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Pierre Fardoil Adding Machine c. 1700 c. 1700 Pierre Fardoil Adding Machine & Watch / Time Piece I am half owner of this rare and early Pierre Fardoil Adder / Adding Machine and Fardoil Watch / Time piece, and in an attempt to finalize the sale of this Fardoil adder with my partner I am going to offer a full or partial interest in my 1/2 ownership in this rare 18th c. Fardoil adder for a nominal sum to the right person or entity who can facilitate a sale with my partner.

Here is the history of this piece---please read on.

The Fardoil adder is one of the earliest and rarest 18th century calculation devices known. The 2 pieces pictured are the very same Fardoil Adder / Adding Machine and Fardoil Pocket Watch that reached a sale price of approx. $70,000 at the Auction-Team Breker sale about 10 years ago. Here is a web address to that auction result and the original write-up that can be found online:  The same two pieces are currently listed for sale on my partner's website for $70,000 or so.

This Fardoil adder is one of only two known, and this could be the only known example if it is the very same Fardoil adder that the French Musee des Arts et Metiers (CNAM), the French State Museum, and their representatives claimed was "lost", stolen, or otherwise disappeared from their collection when it was on display in the US during 1939 New York World's Fair.

At the Breker auction some 10 years ago the high bidder for this Fardoil Adder was Professor Korte from the University of Bonn, who was bidding to acquire it for the Arithmeum museum in Bonn, Germany. The high bidder backed out from finalizing the Breker auction sale due in part to the CNAM claim. The underbidder also backed away when it was subsequently offered to him.

The two Fardoil pieces were then returned to the consignors---myself and the other 1/2 owner, who is Peter Frei, an antique dealer based in Massachusetts. He is my ex-friend and current partner in the two pieces. He is currently in possession of both pieces.

Peter Frei and I had been partners in numerous endeavors involving technology-related antiques prior to having a falling out. Our friendship ended one day when Peter, in a fit of rage, over a situation concerning an antique sewing machine which I had paid for that we were 50 / 50 partners on, entered into an agreement with a 3rd party, offering him 50% to sell it---thus making me a 25% junior partner. Peter did that without consulting or discussing that decision with me. When I questioned his decision he got insulted and declared we were no longer friends and said our partnership was over. This was after we had already purchased the Fardoil Adder. There is more to this story that is irrelevant to this sale that does not need to be retold here.

But what should be told is the story of who first found the Fardoil adder---that would be me---and details surrounding that event, and the Breker auction. The Fardoil sellers, who lived in NY, contacted me and I made an appointment to go see it. They told me that the adder had been "found" in New York, and their now deceased family member had been a caretaker / custodian / groundskeeper / employee and "found" it where he worked. The family told me they had had it appraised at Sotheby's or Christies auction house for 5K, and I offered to purchase it from them the same amount in cash.

The family initially said no, but months later called me and said they were ready to sell the Fardoil. As I was back in CA by that time I called and enlisted Peter to go and get it. I offered him to be 50/50 partners on the Fardoil. He agreed and went and got it. We split the cost 50/50. He later bought the Fardoil watch and we split the cost of that as well.

For various reasons Peter handled consigning the Fardoil to Breker's Auction. The Breker auction failed after the French Musee des Arts et Metiers / CNAM cast doubt on the rightful ownership of the Fardoil and the Arithmeum backed out of the sale. After the auction failed to produce a sale we agreed to let Peter market the Fardoil to the under bidder or other parties. It was offered to the under bidder, but that too failed to produce a sale over the price. Later the CNAM made a relatively low offer, not to purchase it, but rather as compensation for us having found it and returning it. That offer was rejected. Peter made several other attempts to sell it but failed to find a buyer.

Then something akin to the storyline in Lord of the Rings began to unfold, and the "my precious" concept began to take hold, much like with Gollum and his precious ring in the Lord of the Rings story. Peter, despite saying he was ready to sell, and that he wanted to sell it, and acknowledging that I am his 50 /50 partner on it, could not bear to let the Fardoil go, and has refused to let it leave his hands.

The disclosure of these details is necessary because provenance / history of ownership of important historical pieces is vital to establishing and enhancing an objects value. In addition I want to insure there are no claims of non-disclosure or other problems down the road from the buyer of my 1/2 or partial interest.

The attempts for Peter and I to settle up on the Fardoil after the failed auction should also be told, again so that potential parties interested in buying into my 1/2 share are fully informed and can better formulate a plan to finalize the sale.

Over the next 10 years Peter offered several proposals to resolve the Fardoil situation between us---all in writing and documented---but then reneged on following through on every single one of them. For the record, let's review some of those past proposals:

Immediately after the auction Peter wrote that if the high bidder or under bidder would not pay the original sale price it had brought at auction he would simply buy us out for 1/2 of the high bid, as we both felt it had not reached its full potential because of the French interference. He never followed through on that proposal, later claiming it was just a negotiation tactic. Problem is he was not negotiating with anyone at the time.

Shortly after Peter ended our relationship he announced we would settle up over the Fardoil by having a private auction between us, with a third party holding the Fardoil until that process was complete. He reneged on that proposal soon after, claiming he did not have enough money.

Peter next demanded we wait and be patient, as the Fardoil was, in his words, "burned" by the French claims, and the failed auction.

In 2019, 5 years after the auction and after numerous requests, by us, to resolve the situation, Peter said to wait one more year to see if he could sell it from his new website. In writing he said that if it did not sell from his website at the end of the 1 year period we would send it to auction again. He proposed that, in writing, and then reneged on that solution with no explanation or excuse.

Peter next suggested we should name a price he could buy us out at, with the stipulation that he would need 6 months to gather the money. A proposal that was neither fair nor equitable, but in the interest of ending this ordeal we proposed selling our half interest to him for $18K---approx. 25% of the original sale price of $70K it had reached at the Breker auction, approx. half of what we would have been due had the auction succeeded---a reasonable offer by us to resolve this.

Peter rejected that offer outright saying he would never pay that amount, with no meaningful counter or discussion. That was over 2 years ago, much longer than the 6 months he said would be needed to raise funds to buy us out, once again reneging on a proposal he himself put forward.

Most recently in Dec of 2024 we suggested listing it for sale on our two websites, at a lower price, to give it more exposure and to further enhance its desirability and value. To do that we needed to discuss a price beforehand that we could both agree to. Peter declined, and instead wrote he alone would decide if he would agree to a lower price AFTER I found a buyer---a stupid and unworkable proposal not worth discussing further, and mentioned here only to illustrate the absurdity.

After all of that we have decided to take on a partner or sell our 1/2 interest in the Fardoil. Our hope is that a qualified and interested 3rd party with a new or different approach might be better able to deal with, or negotiate with, Peter better than I.

I am going to try to make this simple, reasonable, and enticing with a lot of potential upside for the right interested party. Here is my proposal. One option would be to purchase my 1/2 share ownership in it's entirety for some agreed to amount. That can be outright, or over time with the details to be worked out. Since that is probably over-optimistic given the situation, I do have a alternative idea to present.

The second option would be to purchase a portion of my 1/2 share for a small upfront investment. In other words with a reasonable buy-in I will agree to split the proceeds of the final sale of the Fardiol with my new partner for a very small initial investment. This would require a qualified and acceptable individual, or entity, with a plan or concept of a plan, and the ability, to force a sale of the Fardoil.

I am thinking the initial investment would be something on the order of $100 in return for the right to a minimum of 25% of the total sale price---50% of my share of any final sale. The potential return could be enormous. A reasonable expectation could be, using the Breker auction result of 70K, a payout amount somewhere in the $18K range for each of us.

If the Breker sale price had in fact been held down because of the French interference, the payout could be far more if the Fardoil was again sent to auction and brings more than the $70K it brought the first time it sold. Or some uber-wealthy party might pay even more in a private sale.

Or you may be able to get Peter to agree to sell his half-interest to you and gain full ownership.

Another possibility is the French may step up with a larger offer than they first offered. Or the French could enter into this partnership and make a claim of complete ownership in court. The French could end up being declared the sole owner at little further cost.

The possibilities are many, but in any event you are going to have to have the ability to make it happen in order to pry it out of Peter's hands. We can make a gentleman's agreement to reflect this, or I will sign an acceptable agreement drawn up by the new partner or their representative. I am very flexible and very willing to work with the right person or entity to resolve this and to get the Fardoil into more appropriate hands.

This proposal to form a partnership for an interest in our half interest of the Fardoil would be a great deal for the right person or entity who thinks they can negotiate with Peter Frei, or otherwise close the deal, or force a sale. Just think, a documented ownership in a rare, probably one-of-a-kind and unique piece of calculation history for a fraction of its potential value!

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Price . . . . . . $ TBD

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Trippensee PlanetariumTrippensee Planetarium The Trippensee Co. was formed just after the turn of the century and they made these for a number of years with some minor changes that allow dating them.  Those with maple wooden parts like this one are considered first models.  Later ones had ebonized wooden parts, and those made after WWII had plastic parts. This Trippensee Planetarium is in overall Good + original condition noting one small dent in the brass sun.

This tellurian by Trippensee is geared and chain driven.  The earth is represented with a terrestrial globe that rotates at the end of the maple arm.  The three-inch terrestrial globe was manufactured by Rand McNally and copyrighted 1891; it is also marked with the Trippensee name.  There is a black-and-white painted wood representation of the moon that revolves around the earth when the long arm is moved.  All of this is chain driven.  The second small object that revolves around the sun is said to be a representation of Venus.  I had to read about that as I did not remember from school the sun having its own moon.

The entire assembly is mounted on a turned maple post, mounted to the weighted brass base.  It has a circular zodiac dial as well.  The maker’s label with the company name, location, and patent info is on the arm.  There is also a small compass inset into the arm.  When turned by hand using the small metal post under the arm, the earth moves around the sun, and the earth, moon and Venus rotate in unison.  I am not sure if the 7000 year young Earther crowd accepts this representation as fact, or if Trippensee or some other outfit makes another version for them where the sun revolves around the earth.  Same concept from the same source of information, or have we moved past that part of the idea?

In addition to the educational benefits tellurians offer, they are also decorative, entertaining and make for a great display piece.   This fine early 20th century scientific teaching aid is very hard to find and will make for a great display piece today!

Good + . . . . . . .  $1695.00     SOLD!

Carl Zeiss Jena Gauge Blocks in Roll Top CaseCarl Zeiss Jena Gauge Blocks in Roll Top Oak Case There are 88 gauge blocks. The front is stamped Carl Zeiss Jena. There is a tag on the top of the box marked BMW.2 / NR.30. This unusual set of Zeiss Gauge Blocks is in great condition.

The wooden oak case has a very interesting tambour or roll top lid. I could find no other examples with this style roll top case looking around on the internet. It works as it was designed.

Some paper related to Zeiss gauge blocks the collector gathered online is shown in the last pics. This style case is not mentioned.

Fine . . . . . $595.00        SOLD!!

William Twaddell / Glasgow Hydrostatic Glass Bubble SetWilliam Twaddell / Glasgow Hydrostatic Glass Bubble Set For Specific Gravity -Testing / Gauging Alcohol Content. This Hydrostatic Glass Bubble Set set is shown in the above grouping. Very nice condition.

Fine . . . . . $300.00        SOLD!!

Improved Spirit Bubbles by Sykes Hydrometer - Hydrostatic Glass Bubble SetImproved Spirit Bubbles by Sykes Hydrometer - Hydrostatic Glass Bubble Set For Specific Gravity -Testing / Gauging Alcohol Content. This Hydrostatic Glass Bubble Set set is shown in the above grouping. Very nice condition.

Fine . . . . . $300.00        SOLD!!

Hydrostatic Glass Bubbles for Specific Gravity Testing4 Hydrostatic Glass Bubble Sets for Specific Gravity Testing  Hydrostatic bubbles are also called philosophical bubbles, gravity beads, aerometrical beads or hydrometer beads and are a type of hydrometer invented in 1757 by Alexander Wilson of Glasgow. Each set is housed in a fitted wooden box.

The small glass bubbles in each set are individually numbered and when set in a liquid or mixture containing Alcohol would either float or sink depending on the specific gravity of the liquid, and thus determine the alcohol content of the liquid being tested. These Hydrostatic bubble sets date from the 18th to 19th century and it is quite unusual to find such nice condition sets. Sold individually or as a lot.

From the left to right

Left - - - Good + . . . . . $350.00         SOLD!!

Left 2 - - - - Fine  . . . . . $400.00         SOLD!!

3 - - - - Good + . . . . . $450.00          SOLD!!

Right - - - - Good  . . . . . $300.00         SOLD!!


Dolland / Richard Patten Leather Barrel TelescopeDollond / London 45" Leather Barrel Telescope w Queen Anne Brass Folding Tripod Base What a graphic and commanding looking instrument this is!! Dollond is the most widely known and well respected English maker of telescopes and spyglasses in the 18th & 19th century.  The firm was begun in the mid 1700's and the original owner, John Dollond, is credited with the development of the Achromatic Lens which solved problems associated with colors being off in earlier optical telescopes.  You can find a much more detailed explanation of that idea / patent and development here.   I found one site on the internet having to do with Lewis & Clark, and it mentioned that Thomas Jefferson had a similar telescope by Dollond, and that it made the trip cross-country with the Lewis & Clark expedition in 1803.

The Smithsonian has a short history of the firm and the various Dollond family makers.  They have a couple of their instruments, but no telescopes like this on brass Queen Anne tripod bases.  Here is a link to that information.  If it does not work just paste the address into your top browser window.

The telescope is 45" long without the tailpiece. Overall on the Queen Anne style folding brass tripod base this Dollond telescope stands approx 16" tall. This telescope can be used with or without the tailpiece as it is designed to erect the image for use on land or sea. Without the tailpiece the image appears to be inverted as is typical with celestial telescopes even today. The first section of the tailpiece is a different color from the rest as though it has been buffed or the lacquer has worn off. There is one eyepiece with a very dark lens and another with a clear lens. There are holes in the box for three lenses.

The leather covering on the telescope barrel is in nice condition noting a few nicks, dings and some cracking. The makers name, Dollond / London is marked at the end of the tube on the brass fitting. I could find no info on a time line for dating this from that marking, but other aspects indicate it is from the first quarter of the 19th century.

The telescope is in a fitted mahogany dovetailed box. It has a label from the well known American Surveying Instrument maker and dealer in surveying and scientific instruments, Richard Patten of NY. Patten first opened his shop in 1813 in NY as an importer and dealer in charts, maps, and imported instruments before starting to offer his own line of instruments. He is only lasted in NY until the 1830's. I assume that this is the period that this telescope dates from, approx 1813 to 1830. Here is the Bio and write-up on Richard Patten that can be found on the Smithsonian site. If the link does not work just paste the address into your top browser window.

This Dollond Telescope came from an old time estate here in the Western states and has been in the same family for as long as they could remember. This telescope is fresh to the market and deserves a place in a collection and to be prominently displayed. It is a wonderful pinternet having to do with Lewis & Clark, and it mentioned that Thomas Jefferson had a similar telescope by Dollond, and that it made the trip cross-country with the Lewis & Clark expedition in 1803.

The Smithsonian has a short history of the firm and the various Dollond family makers.  They have a couple of their instruments, but no telescopes like this on brass Queen Anne tripod bases.  Here is a link to that information.  If it does not work just paste the address into your top browser window.

The telescope is 45" long without the tailpiece. Overall on the Queen Anne style folding brass tripod base this Dollond telescope stands approx 16" tall.   This telescope can be used with or without the tailpiece as it is designed to erect the image for use on land or sea.  Without the tailpiece the image appears to be inverted as is typical with celestial telescopes even today. The first section of the tailpiece is a different color from the rest as though it has been buffed or the lacquer has worn off. There is one eyepiece with a very dark lens and another with a clear lens. There are holes in the box for three lenses.

The leather covering on the telescope barrel is in nice condition noting a few nicks, dings and some cracking. The makers name, Dollond / London is marked at the end of the tube on the brass fitting. I could find no info on a time line for dating this from that marking, but other aspects indicate it is from the first quarter of the 19th century.

The telescope is in a fitted mahogany dovetailed box. It has a label from the well known American Surveying Instrument maker and dealer in surveying and scientific instruments, Richard Patten of NY. Patten first opened his shop in 1813 in NY as an importer and dealer in charts, maps, and imported instruments before starting to offer his own line of instruments. He is only lasted in NY until the 1830's. I assume that this is the period that this telescope dates from, approx 1813 to 1830. Here is the Bio and write-up on Richard Patten that can be found on the Smithsonian site. If the link does not work just paste the address into your top browser window.

This Dollond Telescope came from an old time estate here in the Western states and has been in the same family for as long as they could remember.  This telescope is fresh to the market and deserves a place in a collection and to be prominently displayed.  It is a wonderful piece of history. 

Good ++. . . . .$2000.00      SOLD!

W. & L. E. Gurley Traveling Balance ScaleW. & L. E. Gurley Traveling Balance Scale  Great condition. It has a pierced metal collapsible frame and folding tripod legs. The scale is calibrated 0-100 oz. and comes with a set of chrome weights.

All housed in a fitted oak box with tag stating Gurley Standard Weights and Measures, Troy, N.Y., U.S.A. Patent date of May 8, 1913. It looks to have seen little if any use. As nice condition as one could ask for.

Fine . . . . . $375.00        SOLD!!

Zeitsinnapparat by Spindler & Hoyer, GöttingenZeitsinnapparat Scientific Psychological Recording Device by Spindler & Hoyer, Göttingen   It is a large and graphic instrument at over 28" across.

This unusual and large scientific apparatus was designed to measure & record optical and acoustic stimuli.   There is an ID tag on one top arm with the manufacturers name Spindler & Hoyer, Göttingen. It dates from approx. 1900 and is German.

Descriptions online make this type if machine sound like a forerunner of the polygraph machine.   Information also refers to its use in the study of time. There are numerous line drawings of similar devices using the word Zeitsinnapparat online that all lead to foreign or German sites.  Here is a link to one of those German Scientific sites.

It is unclear how exactly it would work, but it seems it was meant to be driven by a motor and would be hooked up to a drum like recording machine similar to those used on steam indicators.

Very graphic, and an interesting and important part of the history of Psychological study.  Nice!!

Good + . . . . . $400.00         SOLD!!

World War II Era Mark V English HeliographsPair of World War II Era Mark V English Heliographs This pair of World War II Era Mark V English Heliographs are in nice condition and pretty complete.

Heliographs are basically signaling mirrors on stands that were used as a means of communicating over long distances by reflecting light back and forth between the mirrors. Morse code, or other codes were used. Early versions date from the mid 19th century. The English were still using them into the 1960s. Wikipedia has a long detailed write-up that fully explain their history and use.

The entire setup includes two tripods, 2 mounting brackets, 4 mirrors, 2 leather cases, 2 cans of replacement mirrors, and 3 articulated arms - w/ one being an extra.

The tripods are marked as shown in the last pics. Note how the legs are shaped in such a way that when folded up they form a circle. The original leather cases are also marked. One case has dividers inside, the other does not.

A very nice and interesting piece of surveying history that are becoming very hard to find.

Good +  . . . . . . $895.00       SOLD!!

Collection of Vintage  & Antique ThermometersCollection of Vintage  & Antique Thermometers Most of these are boxed in original cases or boxes. A couple have protective sleeves. There are 13 individual pieces not including the box with 6 or so in it. Most are specialty thermometers for special purposes.  All came from one estate.

Good + . . . . . $230.00       SOLD!!

Jeweler's Poising Tool / Clock Watch Maker Clamp / ViseJeweler's Poising Tool / Clock Watch Maker Clamp / Vise   Marked Germany. Nice!!

Fine . . . . .45.00          SOLD!!

EB Meyrowitz Double Sided Pocket Barometer Altimeter Compass & ThermometerEB Meyrowitz Double Sided Pocket Barometer Altimeter Compass & Thermometer Great looking miniature antique travel instrument. The case is OK, but not not perfect. One clasp is not working well. The instruments seem OK. It has a great look.

Good + . . . . . $200.00          SOLD!!

Philip Harris & Co Tangent GalvanometerPhilip Harris & Co Tangent Galvanometer  English. c. 1900. Great condition, and has a nice look.

Good + . . . . . $125.00     SOLD!!

Lord Kelvin Multicellular Voltmeter - Galvanometer Sir William Thomson Patent #104 by J. White GlasgowLord Kelvin Multicellular Voltmeter - Galvanometer Sir William Thomson Patent #104 by J. White Glasgow  The body of the instrument retains nearly all of its original lacquer finish. (See pics). Nice overall cosmetic condition noting a crack in the top piece of glass w/ a bevel edge and the glass tube covering the pillar is also broken. I looked inside and there are a series of delicate vanes and wires. I did not go further or play around in there. Describing what it is or did is beyond my pay grade. I found an example in a Nebraska University collection with a complete write-up including history and operation.

Here is the link - Very nice. 

Good + . . . . . 495.00       SOLD!!

Fredrick Yeiser Patent Altitude InstrumentFrederick Yeiser 1859 Patent Altitude / Meridian Instrument  Frederick Yeiser of Lexington Kentucky was granted a patent for this unusual solar / meridian "altitude instrument" on February 8th 1859. The patent # is 22913 and is titled Altitude Instrument.  In addition to this patent, which can be found on Google, Yeiser was granted at least two other patents having to do with the design of similar solar instruments and finding the meridian or altitude of the sun.  The basic principle is much the same as how a sextant or octant was used for navigation over expanses of water, or as a Burt Patent Solar Instrument which was patented in the 1830's was used in surveying. This instruments basic design is similar with some notable differences.  One of Yeiser's other patents was issued as an improvement to this one on August 9 1859 of the same year.  That info can be bought up as well, but was trickier to find.  The images for that improved patent more closely resemble this instrument.  

After spending several hours bouncing around the internet I found a similar example of Yeiser's work in the Kentucky Historical Society Collection. That reference was hard to find as they called their piece a Theodolite and failed to mention the exact patent date.  It is interesting to note that that instrument has a second maker name, being John S. Hougham, a known maker of Solar Compasses with an example of his work to be seen at the site.

At another site I found info on several of his other inventions, but no further mention of, or examples of, instruments like this.  Fredrick Yeiser was granted a number of other patents including a patent for a rail car coupler, an electric motor, and one for an improvement in eyeglasses or spectacles. Yeiser hailed from Danville KY near Lexington KY. Pictures of the original Yeiser homestead in Danville can also be found.  It appears the family was quite well to do.   

The overall condition of this rare solar instrument is exceptional.  The base measures approx. 9" leg to keg of  the tripod base.  It stands approx. 10" tall.  The dial on top is inscribed with the patentees name, Yeiser and the February 8th 1859 Patent date.  It is also inscribed Sturm, Steffens & Co. Indianapolis Ind. who research reveals were the makers.  They were an obscure Mathematical Instrument maker based in Indiana.  I found a listing for them in an old pre Civil War directory which stated

"H. STURM. - C. W. STEFFENS - E. F. STEFFENS. STURM, STEFFENS & CO., MATHEMATICAL QPTICAL & PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS, And Manufacturers of F. Yeiser's Patent Solar Chronometers, No. 8 BLACKFORD'S BUILDING, South-East corner Washington & Meridian Sts., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. All Kinds of Small Machinery, Models, neatly done."

A graphic and near unique museum quality piece that will be the highlight of any collection. 

Fine  . . . . . . $3750.00    SOLD!!

M. Grossmann Watchmaker's Boxed Bench MicrometerM. Grossmann Watchmaker's Boxed Bench Micrometer Karl Moritz Grossmann was a famous watchmaker who lived from 1826 to 1885 in the Saxon town of Glashütte. His life was devoted to horology and he created some exceptional pocket watches, chronometers, and precision pendulum clocks. This is a watchmakers micrometer he designed. The serial # is 7426. I could find no other examples using google or other search engines. The company is still in operation and has a presence on the internet.

Good + . . . . . $495.00        SOLD!!

M. G. / Metrology Services Gauge BlocksM. G. / Metrology Services Gauge Blocks  81 piece set in great condition. They are called off as Grade B. The letter indicates they were calibrated. Can't imagine much has happened to undue that. Some have dried on rust inhibitor or other dried material on them. They are not rusty.

Fine . . . . . $150.00          SOLD!!

Philip Harris Amp Meter in Wood CasePhilip Harris Amp Meter in Wood Case  English. c. 1930s. Great condition, and has a nice look.

Good + . . . . . $95.00     SOLD!!

Thomson Indicating Wattmeter Type P in Wood CaseGeneral Electric / Thomson Indicating Wattmeter  A Type P in original wood case. Pre 1900 patents. 150 Volts / 15 Amp Range. In as nice condition as I have ever seen.

Good + . . . . . $67.00       SOLD!!

c. 1880 Andrews Trippensee or Terrestrial Globe on Tellurium BaseAndrews Tellurium Base for Trippensee or Terrestrial Globe The bottom half anyway.  This project / parts Tellurium Base dates from the 1870's - 1880's and is a pretty rare thing.  You can find a few other examples with different setups online using Google. Some having the Sun, Earth and Moons others with just the Earth and moon.  I found one listed for 12K, and another for 18K in its original box.  Andrew is a well known and respected maker of Globes and other Planetarium related objects. 

What is here is in pretty nice condition with most of the Zodiac panels clearly readable with good color still.  There is some staining.  The gearing to revolve the planets is present and works.   What you see is what you get.

Good + . . . . . $675.00         SOLD!

Mercury Arc Rectifier Control Panel by General ElectricMercury Arc Rectifier Control Panel by General Electric Pieces like this are only found in Museums, electrical related collections, and scrap yards. This one came from a collection but looks to have sat outside for a few years at some point before being saved. It looks to have been cleaned up and repainted. It looks pretty good. There is no bulb. These were developed to change AC power to DC. There is tons of info on the history, process, and pics of the bulbs, but very few of the actual machines or control panels like this can be seen or found. Opportunity.  

Good  . . . . . $800.00      SOLD!!

C. W. Z. / C.W. Zipperer Watch Maker's Jewel Setting / Jewel Setting / Rubbing Tools Tools in Hard CaseC. W. Z. / C.W. Zipperer Watch Maker's Jewel Setting / Rubbing Tools in Hard Case  These double ended tools are for setting jewels in watches. I found a page that described the process.

Super nice!!

Fine . . . . . $100.00       SOLD!!

Watch Maker's Jewel Setting / Rubbing Tools in Hard CaseWatch Maker's Jewel Setting /  Rubbing Tools in Hard Case   These tools are for setting jewels in watches. I see no maker name on this 6 piece set. I found a page that pictures similar and describes the process. Nice!!

Fine . . . . .$100.00        SOLD!!

Möller Wedel Microscope Optical AccesoryMöller Wedel Optical Microscope Hand Spectroscope An interesting optical instrument by a well known German Microscope maker. I think it is a spectroscope of some sort with the glass vials. The fellow I got this from collected microscopes and different types of Camera Lucida instruments so it may have something to do with that. I have at least one more example of the same instrument by a different maker to be listed.

Good + . . . . . $150.00       SOLD!!

Polarimeter Saccharimeter - Scientific Instrument by C. Reichert WienPolarimeter Saccharimeter - Scientific Instrument by C. Reichert Wien  A device to determine sugar content by C. Reichert Wien a well known and respected maker of microscopes and other refractory instruments. Comes with numerous different size tubes. It is in very nice condition and looks to have seen little use.

Fine . . . . . $295.00          SOLD!!

Leitz Wetzlar Dissecting MicroscopeLeitz Wetzlar Dissecting Microscope  Super original condition in box.

Fine . . . . . $100.00       SOLD!!

K & D Kendrick & Davis Series 600 Watchmaker Staking Tool Set in BoxK & D Kendrick & Davis Series 600 Watchmaker Staking Tool Set in Box   The tips on most of the tools look good.  A few empty spots which is typical.  Some light rust from long term storage.  Will clean.   Otherwise clean & Nice!!

Good + . . . . . $195.00       SOLD!!

Explosion Proof Clock General Electric Type C-9 Explosion Proof Clock  This unusual GE clock looks and is built like a watt hour meter.  Other similar but different examples in cast iron housings can be seen using Google but I read no definitive explanation for its purpose.  There is a brass tag on the side stamped "N. L. & O. P. Co." that indicates it is probably from Niagara Lockport & Ontario Power Co.  Not being a clock guy I can not tell you much more about who made the movement.  The top comes off and it looks to be a well made heavy duty instrument.  The key to wind it is present, but I have no idea if it works, or what, when, why or how the timer would be activated.   Different!!    

Fine . . . . . $95.00     SOLD!!

1880's-1900's Era Medical Doctor's Binaural Stethoscope1880's-1900's Era Medical Doctor's Binaural Stethoscope   This 19th century stethoscope is in excellent condition.  There are no cracks, breaks, or damage and the braided tubes are nice. I am not sure if the cone is wood or some early plastic material. Its threads are good.  It is unmarked as to maker, but I have seen other near identical ones that were marked.  Looking at the pics one can see that it breaks down easily with friction fits.  An interesting and early piece of medical memorabilia. 

Good +  . . . . . . . $295.00       SOLD!!

Thomas Edison Battery JarThomas Edison Battery Jar  The porcelain lid is marked Edison Made in USA, the glass jar is unmarked.  Some chipping at top rim as is typical.  These early batteries were used to power a variety of things including early Edison fan motors.   Nice!!

Good  . . . . . . . $75.00       SOLD!!

Electromagnet / Scientific Laboratory Electric MagnetElectromagnet / Scientific Laboratory Electric Magnet   I am not sure of the primary function of this interesting looking electro magnetic device.  It looks to date from the late 19th century or a bit later.  It came from a private laboratory that experimented in light and radio waves back near the turn of the century.  It has twin  / dual copper wrapped coils that are marked on the tops + & -.  The coils are mounted on a cast iron base that resembles ones on some early battery fans.  The cast iron base has an opening in the side like it was meant to have a slide switch, but there is no evidence it ever had such a switch inside.  It does have a simple kill switch mounted on the original board.  I glued the original mounting board back together and replaced the mounting screws.  I played with it for a while, plugged it into a Variac and ran it up to 100 volts or so and nothing happened.  Not really sure what was supposed to.   I see no damage other than the leads to the switch are now disconnected.  

Good + . . . . . $140.00      SOLD!!

Edison Electric Light BulbEdison Electric Light Bulb Shortly after Thomas Edison introduced the first incandescent light bulb reproductions of them began appearing and have been offered for sale ever since.  I have had them as late as the 80's coming out of museum shops, and heard of ones dating back to within 25 years of their introduction that were offered at different expositions back near the turn of the century.  This one dates from the 1933 Worlds Fair.

Good . . . . . $195.00       SOLD

Thomas A. Edison Light BulbThomas A. Edison Commemorative Replica Light Bulb  I assume you know the history of Edison and his light bulb and will not repeat that. There are thousands of links to that information on the internet.  Within years of his discovery and its introduction onto the market, reproductions or replicas of Edison's light bulb were being made and sold at exhibitions, worlds fairs, and the like to commemorate its introduction in 1879.  I have seen some dated as late as the 80's.  I am not sure when this one dates from but it is an earlier model.. It is unmarked.  The filament is still intact. 

Good + . . . . . $125.00       SOLD!!

Thomas Edison Reproduction Light BulbThomas Edison Golden Jubilee 1929 50th Anniversary Reproduction Light Bulb w/ Original Shipping Box  This one has remains of a decal dating it to 1929 or the 50th anniversary of the introduction of Edison's game changing invention.  The last 4 pics are of the original shipping box.   Nice!!

Good +  . . . . . . . $95.00       SOLD!!

K & E Keuffel & Esser Point of Sale Countertop DisplayK & E Keuffel & Esser Point of Sale Countertop Display  Never seen this before.  A bit different!!  The perfect gift for the aspiring Engineer, Architect or K & E collector who has all the rest.  Nice overall condition.  

Good + . . . . . $25.00

Wilmhurst Static Electricity MachineWilmhurst Static Electricity Machine This is a later example that might be found in a school or university lab.  It needs attention to make it operable again.  

Good . . . . .  $295.00      SOLD

Early Crows Foot or Tripod Base Patented 1875 & 1886 Bausch & Lomb MicroscopeEarly Crows Foot or Tripod Base Patented 1875 & 1886 Bausch & Lomb Microscope  This early paw foot microscope is in very nice condition overall.  It is one of the first models that Bosch and Lomb put out before the turn of the century.  It is fully operational and the optics are all good.  Inside the box are 2 metal containers with 2 eye pieces, and in the second tray two lenses.   Much of the original lacquer remains on the brass portions of this microscope and it just has some minor scratches.  Both the fine adjust and the course adjustment features operate as they should, noting that the course wheel on the right side spins while the left side does the work.  Note also that the condenser and the double mirror are independent and have the ability to swing back or forth independently of each other, and their settings are shown on the gage in the frame.   The box, which appears to be Cherry is very nice overall as well, showing just some minor scuffs and dings.  At the bottom on the front the door stands 1/2 off the table.  I am not sure if this was a design feature or if a small piece is missing. These tripod base microscopes are hard to find, and this one will display very nicely.

Good . . . . .  $995.00      SOLD

Early Ear, Nose, and Throat Quack Diagnostic Device This is an early example the supposed diagnostic and curative power of light in the medical field.  This device is NOS and shows no signs of even casual use.  The directions talk about being able to diagnose most ailments with this as the white light it emits is so strong nothing can escape observation.  This is the basic set for ear, nose, and throat, but if you were impressed they also offered a larger set with devices to help probe and examine all sorts of other orifices you might encounter in your quest to heal.  Some of the light wands carry 2 different patents, one from the teens, and the other from the 20's which is when I believe this dates from.  Have you seen the stuff the modern day ones have in their offices that rival this that hum when they get to the right spot.  Never you mind where it actually hurts.

Good . . . . .  $225.00       SOLD

Tin Hearing Aid Antique Tin Hearing AidAntique Tin Hearing Aid    Heh - - Whud ya say?

Good . . . . .  $95.00      SOLD

Antique Gutta Percha Hearing AidAntique Gutta Percha Hearing Aid    The ends are a hard plastic material and damage or crack free.  The cloth tube is in great condition.  These sorts of things were sold from the back of magazines and the like back near the turn of the century. 

Good . . . . .  $125.00     SOLD

Antique Medical Battery Quack DeviceBattery Powered Medical Quack Device    These devices came in many sizes and shapes and were first introduced when electricity was looking for ways to be used that would be beneficial.  It was a relatively new technology and little was understood about its actual properties especially in relation to how it might affect humans.  What better use than to charge up the system and so a whole new line of medicine was introduced.  This example is in like new condition, and either the buyer didnt like the feeling, or passed before it could work its magic. 

Good . . . . .  $125.00      SOLD

Antique Dental KeyDentists Tooth Key   These early dental tools are called tooth keys and came in many different sizes and shapes.  They work kind of like a basin wrench to undo plumbing pipes under the sink where there is not a lot of room and are hard to get at.  Sort of like in the prospective patients mouth.  To use you would latch the swinging arm around the bad tooth and twist till it locked on, and then twist more and pull in one motion till the tooth came out.  This example has the unusual feature of a root extractor built into one end of the handle if the initial exraction did not work out just right.  .   

Good . . . . .  $495.00      SOLD

Dental Key w/ 4 Different JawsDental Key w/ 4 Different Jaws   Dentist dental keys were designed much like a basin wrench to get at those hard to reach nuts under a sink.   Dental Keys or tooth extractors worked on the same principle. Latch the swivel jaw around the tooth, somehow,  give a bit of a twist in the right direction to tighten it up, and then pull down hoping it does not slip, or crack and break the tooth.  Fast and no doubt painful, but what were the choices?  Oh my goodness that must have hurt before the days of Novocain.

This one has 4 different jaws with different sizes or radiuses to fit all the many different sizes and shapes of the patients teeth.  They are usually found with just one.  There is a small chip out of the rosewood handle but it is otherwise in fine condition.  No wonder people fear dentists, it is probably a genetic fear instilled in their genes after their earlier relatives subjected themselves to this treatment.  

Good + . . . . .  $295.00     SOLD!!

Violet Ray Electrical Quack DeviceViolet Ray Electrical Quack Device  These unusual devices came in a number of sizes with different amount of wands to be used on different areas of the body.  This one has 5 different wands and all are operable.  I have seen sets with just one, and others with 25 or more different sizes for the patient with multiple problems.  Sets about this size seem to be the most commonly found.  There is a dial like rheostat adjuster to control the amount of juice, and set at its highest the flow of brilliant blue light travels about 2" to the body part and is uncomfortable.  Toned down it does not hurt at all, and I can imagine how the customer / patient could be convinced it would be beneficial.  The last time I went to a Chiropractor he pulled out something similar and spoke glowingly about its benefits. 

Good . . . . .  $250.00      SOLD

Renu-Life Violet Ray Magical Cure-AllRenu-Life Violet Ray Magical Cure-All   This electrical quack device probably dates from the 20's or so.  If you have never seen or tried one you would be impressed by the show it puts on and the feeling it gives off when used.  I guarantee you would feel different after a treatment or two as well.  Whether or not it will cure you of anything is another question. 

It would seem all that tried and felt it did not whip out the money to buy one as they are actually quite hard to find these days.  Probably because the operator turned it up to high and  it hurt more than it helped.  It has that potential, and I can testify to that.  This is actually a super deluxe model with more wands and probe than usual, and more adjustments than you usually find in the entry level model. Simple models came with just a couple wands, while I have seen deluxe models with over 20 also different wands.

There are attachments in this one for all different parts of the body. a comb for the hair / scalp, one that will wrap right around your finger. A curve for the knee or elbow.   A couple that look like probes of some sort, and we will let you use your imagination for where to use those.  There is one that seems to have blown up as well.   It also has two settings for intensity and type of ray or power.  Probably explained in full in the instructions, but I can guess that negative ions for one type of ailment, and positive for another.

Oh, it does work, and is operational if the one you were using has finally given it up and you do not want one of the new versions being sold on eBay.  As with the slogan no new ideas, it seems old ideas never die either.

Good +   . . . . .  $175.00     SOLD!

Antique Laboratory Vacuum JarLaboratory Vacuum Jar   These were used to see how things did when subjected to a vacuum.  You created that by putting the piece under the glass and then pumping the air out of the enclosure.  Think of it kind of like watching TV and then getting stuck on one channel like Fox.  Hence the phrase living in a vacuum.   

Good . . . . .  $395.00      SOLD

French 12 Blade Blood Letting ScarificatorFrench 12 Blade Blood Letting Scarificator w/ Box  The idea of intentional bleeding to let the bad blood out was an accepted and common practice in the the 19th century and earlier.  This 12 blade blood letting device known as a Scarificator is in very fine working condition and includes the box.  The box  top is detached, but it is otherwise OK.   Finding these with a box is a real bonus as they are very fragile and hard to find. 

To operate you pull  the top lever back 2 clicks.  At the first click the blades appear, and all 12 are here, clean, sharp and ready.  The second click retracts the blades and cocks it.  You can adjust the depth of cut by turning the thumbscrew on top.  Put it up against the skin, usually an extremity such as the foot, push the button on the side and it releases blades quickly to puncture the skin creating a path for all the bad blood to escape, and to promote health.  Thank goodness we have pharmaceuticals and pills to cure our ills today.  A nice early piece of medical technology.

Fine . . . . .  $295.00         SOLD!!

Franz Schmidt & Haensch Berlin Hand Spectroscope No. 1845Franz Schmidt & Haensch Berlin Hand Spectroscope No. 1845   In original box w/ selection of small glass test tubes. All looks all good.

Fine . . . . . $150.00      SOLD!!

Case Western University Rotating Coil Hartmann & Braun A.G. No. 180 Circular Rotating Coils  This interesting piece is marked Hartmann & Braun A.G. No. 180.  It measures  13.5" x 10" x 10"  I am not sure of the exact purpose or use, but if you have AC current in one coil, a current will be induced in the other coil: causing it to act as a transformer. When you change the angle of the coils the coupling between the coils will change and the second coil current will change. I have seen similar devices used as tuners on crystal radio sets, but much smaller than this.  Very Graphic. 

Excellent. . . . .  $495.00     SOLD!!

Right Angle Prism w/ shades on Telescoping Brass HolderCamera Lucida Right Angle Prism w/ Sun Shades on Telescoping Brass Holder This device has a jointed clamp on the bottom to mount it to a table or other shelf. The top is also jointed so it can be set into different positions.  It is unmarked.  It has the ability to telescope out to be longer at two joints.  Different!!

Good + . . . . . .  $125.00      SOLD!!

Vintage Electric Ozone GeneratorVintage Electric Ozone Generator  No new ideas.  Those in the know have been peddling these sort of things since the discovery of electricity and the smells it use to give off when properly, or not set up.  This example looks to date from the 30's or so.   Different!!

Good + . . . . . .  $95.00       SOLD!!

Peerless Crystal Radio SetPeerless Crystal Radio Set  The cosmetic condition is super.  The instruction sheet is still present on the back.  Very Nice!!   Different!!

Good + . . . . . .  $195.00      SOLD!!

Magneto - Electric Machine Quack Machine"Magneto - Electric Machine" Quack Machine   This electrical quack device dates from before the turn of the century.  It is the earlier version w/ cast wheel w/ curved spokes.  Later models had stamped brass gears.  Some of these are marked Davis - Kidder, and others with other names.  I do not see any name on this one on the instructions in the lid.  This is one of many ideas for the use of the relatively newly discovered energy source electricity.  Machines based on the use of electricity to cure what ails you are still being "developed" and foisted upon the public.  The literature and marketing are slicker, and the claims no less spectacular.  Just visit you local Chiropractor for a present day treatment using the same idea..

Good +   . . . . . $175.00       SOLD!!

Arthur Colton Pharmaceutical Machinery Toothpaste / Paint Tube Filling MachineArthur Colton Pharmaceutical Machinery Toothpaste / Paint Tube Closing Machine   It took me over an hour to figure out just what this was. It is the machine that would fold and crimp the end of metal tubes that held toothpaste or paint.  Figuring out that the Arthur Colton Company made pharmaceutical machinery was quick and easy.  Figured out this was probably a tube closer pretty soon after that, but it took a couple hours more to find an example pictured and advertised in an old c. 1909 pharmaceutical / dental magazine.   In looking around I see they still sell tubes to be filled in case you want to go into business with some secret formula, but this would probably go better in the Country Store / Drug Store type museum / set-up / display.  It works fine with the jaws opening and closing, in sync with the bottom tube moving up and down when it should.  A neat piece!!

Good + . . . . .  $295.00      SOLD!!

Weston Standard Portable Direct & Alternating Current Volt MeterWeston Standard Portable Direct & Alternating Current Volt Meter  This Weston Volt Meter is in fine condition.  The label inside the lid indicates it we put into service in 1912.   The case is marked with 3 patent dates from the 1890s.  Very nice.   

Good +. . . . . 50.00       SOLD!

Weston Direct Reading Milli Voltmeter Weston Direct Reading Milli Voltmeter  This early Weston Milli Voltmeter is in fine condition.  There is a tag calling off a 1888 patent.   It looks to be operable but has not been tested.  Very nice. 

Fine . . . . . $45.00        SOLD!!

Westinghouse Direct Current Volt MeterWestinghouse Direct Current Volt Meter  Everything seems to be OK.  9" Diameter.  Cast iron housing.  Great look.  Very Nice!! 

Fine  . . . . . $75.00       SOLD!

Weston AmmeterWeston Ammeter  The label says it is for the General Railway Signal Co. of Rochester NY.  There are 15 patent dates on the small ID tag ranging from 1885 to 1901.  Cast Iron housing, and approx. 9" dia.   Nice.

Fine. . . . . $50.00        SOLD!!

Weston Station AmmeterWeston Station Ammeter  A large and graphic meter in nice condition. It is approx. 9" across at the bottom and larger across the curved top.  It stands a bit over 12" tall.  The needle swings freely. The tag on the front has multiple patents from pre 1900.  It has a light bulb socket on the back.   Very nice. 

Good + . . . . . 325.00       SOLD!!

Westinghouse Volt MeterWestinghouse Electric Manufacturing Co. Alternating Current Voltmeter  A large and graphic volt meter in nice condition. It is approx. 14" across at the widest point across the curved top.  It stands approx. 12" tall.  The needle swings freely.  There is a crack in the glass on the left side as shown in the pics.   There are two flip out doors on the back for access to allow light bulbs to be screwed in.   Very nice.   

Good + . . . . . 350.00      SOLD!!

General Electric Watt MeterGeneral Electric Watt Meter   This is a very nice condition meter. The date it was put into service was 1936.  No leather handle.  Clean, straight from the collection and ready for yours.   Nice!!  

Fine . . . . . $40.00      SOLD!!

Electro Dental Mfg. Co. Rheostat / Speed ControlElectro Dental Mfg. Co. Rheostat / Speed Control  Used to control speeds on this outfits line of dental drills or other similar applications.   Nice.

Good +. . . . . $50.00      SOLD!!

Fort Wayne Electric Corp. Wood System Phase Indicator Fort Wayne Electric Corp. "Wood System" Phase Indicator   This is a beautiful meter for the collection.  The condition is stunning.  It is marked Pat Appd For.  Note that it reads right to left.   Different!!   Fort Wayne Electric Corp. Wood System Phase Indicator Fort Wayne Electric Corp. Wood System Phase Indicator Fort Wayne Electric Corp. Wood System Phase Indicator Fort Wayne Electric Corp. Wood System Phase Indicator

Fine . . . . . $295.00     SOLD!!

K & D Am-Meter K & D Am-Meter  Everything seems to be OK.   Wood case is nice.  Great look. Has tag from early California Electric Supply Distributer Paul Seiler on back.  Very Nice!!  K & D Am-Meter K & D Am-Meter K & D Am-Meter K & D Am-Meter

Fine  . . . . . $40.00      SOLD!!

National Otoscope Ophthalmoscope & More - Deluxe Medical Exam Set National Otoscope Ophthalmoscope & More - Deluxe Medical Exam Set Super condition in wood box. Includes many accessories.

The box top is marked National. According to the catalog brochure this is the top of the line model that cost $61.30, a lot of money in the day. And that was before this years price increase as the brochure is marked obsolete and one can bet the prices were not lowered.

It looks to have never been used. Perfect for the collection, as a gift, for use, or any number of other things.

Fine . . . . . $40.00         SOLD!!

Western Electric No. 5780 Magnetron Electron TubeWestern Electric No. 5780 Magnetron Electron Tube  Here it is. Weird and odd. Any attempt by me to tell you what it did or was for is above my pay grade. It has a huge magnetic attraction and appeal to it.

The glass tube, as can be seen, is broken and so this is being sold as-is for parts, for the powerful magnets, or for restoration, if possible.

I did find a site with a PDF that fully describes its use, function, and design. It can be viewed at - using Google.

PARTS  . . . . . $50.00        SOLD!!

Scaleometer / Magnifier - Miniature Microscope Scaleometer / Magnifier - Miniature Microscope  This interesting miniature antique magnifier / microscope is properly called a scaleometer. It is in nice overall condition in its hard case.

The eyepiece screws in and out to focus. The second eye piece has a crosshair. The auxiliary handle clips on to hold it steady. Used in the field and in the lab to look at glass specimen slides.

Fine  . . . . . $55.000             SOLD!!

E. H. Sargent & Co. Specific Gravity Balance ScaleE. H. Sargent & Co. Specific Gravity Balance Scale w/ Beaker & Weights  Fine complete condition. The scale beam / bar is marked Made in Germany. The outer wooden box has the Sargent name.

Fine . . . . . $40.00

Carl Zeiss Jena Pocket Microscope Carl Zeiss Jena Pocket Microscope Same as above w/ less pieces.  There is one eyepiece that slides into the adjustable post. Base has a 1 1/2-in. dia. housing for accepting the 2 different size aperture plates. Also has a fine adjust pointer that fits on the post. All housed in a small fitted, slide-top fruitwood box.

Good . . . . . .175.00       SOLD!!

R. Fuess Steglitz b. Berlin Air Meter - AnemometeR. Fuess Steglitz b. Berlin Air Meter - Anemometer Great condition and a neat looking instrument. This unusual wind speed register has a great look and is working.

Fine . . . . . $200.00       SOLD!!

R. Fuess Steglitz b. Berlin Air Meter - AnemometeR. Fuess Steglitz b. Berlin Air Meter - Anemometer The maker is R. Feuss of Germany. Good condition and a neat looking scientific / surveying related instrument. This wind speed register is in the original metal box or case.  Still operable.

Good . . . . . $60.00      SOLD!!

E. Leitz Wetzlar Microscope Illuminator / LightE. Leitz Wetzlar Microscope Illuminator / Light  Super original condition in box.

Fine . . . . . $100.00           SOLD!!

Carl Zeiss Jena Pocket MicroscopeCarl Zeiss Jena Pocket Microscope   Super condition!! Comes complete with three interchangeable eyepieces that slide into the adjustable post. Base has a 1 1/2-in. dia. housing for accepting one of five different size aperture plates. Also has a fine adjust pointer. All housed in a small fitted, slide-top fruitwood box.

Fine . . . . . . 395.00          SOLD!!

Ernst Leitz Wetzlar Camera Lucida (Zeichenokular)Ernst Leitz Wetzlar Camera Lucida (Zeichenokular)  There are a number of different versions of these devices that were developed for use with a microscope or as stand alone instruments that allowed the user to see what he was viewing and draw it at the same time.

The Lietz Wetzlar Camera Lucida (Zeichenokular) is designed as a drawing aid for microscope work. It replaces the ocular of the microscope and provides for simultaneous viewing of the specimen and the tip of the drawing instrument. It has two Swing-out density filters to allow for equalization of the brightness of the two superimposed images. The tube diameter is 23.5mm. The overall length is 60mm. The tube is chrome plated. Production period 1910 to 1933.

Here is a link to a site that pictures and describes many different camera Lucida styles including one of these. ""

And here is another German site with many interesting microscope accessories to view.

Good + . . . . . $150.00         SOLD!!

E. Leitz Wetzlar Camera LucidaE. Leitz Wetzlar Microscope Illuminator  This is a microscope vertical illuminator accessory, not a camera Lucida. A vertical illuminator is installed between the objective and the body tube of the microscope. The revolving nosepiece is unthreaded (it would be held onto the bottom of the body tube by a threaded nut that has the same RMS objective thread).

The device has two different types of reflectors - a Gauss beam-splitter and a right-angle prism. It is also equipped with a lower-power reflector system as well as a couple of objective change rings.  It appears to be complete, with all spaces in the box filled, but the pics are the real story should you know more than I do.

Good + . . . . . $350.00         SOLD!!

Leitz Wetzlar Micrometer Microscope EyepieceLeitz Wetzlar Micrometer Microscope Eyepiece  Super original condition in box. I have about 20 Microscope objective lenses & eyepieces to list. I know little more than what is written on them, and what the pics say, so we are going to let the pics tell most of the story.

Good + . . . . . $250.00         SOLD!!

Ernst Leitz Wetzlar Microscope Slide StageErnst Leitz Wetzlar Microscope Slide Stage  Super original condition in original marked box.

Fine . . . . . $250.00        SOLD!!

Sykes Hydrometer Specific Gravity TesterSykes Hydrometer Specific Gravity Tester  Includes Beaker, Weights, Thermometer, Magnifier, all housed nice wooden box. Good overall condition noting chip in magnifier glass. Used to test alcohol content in liquids.

Good + . . . . . $20.00        SOLD!!

Antique Burroughs Glass Side Adding MachineBurroughs Glass Side Adding Machine   Big and heavy.  Cutting edge technology in its day.  Carefully restored and operational.  A neat piece!!

Good + . . . . .  $195.00      SOLD!!

Wood Case Analytical Balance ScaleWood Case Analytical Apothecary Balance Scale  This precision lab or apothecary balance scale is in good overall condition. The glass panels are all good. It seems to be operational. I see no maker info anywhere on the case or the scale itself.

Good + . . . . . . . $95.00       SOLD!!

Casella London Clockwork Aspirated PsychrometerCasella London Clockwork Aspirated Psychrometer A device to determine temperature and humidity. It has a label form Science Associates Inc. / Weather Instruments on the body

Not sure of the who, where, when, or why, questions, but the clockwork mechanism works, and the thermometer tubes are good. It looks to have seen little actual use. There are numerous write-ups for others to be found online.

Fine . . . . . $150.00          SOLD!

Whitall & Tatum Specific Gravity BottleWhitall & Tatum Specific Gravity Bottle  A great piece in super condition for display. Includes an inscribed glass beaker with funnel housed in near perfect japanned tin case w/ nice label. Used to measure the perfect amount of water when testing alcohol content or specific gravity in liquids.

Fine . . . . . $50.00         SOLD!!

Jeweler's Poising Tool / Clock Watch Maker Clamp / ViseJeweler's Poising Tool / Clock Watch Maker Clamp / Vise   Marked Germany. Nice!!

Fine . . . . .40.00          SOLD!!

Watch Maker's Jewel Setting / Rubbing Tools in Hard CaseWatch Maker's Jewel Setting / Rubbing Tools in Hard Case  These tools are for setting jewels in watches. I see no maker name on this set. I found a page that pictures similar and describes the process. Nice!!

Fine . . . . . $100.00            SOLD!!

Carl Zeiss Jena Binokulare Lupe / Stereo Magnifier Carl Zeiss Jena Binokulare Lupe / Stereo Magnifier The outer box, and the Binocular Magnifier are marked Zeiss. The inside of the box has a EB Meyrowitz label. Meyrowitz is a well known name for Microscopes and accessories and probably marketed it. There are 3 sets of lenses each marked with a different power, 25 being the biggest. Somehow I left out a pic of the front. The lenses are all good. It is marked with a #1686 and Germany in addition to the Zeiss name. It also says 62mm and DRGN on the right side.

Good +. . . . . .295.00

Seidal & Naumann Mechanical Chain Adding Machine CalculatorSeidel & Naumann Mechanical Chain Adding Machine Calculator in Wooden Case This unusual German adding machine dates from shortly after 1900. The only ID on the case and device is S N. It is housed in a marked case, and includes a stylus. It has 9 columns and is operational.

Fine . . . . . . $250.00         SOLD!!

The Rapid Computer Co. Chicago Patented 1892 from Harvard UniversityThe Rapid Computer Co. Chicago Adding Machine /  Patented 1892  A fellow named Landin was granted a patent for this style chain drive adding machine in 1892.  Production moved around, first in Minneapolis MN, then to Benton Harbor MI and then Germany.  The serial # on this one is 5590. There is a write-up and history on this style calculator on the site

There is no mention there, or at the other antique office machine site with info about these adders being produced in Chicago as this one indicates.  Even more unusual is the fact that this one is stamped on both the machine and the box that it came from Harvard University.  The condition is very nice and it is operable.  The box shows some wear but is pretty nice as well.   A piece of history.

Fine  . . . . . $225.00    SOLD!!

The Gem Adder / Patented Adding Machine in BoxThe Gem Adder / Patented Adding Machine in Box This chain drive adder / adding machine is in Fine condition. It is complete in the original box with guarantee and registration paper as well as the cloth case.

The slides all function and it will zero out.  An interesting calculation device that clearly demonstrates just how far we have come.

Fine . . . . . . $50.00          SOLD!!

Original Odhner Model 30 Pin Wheel CalculatorOriginal Odhner Model 30 Pin Wheel Calculator Original Odhner Calculators went through many modifications over its lifetime. The basic design idea was first introduced in the 1870s. The design and name changed several times over the years. One of the best sites to read about and see many different models is John Wolfs site,   He does not list a Model 30 but has a No. 29 he dates from 1938, and this Model 30 seems to be a very close match. The cosmetic condition is very nice. A look back into the past.

Fine . . . . . $195.00       SOLD!!

Monroe L160-X Stepped Drum Calculator Monroe L160-X Calculator / Adding Machine Monroe Calculators / Adding Machines are one of the best known and widely available drum style calculators available. The design went through many modifications over its lifetime. This one dates from the 50s or so, and is the miniaturized executive model. This example saw little use and in still housed in it original carry case.

One of the best sites to read about and see all the different models is John Wolfs site,

Fine . . . . . $125.00        SOLD!!

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