Antique Salesman Samples
Shop Models / Toy & Model Steam Engines
& More
We buy Antique
Patent Models and Vintage Salesman Samples!!
buy, sell, and deal in antique salesman samples, patent models and detailed
shop built antique models related to
tools & technology.
models or salesman samples including Salesman Sample Washers, Patent Models, and Salesman Samples
of Farm Machinery are sought.
Our 2 websites are one of the largest and most visible sources for
information about, and actual sales of salesman samples and patent models on the internet. We conduct our internet sales from our
sister site
www.Patented-Antiques.com Please visit that site if you are in the market to buy
similar antiques.
To see examples of Past sales results with descriptions and prices click
the appropriate link in the right column.

The picture on the right is a coffee bean
or other seed or bean drying
machine that dates from the later part of the 19th
century. The idea was that the beans were
cooled to prevent them from overcooking after the roasting
process. Cool air
was fed into this device from the bottom by blowing
cool air through the material as you stirred it with the paddle and operated the
up and down mechanism.
We are also interested in, and buy
and sell small table top coffee grinders or
mills as well as wall mount coffee grinders. I
have another page under the Americana Heading to cover
Coffee Mills
you can check out.
We are
interested in buying both toy and salesman samples of stoves, washers, and
other pieces, but there
is such a huge difference in values between the two that it is oftentimes difficult
to understand. Many sellers assume their toy stove, washer, sewing machine or other
object is a salesman sample when in fact it is a toy, and then proceed
to grossly overvalue /overprice their mass produced toy.
This same dilemma also arises with steam toys. It is
oftentimes hard to differentiate
what are obviously toys by outfits such as Jensen, Weyden, Plank, Marklin
and others, and what are obviously shop built machinist made models of
steam engines. Toys are often found in shops with tags
mistakenly identifying them as salesman samples, or claiming toys from
the 1980's are antiques from the 1880's.
Germans made
some very detailed and exacting toy steam engines that look just like full
size steam engines, but they are still toys. There are also
detailed models of steam engines that have been made ever since the
engines were made. On the left is a contemporary model of a steam
engine and generator made in the 1990's by a model maker and sold
through Christies auction houses. It is a contemporary
model, made trecently and sold in
the large auctions houses as art. They are not true salesman samples. They are neat, well done, and can
be quite expensive, but are still just models. Similar things are
being produced here in the states as well. From miniature one lung
engines, farm machinery, hog oilers and more. Lastly there is the
class of small steam engines like the Creator steam engines that were used in
popcorn machines or to power other small machines during the era before the
introduction of electricity.
In general salesman samples can come in all shapes and sizes. We primarily
seek mechanical examples dating from the late 1800's
and in some cases extending into the early 1900's. Some
people argue that in order for an object to be called a salesman
sample it must have a case or box that it would be carried in that the
door-to-door salesman would utilize. This
is not always true. The roll of tool and axe handles on the left is a good example.
Think about the models you see on retail
counters of stores acting as advertising and salesman samples today. They
do not have boxes, and there have been store / countertop displays as long as there
have been general or country stores. On
the right is a salesman sample Pallet Jack by Yale & Towne from the 20's
or so.
Another category of antiques / collectibles that we deal
in that are oftentimes misidentified as salesman samples are toy sewing
machines or TSM's. I have never seen a salesman sample sewing machine,
from any era, but half or more of all toy machines listed for sale on eBay are
identified as salesman samples, especially Singer toy sewing machines.
Models & Salesman Samples of Washing Machines & Washers
We Buy Antique
Patent Models and Salesman Samples!!
We are interested in any original U.S. Patent Models, early salesman samples of washers,
toy washers, and other detailed antique
models or salesman
samples related to those categories of antiques that we
specialize in. We have
bought & sold many U.S. Patent models, antique salesman samples,
and other detailed antique models of washing machines, vintage ironing devices, other collectible laundry related antiques. Some of the laundry related pieces and washers
we have previously sold have appeared on the Antique Roadshow.
We conduct our internet
antique sales from our
sister site www.Patented-Antiques.com
Please visit that site if you are in the market to buy antiques.
It is amazing how many different patent models and
salesman samples of early washing machines were produced. The number of patents given out for these devices spanning from the the
early to later parts of the 19th century number in the thousands and a
lot of them have survived.

For Patent
models to be complete and proper they should have their original patent tag
and usually their receiving tag from the Patent Office. For more info on
the history of Patent
Models see our Patent Model page.
This picture
depicts a very detailed example of
Yankee ingenuity running wild in the form of a patent model for an unusual
plunger type washing machine. A mechanical plunger / washer must
have seemed like a pretty advanced concept to this fellow, even
though he hailed from San Francisco. One can only wonder what his
world experience was or if he had ever
seen what the competition was offering when he came up with this
idea. This 1885
patent was granted for an idea whose time was already past---by 1885 when
this patent was issued there were already much more advanced and practical
washers on the market to impress the American consumer.

next picture is of a patent model of an antique washing machine that is in
the form of a wheelbarrow. This was an idea that was so absurd that Mr. Maytag's
idea was
sure to be a winner some years down the line. But hey, this is America, the place
that was built on ideas, and where
you can sell most anything. This model was set up to be operated
when stationary, and pushed just to get to the next job. The
inventor must have had to push one some where in his past to have come
up with this wacky idea. I have spent 20 some years looking for the full size
version, but fear this is an example of a better idea that never made
it into production.
Please Note:

are looking for are patent models and salesman sample washers. The more
absurd and unworkable ideas the better. We are
not in the market for the full-size washer your neighbor
gave you, or that your mother never
the scrap guy to come pick up, or was left in the basement of the house
you just bought. We do
not buy Mangles or Ironrite ironing machines either.
Salesman Sample & Toy Washing Machines
In addition to the many patent model washers of
antique washing
machines that are available there are also salesman samples and
small size toy washers that resemble their full size counterparts.
Generally speaking, if they have the manufacturer's location, patent info and other information stenciled on them,
we consider them to be salesman
samples or display models rather than toys. As illustrated by the Queen
Washer on the left.
The washer on the right is a graphic example of
the difference between what we consider to be a salesman sample and a toy
washer. The difference in quality and craftsmanship
are clear and evident when comparing these two machines. The early
salesman sample / display model on the left is a much more valuable
and desirable than the typical toy washer on the right.
One might sell for as much as $1000.00 and the toy as little as
The sample & Child size washers
seen and described here and on the archive sale result pages are examples of the
caliber, condition and quality of these antiques that I am primarily interested in
To see examples of antiques
that I currently have for sale please go to our sister site
at www.Patented-Antiques.com and
visit the numerous sale pages you will find there.
We are active and
serious buyers, sellers and dealers in antique salesman samples. If you have salesmen samples or
models, miniature toys, or or other science & technology related items,
that you want to sell please let us know by
contacting us at AntiqBuyer@gmail.com
Salesman Sample Stoves / Toy & Child Size
Ranges & Stoves
Patent Model Stoves &
Laundry Stoves
We NO LONGER Buy or Can Help You Sell Toy or
Salesman Sample Size Small Stoves!!
Small antique stoves are one of the most widely
misunderstood of all collectibles in the
marketplace today. Even the "experts" often times cannot agree on
what constitutes a salesman sample, display model, a simple toy, or even
outright fakes. Some argue that salesman sample stoves do not
exist. They do. Some will call a legitimately old small
stove a salesman sample, while others call it a toy, and still others
call that same stove a display model or display piece that would sit in
the store window. And all of this from people that supposedly know and
understand antiques. The truth is one stove might fit two or more
of those descriptions as the stove to the left does.
Many less knowledgeable sellers call
relatively new toy stoves antiques and salesman samples, innocently or

I am not an expert, or the final word, but I will try and not confuse the issue,
and at the same time describe the types and styles of small vintage stoves.
Note: We
do not buy, sell or deal in full
size gas, electric or wood fired stoves!!
I do not have parts, or know what they are worth, or where you can sell
Salesman Sample & Toy Stoves
Pictured on the left is the #503 Charter
Oak Stove. Charter Oak stoves came in several sizes and
different finishes with the 503 being the largest. It was made or offered by a well known stove company, and it could
legitimately be called a salesman sample, toy, or store
display. Full size examples of this
stove were available for sale. That does not always, or
definitively make a
small model or toy size stove a salesman sample. There is room
for discussion or differing points of view on stoves like this.
I have been told that those who bought a full size stove, could buy, or were given, one
of these stoves for the kids. There would be marketing
concepts that would explain
this such as building brand loyalty, and I do not doubt it. This stove weighs in at 70 some pounds,
measures over 24" across and I seriously doubt anybody's grandpa
or distant relative was carting one around door to door peddling them.
I have seen
many legitimate salesman sample stoves in their carrying cases.
Many were gas or electric
stoves or ranges from the
teens or twenties. These were a size and makeup that the salesman
could have carried around while attempting to
convince the shopkeeper or housewife of the marvels of gas or electricity over that
hot and labor intensive wood fired beast over in the corner.
Salesman samples should not be confused with the small electric toy kitchen ranges
that actually work that are constantly offered as salesman samples on
eBay or in "antique" shops. These small electric toy stoves are often operable and many are enameled.
They are nicely made, but are toys and not salesman samples. I have seen these
offered for sale for several thousand dollars and seen others still
sitting on the shelf for a couple hundred. They sell for even less
when offered on eBay.
Larger and well detailed stoves such as
The Majestic, Karr, or
the US that I have pictured in the top corner of this page are examples
that have enamel or graniteware exteriors. Just to
the right is another interesting stove, an enameled Baby. This is a relatively
common toy stove in plain cast iron or nickel finish and is a
This same design stove can be found with several different names on the
door, but is rarely found enameled as this one is.
Condition is critical to the value of these stoves, and
those that are broken up or missing pieces are not worth what
the one you saw on the Roadshow appraise at, or what you saw one bring on
some other TV antique show. Speaking of current values, there is a
book out by a fellow named Ford that has some great examples of these
types of stoves pictured. It is a price guide, but when those values are compared to what
most stoves
are typically selling for today on eBay these days there are enormous disparities.
Be aware!!
small cast
iron stove on the left is French. It is nicely done, very detailed and quite
This stove even has an enamel lined water tank on the far right.
I was once told that these stoves were for actual use in apartments in France.
I am not sure if that is true
and find it hard to imagine as it measures just 12" or so high and
only 20" across.
Some of the largest and most prolific makers of toy
cast iron stoves were Stevens,
Hubley and
a few others. Stoves with names like the
Baby, Royal, Queen, were
made by these toy makers, while in general stoves with names like Buck's, Charter Oak,
Detroit Stove Works, or others with actual company or stove works in their
names were made by or for that company. But again, that does not
necessarily make them salesman samples. On the right is an example of
a stove that is very similar to its larger counterpart. It is marked
Detroit Stove Works. I believe that it is just a toy or at best a
display model and not
a true salesman
also buy and sell small laundry stoves
and /or different style sad iron heaters that went along with
stoves to heat pressing irons
with. We can also help you sell things like stove pipe trivets or
mitten warmers like the one pictured
on the right above the laundry stove pictured. In each of these categories there are many
different varieties available, and we are interested in all legitimate and good
condition pieces for inclusion to our sale pages on our sister site
www.Patented-Antiques.com where we have numerous antiques from a host of categories
available for sale as well.
Fake & Reproduction Stoves
The most commonly seen or found NEW stoves are marked
Crescent, Queen, Royal, Favorite, or Spark. In each instance
there are legit old versions of these stoves. Some of these
knockoffs have been being
made for so long that the distinction of old / new is being lost.
I do not consider a Crescent stove from the
60-70's to be "real" or legit. I consider it to be new, a
knockoff, and fake, or reproduction. That is what it is. You might not
think that and that is fine. There are
people who believe the earth is flat and that dinosaurs and man roamed
the earth at the same time and that is fine as well, but that idea should not be foisted upon others
as fact, or
used to deceive another when presenting it for sale or seeking info.
Provenance of I bought it from an 80 year old XX years
ago is meaningless. Same with Grandma owned it unless you yourself are
approaching 100 years old. Show me a vintage photograph of Grammie
with it in the playhouse and you will have something. Or the
receipt dated 188X, or ------ . I bought the fake Favorite
pictured just below from a 90 year old and she had owned it for 30 years
or more. It is still
a fake.
These new stoves have flooded
the market and are always offered up as the real thing on
eBay, the Internet, and in the group "antique" shops all over the country. Well over 90% of what
you see offered on eBay in the way of small stoves
are new or reproductions, and yet they are usually being offered as
salesman samples or vintage antiques by the dealers proudly displaying them. Most notably and
frequently seen are the many different versions of Crescent,
a couple different versions of the Favorite, and the
pot-bellied Spark. I will speak about just one here.
"Favorite" Cast Iron Stove is a Reproduction:
On the left I have
pictured a newer Favorite stove, and even though this particular stove is at
years old, was bought by an old person, from an old person, it is a
fake nonetheless. I have heard this version was made in Mexico in the 60's
Perhaps it has a place in the decorator's scheme,
but when sold, it should be offered for what it is and at a price that
reflects that. They typically sell for around $200 on eBay. The latest
fake version of the Favorite Stove (not shown) must
be from the
Far East or China and the molds done off of one of these earlier remakes.
newest version is so rough and poorly cast that you can hardly read the
name in the front door. They are also put together with Phillips head screws
and the stove lids are so poorly done that no question should remain as
to their authenticity, and yet they are offered as antiques all the time.
I have seen numerous attempts to make these
new stoves appear to be
legit by changing
out screws or having the doors nickeled or replacing the top
lids, but they still look horrible. I use to visit with a fellow
who spent his later years
in front of a TV with fake mini KK waffle irons in hand rubbing them with
emery to improve the look. That was 30 some years ago, and he was
making a living buying them for $5.00 and selling them for $50.00.
They looked good when he was done, but they too were fake.
the right is an original Dolly's Favorite Stove that these re-pops are
fashioned after. Hopefully you can see
the difference in the blow-up pic. The one other tell for the
real Favorite stove is that none of the fakes are marked on the side
panel Dolly's
Favorite as this one is.
Note Concerning the market for
small stoves This is a market that has suffered greatly in the recent past. There are a number of reasons. In no particular order, and with little
explanation, here is a list of some reasons for that.
- Serious old time collectors of
stoves have passed, left the market and no longer buy or drive the
- Major old time dealers in them
have passed, left the market and no longer buy or sell
- Dealers priced themselves out of the market
- The bubble burst
- Tastes have changed and todays buyers would just as
soon have a $40.00 NEW / fake stove from China as a $400.00 or 4,000.00 real stove
- Fakes are routinely offered as real
- Shipping Costs, breakage issues, non
insurable or claims denied
- Ebay
- Pinterest - Why collect objects when you can collect pictures.
- etc.
Thank you!!
Larry & Carole