossed on the glass of each oiler.
This is pretty neat, to think that there were so many different styles
available to the public back then.
Good . . . . . $1295.00
Sample Rope / Twine I believe this salesman
sample of different style rope and twine are a bit earlier than the
handles above. From an era when there was more than one type or
style of twine offered for the discerning shop keeper to offer his
customers. Today there are 20 different grades of toilet paper,
back then people needed and used ropes much more often I suppose. The
small tags with most describe the twist or make-up of each. It
appears to me to date from the 1880's or so. Different!
Good . . . . . $95.00 SOLD
Sample Bread Slicer I believe this is a salesman
sample and not a Patent Model for 2 reasons. There is no tag, and
it has a lot of info printed on it. It could be, but I do not
think so. None the less it is nice, and well done, and will make
an attractive addition to the display.. Different!
Good . . . . . $295.00 SOLD
Sample Hall Fishing Line Display A
stash of these came out of the old factory which had burned and closed
down. Somewhere back on the late 80's early 90's a large amount of
these appeared on the market, and for a while they were bringing crazy
prices, than as is typical the supply exceeded the demand and prices
fell. Now they are back to almost impossible to find. Different!
Good + . . . . . $295.00 SOLD
Salesman Sample Oak Ice Box / Refrigerator
This antique salesman sample oak ice box is a wonderful piece of early Americana.
To give you a sense of the scale of this
diminutive piece of Americana there is a clear ruler at the base in the foreground.
It measures about 8" across, and 12" tall overall. A perfect size for
Take a look at all the details
and construction. It is unmarked as far as I can see. It is
smaller than some I have seen, but it is the real deal and not just a toy or
simple model. It is constructed to look just like the full size oak
ice boxes
that were offered back in the day. It even has the ice tray in the top
as well as shelves below and the enameled interior. The brass hardware
is a good miniature representation of the full size latches and hinges you
find on the full size models as well..
The top lifts for access to the portion where the ice was put. As you
can see in the other pics the galvanized ice tray is there and just like the
original. I do not think they were accounting for the lead that might
be leached into the water from the melting ice. Keeping the food
from spoiling was the primary concern. At the bottom the piece of oak
there flips up to remove the tray where the melted water would drain.
There is a small breakout here and the small piece of oak holding the pin
used as a hinge for this door is missing.
Good + . . . . . . $695.00 SOLD!
Sample Chicken Brooder
This is a Roundtop Gazebo style salesman sample of a chicken brooder or
chicken coop. It
looks to date from the 40's or so and is unmarked as far as I can see. It
has a hinged door and fold down windows for ventilation. It also has a
draft system hooked up to the top vent for added ventilation. It measures
approx 14" in diameter and about the same tall. . Different and interesting!!
Very Good +. . . . . . . $295.00 SOLD!
Saloon Backbar in Box
This is a very nice piece. It is unmarked as to maker, but very well
Good + . . . . $950.00
Simmons Salesman
Sample / Patent Model of Bed Springs
This is an interesting salesman sample display model that has the patent info attached to
the springs in the form of a small metal tag. At first glance one might think this was a
patent model but it is a bit too big for that. Or that it is
just a piece of doll furniture at 24 inches long, but given it has patent info on a tag attached to the
spring we must assume it is a display model or salesman sample to allow the
prospective customer to view this new idea they were about to buy or sleep
is a link to view the patent as recorded at the US Patent Office.
The text explains that the patent is for the
design of the springs, and their ability to fold this way or that. In
typical fashion the description is very long winded and needlessly
complicated, but I suppose that was by design.
This patent was probably
the beginnings of the famous Simmons line of hide-a-beds and folding chairs.
Simmons was probably buying up all the different spring ideas for furniture
and beds presented to them to
utilize in their products. It would also keep others from encroaching on their
plans and development of this now famous line of furniture. I am not
sure if this was the idea or design that they went with and incorporated into their line
of beds and chairs, but given they made a model of it and tagged it I would
assume it is.
Good +. . . . . . $395.00 SOLD!
Sample Windmill w/ Auxiliary Rotor In Tail Vane
This is a super nice condition and very unusual salesman sample of a power Windmill
as opposed to a more typically seen pump style windmill. In addition to
having a highly detailed and complex feature to feather the vanes for different
wind conditions, this sample size windmill has a
very different design for the vane tail with a separate tail rotor that is chain
driven. I believe this was to correct the tendency for a windmill to swing away from the wind when
operating and be less efficient.
I have been told that because it is a
power design windmill as opposed to a pump design windmill that this is a factor that has
to be addressed. The power design means that it delivers its
power to the bottom shaft in a circular motion as opposed to an up and down
motion as typically seen to drive a water pump. This style windmill was
used to power shop tools, generators and the like as opposed to those typically
seen in the field whose purpose was to operate a well pump.
It is unmarked, and to date
I have
not found any info on the maker, patents, or specific design. I am in the process of gathering
more info and doing research to find out when this idea was patented, and who
the maker or inventor was. To date I have not seen any others with
the tail rotor feature this windmill has. I am not sure if it was ever put into production as a full size windmill. I will update this ad as I gather that info.
A very nice piece of farm history that will make for a great display
piece. Fine + SOLD!
Size Salesman
Sample / Patented Model of Automatic Rocking Crib w/ Clockwork Mechanism &
Lace Fan
This is a super nice piece and, I am sure, a one-of-a-kind salesman sample
/ patented model of an automatic rocking cradle / crib from the 19th century. Please
be sure to see all the pictures I have provided to fully appreciate this
wonderful piece.
patent for this automatic rocking cradle was issued to a Mr. Kinderman / Kindermann of
Troutville, PA on March 30th 1875. It seems he spelled his name both
ways, or the Patent Office did. His name on this model is spelled
with one N and the patent was issued to the name spelled with two N's. He was issued another patent with just one N in that
patent. It took me a while
to figure that out and find this patent. The number is 161417 and
it is a very close match.
The first picture to the left
shows the automatic rocking cradle / crib fully assembled . The
salesman sample case is shown in pictures below. The model
itself is
about 12" across and fits perfectly into the original black salesman
carry case. With all the parts assembled it is about 30" tall to
the top of the hoop. Up at the top of that hoop is a provision to
hold the pendulum rod, and to regulate the distance that the crib will
rock when activated. The action
when it is all assembled and operating is great but a bit spotty.
The clockwork mechanism runs just fine, but is a bit underpowered to
actually rock the cradle consistently. The patent refers to the hanging
fan over the cradle as chasing away flies and keeping the baby cool.
It refers to the gentle action transmitted to the rocking cradle through
the "clock train" clockwork mechanism as "somnific" as opposed to the
"jerky and irregular" motion imparted by the "attendant" / mother.
Just imagine the salesman
slowly and carefully
taking this out of the original black carry case explaining its
functions and qualities while assembling
it in front of the new prospective customer---be that the mother or
a storekeeper. It takes me about 10 minutes to do this with
all the pieces carefully stored in the case that need to be assembled
correctly. First question that comes to my mind, and I am sure the
mothers', is: When full size, just how big would that baby-eating "clock
train" with exposed gears on the end be? Big enough to eat
fingers, or my whole baby? On a more personal level, I
imagine most mothers would not be to impressed when told their way of
rocking the baby was jerky and incorrect either. I have a
feeling that this better idea was met with some mild skepticism when
It is a perfect size to go with, and be the
highlight of an advanced antique doll collection, or any advanced
collection of Americana consisting of "real" pieces. It is a great
piece of early mechanical Americana and not a made up or newly created
assemblage that some folk art dealers manage to come up with these days.
Way different and a super interesting piece!! Opportunity!!
Fine +. . . . . . . . SOLD!
& Towne Salesman
Sample Skid Jack / Pallet Jack w/ Skid
This is a super nice salesman sample of a skid jack made by the
leader in the industry Yale & Towne. This model or salesman sample is
an exact replica of a working skid jack, more commonly called a pallet
jack these days. The condition is all original and super. The
hydraulic jack and its release and
all other functions work as they should. All the wheels and bearings are
good. The name plaque gives the location of Philadelphia, PA, but there is
no patent info or other dates. I would guess from right around the turn of
the century and before electric forklifts were introduced in the 1920's. A very nice piece of industrial history that will make for a great display
piece.Fine . . . . . . . $1995.00 SOLD!
Salesman Sample
/ Toy Wringer for Washing Machine / Washer
This is a very nice piece. They are hard to find in this condition
in an original box!!
Good + . . . . $195.00
Sample Mantle w/ Fireplace in Box
This is a very nice piece. It is unmarked as to maker, but very well
Good + . . . . $395.00
Sample Double Boiler / Cooking Pot
This is an interesting salesman sample. It is a very well
made piece with copper bottom and about 10 different pieces that all fit
together and inside one another. It is unmarked as to maker, but very well
Good + . . . . 125.00
Sample Miniature SIS Co Blacksmith Anvil
The name
SIS Co - Superior and location Made
in Sweden are engraved in the side of this fine condition miniature salesman
sample anvil. These anvils are oftentimes called Sisco
which is an acronym for Swedish Iron and Steel Corporation. It is real, and
not a new knockoff or repop. The plating is in fine condition. It has
not been beat on or banged up. Very Nice!!
Fine . . . . . $150.00
BACK to Patent Models / Salesman Samples
This is just a sample of the many
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Larry & Carole Meeker