Below is a general
outline of the specific types of antiques and vintage
are looking to buy and add to our antique sales pages on our sister sales
On the left are pages w/ specific info.
Please visit the past sales archive pages
in the right column to view Antiques sold in the past.
Please contact us at anytime if you have interesting antiques for sale similar
to those you see on the various pages of this website.
Please provide me with a many details as possible.
Surveying Instruments & Related Antiques
18th & 19th Century Surveying Instruments
* Engineer's Transits * Theodolites * Wye Levels * Solar Compass
* Surveyor's Compass * Solar Transit * Mining Transit * Sextants
* Alidades * Drafting Sets * Planimeter * Plumb Bobs * Surveying Chains
* Stadia Rules * Octants * Tripods * Plummets
* Etc.
Early Technology / Early Office & Scientific Antiques
Antique Pencil Sharpeners * Calculators/Adders
* Vintage Staplers * Check Protectors * Slide Rules * Antique Typewriters
* Battery Powered & Electric Fans * Water Powered & Fuel Fans * Early Electric Motors * Antique
Light Bulbs * Microscopes * Telescopes * Early Meters * Scientific
Demonstrators * Etc.
Antique Sewing Machines
Pre 1870 Patented Sewing Machines * Cast
Iron Child / Travel
Size Sewing Machines * Child Treadle Sewing Machines * Sewing Machines w/ Built-in Clamps * Figural Sewing Machines
* Sewing Birds & Figural Sewing Clamps * Antique Sewing Related Tools * Singer
221 / 222 Featherweight Sewing Machines & More
Antique & Collectible Tools
Antique Wooden Molding Planes
* Patented Metal Planes * Carpenter's Tools & Rules * Early Machinist
Tools * Patented Levels * Saws * All Antique Tools * Related Tool
Paper, Images, Hardware Store & Trade Catalogs * And More!
Ironing & Laundry Related Antiques
Fluting Irons * Fluters
* Antique Trivets * Unusual Antique Pressing Irons or Sadirons * Liquid
Fuel Irons* Pleaters * Gas Irons * Box Irons / Slug Irons * Salesman Sample or
Early Childs Washing Machines * Laundry and Ironing Related Patent Models
* Etc.
Americana & Kitchen Antiques
Antique Egg Beaters * Patented Mixers * Butter Churns * Apple
Peelers / Parers * Nutmeg Graters * Milk Shake Mixers * Mechanical
Seeders * Ice Cream Scoops * Shavers * Coffee Mills and Grinders* Antique
Advertising * Can Openers * Cork Screws * Figural Cast Iron * And More!
Farm Antiques
Corn Shellers * Antique Rope Winders * Patented & Antique
Wrenches * Oil Cans & Oilers * Cast Iron Seats * Antique Farm Tools *
Early Electric Motors * Steam Related Antiques * Steam Whistles
* Agricultural Patent Models & Salesmen Samples
Patent Models / Salesman Samples & Whatzits
Salesman or Salesmen Samples * US Patent Models * Patented and Mechanical Gizmos
& Whatsits * Unidentified Gadgets and
Much More
The process is simple.
If you have an interesting antique for
sale that you think
we would be interested in contact us anytime by email at
Please also see our FAQ Page for more information.
Please contact me with
something good, reasonably priced that I have an interest in and I
will buy it!!
Buying & Selling Antiques
The Short Answer
If you have antiques and collectibles previously discussed please contact us
with details including the price, and we will work out
some sort of a deal. That
is the short and simple answer.
Vague descriptions like I have a "mining light"
are you
interested? to describe the "TIP" miners carbide lamp at the left are not going to
work. There are similar looking carbide lamps
that sell for no more than $20. Some can sell for $200 or more. A few
carbide lamps will
sell for $2000 or more. I need to see, or know what is
you have in order to know if it is of interest.
The TIP carbide light on the left is worth approx. $100 in
nice condition. Beat up, dented, or otherwise damaged it would
struggle to go $20. Mint in the box, it might bring $200 or more.
The end value of antiques and collectibles is all in the details. In order to determine the
condition of an antique I need to see it. Your idea of great
condition could be a bit off when looked at with a critical eye. Some sellers are notorious for wearing rose colored glasses, or
may not knowing
something is damaged, or that a critical part is missing from something.
This is not, as some suppose, a game of cat and mouse.
That is not how I operate when buying and selling antiques. Of course there
is sometimes a negotiation process, and I can not always just say yes, or
be able to help you, but I am a serious, knowledgeable dealer and
seller of antiques and collectibles.
The Longer Answer /
Appraisals / Offers
I do not offer appraisals as a paid service
I do not respond well to casual requests, or demands, for what
my XXX worth without complete information, and some sort of an indication
you read this page. I
do respond to
most info requests that are nicely worded.
If you have an antique or antiques that you
want to sell outright and feel we would be interested
in, but do not know what you want for your antique, or are just curious
as to its value while researching your antique, please read
the FAQ / Questions page for further information before
contacting us about your antique(s).
You can research current values, asking prices, and past sale
results for many given
antiques by checking eBay. It is important to note
those numbers are oftentimes two completely
different numbers. It should also be noted that many of the
inflated results seen on Ebay are not valid. Canceled sales and shilled
auctions account for many of the bogus results you will see there.
There is also the outfit called Worthpoint
where to see past sale results spanning over the years on eBay, all you have to do is give
them your credit card info. The downside is many results found
there do not reflect current values they are so old. Pic-Click has
eBay results that are current and go back further than eBay saves.
Many large auction houses also promote their services by allowing access
to past results these days. That is actually a good resource.
Antique Consignment Sales
sales are an established method of selling antiques. Many antique stores
claim they offer this type
of service. Those sales are typically to a very limited and localized audience
and not to a worldwide audience our antique sales websites cater to. In addition to our website
traffic, we have a sizable client mailing list that we can offer select
pieces to privately.
For consignment sales, we are mostly interested in higher quality rarer pieces as opposed to
volumes of "stuff", but can discuss any or all pieces,
collections or
situations with prospective clients.
In a consignment sale both the owner, and me, the
end seller, are working together to realize the best price for
your antiques or collection.
The consignment sales approach eliminates the adversarial position in the
typical buyer / seller situation with me
trying to buy
your piece
or antique collection as cheaply as possible in an
attempt to realize the lions share of the profit or proceeds. It also eliminates the uncertainly and hassle of the auction approach
with wildly fluctuating prices and uncertainty involved in that venue. In a consignment sale, you the seller,
realizes his /
her asking price, or nothing happens. If there is
no sale, there is no fee or cost to you the owner, and no commission
To give some examples, I have been selling antique tools from a large and diverse
tool collection
(over 15,000) for one consignor for over 10 years. We are finished handling another antique collection related to general store,
ironing and advertising for some folks in OR. That took several years. We have
handled several other collections sad or
pressing irons for consignors. We sold over 300 antique and collectible sewing machines for another party on consignment. We sold 2 collections of antique Bootjacks for
different consignors. Another collection we sold focused on antique mine lighting. In addition to these large
and small antique collections we are also helping numerous individual owners sell antiques
and collectibles related to our many areas of specialty.
These arrangements
have worked out well for
all parties, and there are advantages in taking this
approach for you the seller. There are
certain restrictions and standards to be met. Please see the
FAQ page for more info on this. The main downside for the seller is some consignment sales can take a
long time.
can and will help you sell your quality antiques on a consignment basis from our sales site
or I will list your antiques on eBay for you if that is the way you want
to go. I have two Ebay IDs,
TheAntiqueMerchant &
Take a look.
you have antiques you are interested
in selling outright, or on consignment, please contact us at
with all pertinent details and we will happily
discuss it with you.
Offers for
Consignment sales not for you?
Don't know what to ask? Want a quick sale or an offer for your Antique? Read On.
If you want to sell your antique but cannot name a price,
and you want me to make you
an offer, I will.
But there is a catch.
After determining I have an
interest, from the detailed information,you provide, including
pics, we will arrange for you
to ship your piece to us. After
examining it and determining its real condition and determining a
reasonable value I will make you a
fair and reasonable offer. If you are not
happy with that offer I will re-pack it and send it back to you at my
cost. Or I will try and help you sell from my website for the amount you did
have in mind, if within reason, and neglected to reveal when you said
you had no idea what you wanted for it.
If you do not like my
offer you will be out some time and the cost of shipping one way
if you have me ship it back to you. You
get a free
appraisal, and a purchase offer, for the cost of shipping one way. Fair
enough? Contact me if you want to go that route. I am just
an email away.
Don't like the sound of that? Put a price on
it and lets go.
We Buy / Sell & Deal
Quality Antiques & Collections of Antiques
Collections of antiques and collectibles have a special meaning and presence in the world of
antiques. Seemingly
mundane individual items can take on new
meaning and significance when placed in the context of a well-focused and thoughtfully assembled collection.
Antique collections can
be used to demonstrate how a particular idea or object evolved through
its different stages of development, or as a powerful and interesting
visual design statement, or simply as a means of preserving a portion of
our heritage for future generations to enjoy, view, and learn from.
Over the years we
have bought and sold numerous collections of antiques from all over the
country ranging
from tool collections, collections of irons and
laundry-related antiques, collections of antique pencil sharpeners, a
collection of antique hotel / call bells, several collections of
antique sewing machines, bootjack collections, collections of patent models, salesman
sample stove collections, washing machine collections, and more.
We have helped
sell portions of several large antique collections and collections in their
entirety for collectors downsizing or refocusing their collections after years of enjoying
their antique collections. We have also provided our services to the heirs if the collector waited too long
as happens all too often.
We are experienced and well
positioned to take on the task and the considerable work involved in
properly dealing with this sort of endeavor.
At every imaginable venue, antique shows, antique shops,
auctions, etc. where quality
antiques use to be offered there
is now nameless insignificant stuff that's not even as old as
I am, and junk that is simply ordered new from catalogs being offered
up as antiques and collectibles.
Or the newest rage, things, or assemblages of nameless unimportant stuff offered
as antiques, or "repurposed" nothing called antiques.
General line auctions around the country,
where great antiques and stuff use to routinely show up, are now full of
nameless insignificant fill and fluff.
We heard this refrain from dealers
and collectors alike ever since we have been involved with antiques. That it was all gone, and there was nothing left. That is going on
40 some plus years now. We use to
chuckle as old-timers complained about how it was all gone while we were still buying and selling some great stuff back in the 80's, 90s and
even early 2000s.
You just had to work harder.
Sadly, we now we feel that it has finally come to be
true and is certainly true for those types of
antiques that are of primary interest to us. The supply of
true antiques, as they use to be gathered, or acquired, has about dried up.
We have come to the
conclusion, and now reluctantly admit, and truly believe, that the vast majority of
quality antiques we are interested in are already in collections around
the country.

The days of quality antiques, and "good stuff"
coming out of the attic or being dug out of the basement or garage are
much over.
Over the years we have consistently bought the
majority of our best and favorite antiques out of
and from private collectors, individuals, and fellow dealers around the
country who recognized the significance of the piece a long time ago. The common thread is that the vast majority of the great pieces
that come to market today always seem to come from older collections or
accumulations purposefully assembled over the
Our Role
Collections of antiques
oftentimes need to be dispersed in a different way from that in which they
originally assembled, and it takes a special knowledge and acumen to
properly catalog, identify, appreciate, and properly redistribute some
of these larger collections of antiques.
For example, a broad tool
collection, or a collection of diverse office antiques could well hold
more significance and interest when broken down and re-focused or re-assembled upon
specific segments or themes. For example, say just the woodworking planes within a
large antique tool collection, or the mechanical pencil sharpeners or typewriters from a
collection that was focused
generally on office antiques. The same end retail buyer is almost certainly
not going to be interested in buying both the collection of antique
electric fans, and
pencil sharpeners that one collector of office related antiques assembled.
Certainly not at anything approaching retail prices. A dealer
might show interest, but it would be at pennies on the dollar of the
actual retail value, and in many instances that general line "antique" dealer would have no idea as to
the actual value of the individual better pieces in the collection.
Another consideration is
that in any collection there is always a small percentage of the whole
that is much more
desirable or valuable than the bulk---this can't be avoided given
the nature of collecting and rarity or value of the given pieces in a
collection. A general rule of thumb, for valuing most collections of antiques
we use what we call the 80-20
rule where 80% of the value is amassed in 20% of the volume.
This is an important concept to understand when you call somebody in to
buy a collection and they show interest in just a few things. In
the trade it is referred to as getting creamed, or creaming the
collection, and you do not want it
to happen to you unless you know you are getting top dollar for that
small portion of the collection you are being asked to sell.
We are willing to take and sell
the good and the bad, (or more common) and everything in between in order to acquire
the key pieces of
the collection as part of a package deal. This arrangement works to the
benefit of the owner / seller who is not
faced with the dreaded task of what to do with the "fluff" or lesser
items that are always left over after the top pieces from a collection are sold. An important consideration.
Take for example the iron
and laundry collection that we handled which included over 3,000
or sad irons and laundry related antiques. There were also over 60
full size washing machines, 200 or more washboards, and 1000 or so
trivets included in this collection. This large
and diverse collection had to be
carefully sorted and inventoried, then strategically broken down and
re-distributed into a number of smaller collections before it could be
identified, inventoried,
categorized, and cleaned this massive collection, and then carefully and methodically distributed it into other more focused and smaller collections.
By analyzing which items should be sold at which venues we were able to
resell this collection for full maximum benefit. Some
pieces sold for as little as a $1 and other antique irons sold individually for
thousands of dollars. The theory was to enhance the value of the upper end
items by not "diluting" their value by selling them in the same venue,
and at the same time, as the lower end more common items.
entire the entire collection's dispersal was accomplished
in a little over 6 months. A collection should be handled according what is the best way, not
just what is
fastest, in order to realize full value. This concept is all
about the downside of dispersing a collection like this at most auctions.
Lotting up and selling a collection might be quick and easy but guaranteed, a lot
of money that could have ended up in your pocket will be left behind.
We are interested in
buying antique collections, be
they large or small, diverse or tightly focused. We buy entire collections, as well as partial
segments of antique collections or even special individual pieces from
you have interesting antiques or a collection similar to what I have pictured on this
or other pages to sell please contact me by email at If you are not able to send emails call me at 530-748-7297.
To see examples of the
caliber, condition and quality antiques that we have
sold in the past, please visit the past sales
archives through the links at the right.
To see related antiques
that I have for sale now please go to our sister site
visit the numerous sale pages you will find there.
We will buy, or can help you sell quality Antiques
Contact Us.
Our current offering of
Antiques for sale are at our sister Website
Due to time constraints, a full time work schedule, and the large
volume of free appraisal and general information requests that we receive everyday, it
is not possible for us to respond to
all individual requests for general
information about every item, or give free online evaluations / appraisals of your antiques
that are not for sale. Please see the FAQ page for more info on
Thanks for understanding!!
Thank you!!
Larry & Carole